
Liquid Fire Flower

As the story was very long Wu Long omitted a lot of its progression, only describing his journey in general terms and skipping most of the things that would not make any sense to the women born and raised in this small isolated world. 

He mainly focused on what defined him as a person, and what his general history was. It was important to him that they knew who he was and not just some mystery behind what could be seen from the outside. He also reassured them with the way he spoke and his gestures, showing them that they were not meeting a new him or a 'real' him. He was showing them that he was himself the whole time and that nothing fundamentally changed in their relationship, only now they could trust him even more since he was no longer a riddle they had to be subconsciously wondering about.

They also understood Ye Ling's reaction earlier when he revealed her part in the story, and she also added her own words to it.

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