
A lot of anger

Raziel went to have his breakfast at his dining table, but he stopped in his tracks when he saw the princess already sitting there. Who showed her the way in here?

Princess Evelyn got up and walked to him, her steps seductive, she was almost floating.

"Good morning my prince." She smiled sweetly at him. She extended her hand, hoping he would take it, but he walked past her and went to take his sit. She went after him.

"We started off roughly yesterday, I believe you were stressed."

She came to stand behind him, her fingers caressing him lightly.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Who let you in?" Raziel asked instead of answering her.

She was stunned for a moment, then she smiled.

"Since we are going to be married, I think it's best we eat together."

"So you have not changed your mind about marrying me yet?"

Evelyn gasped. "Why would I? We are the perfect match for each other."

She only met him the previous day, and she had already concluded that they were a perfect match?

"Have a seat." Raziel said when he got tired of her caresses, and she sat down next to him. "What made you think that we are a perfect match?"

"Isn't it obvious? First of all, we both come from powerful pure blooded vampire families, and our fathers are kings of powerful kingdoms. Plus I can help you relieve your stress when you are tired." She rubbed on hand gently on his thighs under the table to demonstrate what she meant.

Raziel almost rolled his eyes. It is always seduction. He used one hand to pull her hand away from him.

"You haven't given me any reason why you think we are a perfect. You just told me a part of our histories that I am very aware of."

"But my prince..." She attempted a protest, but Raziel cut her off.

"You are not useful to me. You should learn that first." He then stood up, and walked away leaving the princess stunned.

She should learn to make herself useful?


"What are you writing Luciana?" Annalise asked as she peeked at Luciana's book from behind her.

"Just a list of different herbs."

Annalise looked at the writing for a while , not understanding what they meant or what she was going to do with herbs?

"Are they medicinal?" She asked.

"Yes. But in a bad way." Luciana answered.

"Poison?" Annalise joked.

"Not exactly, but hopefully it can be."

Now she frowned. Luciana was trying to make poison?

"How did you know how to make poison?"

"I am well versed in a lot of plants and their composition. I spend a lot educating myself." She then dropped her pen. She remembered how seriously she took her studies. Most human were not educated, but she had the opportunity to be. It was due to the help of the duke of Wesborne, Elric Wright, who had taken a liking to her for a reason she couldn't fathom.

"You know, I am really glad the prince bought us." Annalise began. "We don't have to work so hard like lady Rowena always made us do. We get to eat good food to our fill, we get to sleep as much as we like. Except the times that Rebecca would not let you be though." She sighed. "I know this is only temporary, but I will enjoy it while it lasts. The only thing that would make it better is if they let us go to find our families."

Her gaze changed. Luciana could see the sadness and longing in her eyes.

"You will find them." Luciana assured her. She wasn't sure, but she just wanted her to feel good.

"What are we going to do if we never find them again?" Annalise asked, the fear in her voice too obvious to be hidden.

"I... I..." Luciana couldn't voice out anything. Her family. She knew she was never going to see them again. She wasn't even sure if Freya was alive.

"Let's talk about less depressing thing alright." Annalise said when she noticed Luciana getting lost. She feared she would start hurting herself again. "So you mention something about the prince letting you in his room yesterday."


"His bedroom? And you are being this calm about it? Tell me more." Annalise squealed excitedly, as she shook Luciana's shoulders.

Luciana frowned. "What is there to tell? He only got the physician to treat my wound."

"Isn't that beautiful?"

"Isn't that suspicious?" Luciana asked instead, making the smile on Annalise's face fall. "How come he loves to buy human slaves, but never allow any harm come to them?"

"I don't know." Annalise shrugged.

"Then he comes to take them away, and they never return."

"What do you think?" Annalise asked.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out. But I have a theory that he could be draining our blood. Maybe the pure blooded vampires need to consume more blood." Luciana said. She then turned back to her book to write something, not seeing the frightened look on Annalise's face.

"That could be true. Maybe he is going to drain us all." Annalise said in horror.

"You should mind the way you speak of the prince both of you. Especially now when the his future bride to be is here." Agnes warned.

Luciana suddenly stood up, carrying her books.

"Where are you going?" Annalise asked.

"To the library."

"I wonder why you spend so much time reading anyway. It's boring, and totally not going to be useful to you." Agnes stated, but Luciana didn't hear as she had already walked out.

She got to the library, hoping to get allowed into the exclusive side again. She was aware that might not happen, as it was the prince himself that granted her permission to use it the first time.

Fortunately, she spotted him at that moment. He was going out of the library. He seemed to see her too, and a grown etched his forehead. She walked to him.

"Your highness."

"Are you so bored that you can't think of any other thing to pass time with?" He asked.

"I am not bored. I just find reading interesting."

He nodded, and walked past her.

"Your highness?" Raziel turned back to her. "Would you let me use the restricted side again?"

"No. You should come with me to the training field instead." He said in a sarcastic tone.

He continued walking thinking she would not go with him, as no girl would like to be in a fields where soldiers train. But then he began to hear her footsteps. He just shook his head and continued walking.

When they got to the field, every eyes fell on them, as they were surprised to see a woman there, and she was even human. Luciana could see that some of the gazes indicated surprise, while others indicated mockery. Maybe they thought he brought her there to be punished.

Raziel glanced at the human, expecting to see her uncomfortable from all the looks she was receiving. But she had her brows squinted as she looked at the soldiers, like she was studying them or calculating something. She didn't seem the least intimidated.

"Since you have come to the fields with me, you should get yourself a weapon." Raziel said to her.

"I need a bow and an arrow."

Did she mean it?

He took her to the place where soldiers were practicing archery. A soldier just released his arrow, and it fell only a small distance from the bulls eye. He turned to the others with a proud smile.

Luciana picked up a bow and an arrow before Raziel could ask her to, and the other soldiers made way for her. Probably to watch her make a fool of herself.

Luciana got the weapons in position in her hand. A sudden wish came to her heart. She wished it was Lord Kruger standing in front of her. God, she was going to shoot all his organs out.

She released the arrow, and they all watched in anticipation as it flew. Then a gasp of shock was head when it hit the bullseye. The prince looked like he was going to say something when she picked up another arrow, and it hit the bullseye again. She repeated it again and again, hitting the bullseye each time. Even the soldiers were shocked. She did not miss even once, not even a slight mistake.

Her breathing soon turned heavy, together with the heavy feeling in her chest, but she kept on shooting.

"You should give it a rest human." One of the soldiers said when he heard her breathing changed. He assumed she was tired. He would have kicked her out if she didn't come with the prince.

"Luciana drop the arrow." Raziel then ordered. But Luciana gave it one more shot before dropping it.

She turned to him, gaze emptier than it usually was. She was almost scary.

"You are angry." He suddenly said.

She shook her head. "I am not."

He grabbed her by the arm, and looked into her empty eyes.

"I don't mean right now. You have a lot of anger in you, you want to hurt someone so badly. You are just holding back so much."

Luciana blinked, then she opened her mouth to say something before closing it back. He had made her speechless for the first time. She felt like he saw through her.

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