

In Yatagarasu, rain pattered down on the cobblestone streets, creating a soothing melody.


In a two-story bookstore with stained windows, the scent of old books filled the air. The fireplace created a cozy and inviting atmosphere.


Several NPCs rented a book, picked up their umbrella, and opened it before stepping out of the store to enter the rain.


"Mm~~ Mm~~" A girl with an adorable face, chubby cheeks, and shoulder-length black hair hummed pleasantly while reading a book with a softcover. 

She was completely engrossed in the story, ignoring the world around her.


"Emma, what are you reading?" A pleasant voice came from the upstairs.


Emma's expression brightened significantly, and she immediately sat up on the sofa and showed her book. The title said, "Helen and Eleven Challenges."


"Bella, come come!" Emma tapped the spot beside her.


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