

Stacey was aware of the Calla's trauma, so she wasn't surprised to see her unconscious but she was only worried that she might not regain consciousness soon, if that happened, Davis might go crazy.

"I want you to win the competition, no matter what happens." He paused and added with a serious expression. "You must do that for my wife."

Stacey blinked twice, "how on earth did he expect her and those kids to win the competition alone against Liam and the rest of the competitors, when their boss wasn't around?

Before she could protest he zoomed off.

Davis's head was going crazy, he had never dealt with anything like this before, the more he looked at her unconscious body the more frightened he became.

He drove like a maniac to the hospital, thankfully there's wasn't much traffic on the way.

Dylan's hospital was not too far from the museum, since it was located at the outskirts of the city, they got there in no time at all.