
Chapter 96: The True Face of the Modifier

Chapter 96: The True Face of the Modifier

With excitement, Jose did not return to his office. Anyway, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, and there was nothing urgent that he needed to deal with. The players' training had also ended, and going home now did not count as skipping work. . Although it was inhumane to let Pili stay alone in the club and work overtime, since he was happy, it didn't matter.

However, before leaving, Jose still told the club's on-duty staff to pay attention to the technical director's office at all times. At least there should be no shortage of tea and coffee. Give Piri whatever he wants.

After explaining these trivial matters, Jose hurriedly walked out of the training base and drove back to his apartment. As a young rich man with a lot of property, Jose's funds can only be used for the operation of the club. , but he has still made a lot of money in the past few years. After all, the income of the coaching profession is much higher than that of ordinary white-collar workers, so he has moved out of his home a long time ago and bought a private house on the island of Mallorca. Living in a single-family two-story building, although it is a bit far away from the training base and away from the bustling downtown area, the advantage is that it is clean. In addition, the transportation in Mallorca is very convenient. It is not the peak tourist season and there will not be too many people. Of course there is no hindrance.

After returning home, Jose did not call to order takeout, but went directly back to his bedroom, closed the door and windows, and drew the curtains - of course he did not intend to masturbate, but had more important things to do... …

Slowly opened his right hand, and then raised it to the level of his eyebrows - this was the source of his surprise before and his excitement later - because the moment he signed his name on the contract, there was a sudden feeling in his palm. There was a burning sensation. Although it was not painful, the reaction was obvious. Then a voice appeared in his mind. He would never forget that voice for the rest of his life - it was the damn dereliction of duty that caused his body to be eaten by sharks and then displayed it. A bull-headed voice threatening him with the posture of a civil servant!

"The conditions are met and the modifier is activated."

Just two simple sentences made Jose extremely excited next time!

The modifier that has been motionless like a waste is now finally starting to activate!

So after knowing the news, although Jose remained calm on the surface, his mood became extremely urgent. He just wanted to go home quickly and see what was going on!

While driving home, Jose kept thinking about the effect of this modifier, so much so that he lost his mind several times. Fortunately, there were no cars on the street, so he avoided the tragic consequences of car crashes and fatalities.

"Is it the same as that modifier? You can modify the specific values ​​​​of players and modify your players to be incredible. Then what do you have to worry about? Just bring out a top player every year and sell it for tens of millions of dollars a year. , selling it for a few years will be enough for Mallorca to develop into a club with the most complete facilities..."

"Will there be any character points? Will there be some weird tasks? If you don't complete them, you won't be wiped out, right? That's too perverted!"

"Well, this modifier was given to me by the Niutou. It should not be the same system as the main god space. Is it the combination of Xianxia novels and infinite flow? Well, it seems to be very interesting!"

With such random thoughts, Jose drove the car back home in a twists and turns, and then with excitement, started the ceremony of starting the modifier for the first time!

Jose already knew how to activate it. He raised his right hand and opened it, with the palm of his hand facing his eyebrows, and then thought that it would be activated by activating the modifier - but there were no options after activating it before, just like a It's like a whiteboard. Now that it has been officially launched, there should be changes, right?

This modifier did not disappoint him. When he started the modifier, the screen was no longer a whiteboard, but a row of large characters appeared on the screen.

"Holy crap, it's actually in traditional Chinese. Fortunately, I still recognize it."

Perhaps because it comes from the Oriental Underworld, the Bull-Headed Hand, the words displayed above are all in traditional Chinese, and the row of words is very simple: "The host becomes the official club head coach and activates the first stage function of the modifier."

"It turns out that you have to become an official club head coach to activate the function..." Jose suddenly realized. No wonder he couldn't activate this modifier when he was the head coach of the youth team or the acting head coach of the first team. It turns out that there are still such restrictions, but think about it. Also, if the head coach of a youth team could make random changes, wouldn't it be a big deal? What's more, the players of the youth team are not considered players under the head coach of the youth team. In the final analysis, they are commanded by the head coach of the first team. It seems that such permission is still needed to activate this modifier.

After thinking about this, Jose stopped thinking about it and was attracted by the following sentence - the first stage function? It seems to be gradually improved, and I don't know what functions are available in the first stage...

After the typography disappeared, the screen began to display the host's information - Jose Alemani, male, 26 years old, position: head coach of Mallorca Club, contract period for five years, reputation: ordinary level , to activate the first stage function.

"It turns out that my reputation is only at the ordinary level... Damn, did I win the League Cup for nothing? Forget it, just be ordinary. Anyway, I am only twenty-six years old, and I am young and promising."

After bragging a lot, when Jose was about to start exploring the modifier, a burst of white light suddenly flashed on the screen, and another change occurred again!

"It was detected that the host identity is the largest shareholder of Mallorca Club...the second stage mode function is activated...activating..."

"Huh? The second stage? Is there any mistake? I evolved into the second stage without even using the first stage? Does this have anything to do with my identity? I don't have to be like Li Fantong who doesn't have any You can only continue coaching if you have a stake in the club, right? But Li Fantong has also enjoyed the convenience brought by modifiers before, you bastard!"

Jose thought uneasily, if he had accumulated a lot of things through modifiers like Li Fantong before, it would be fine if he just worked hard to do the tasks. Now that he didn't eat the mutton, he was in a mess. That would be really bad. It's so confusing...

Jose thought wildly for a long time. At this time, the flashing light of the modifier in his palm gradually dimmed, and another row of large characters gradually appeared.

"The test confirmed that the host owns more than 50% of the shares of Mallorca. By default, it is the actual owner of the Mallorca club. The second stage mode starts the mission system and the ultimate goal is activated. Ask the host if he wants to accept the mission test?"

Jose was stunned for a moment - mission system? Mission test? What nonsense?

"Hey, can you give me an instruction manual? How do you expect me to accept such a baffling thing? What if it's a trap? I'm finally reborn and I don't want to be tricked by some god's dimension!" Jose moved his right hand to the palm of his hand. He yelled twice.

Perhaps after hearing his roar, the screen started to give a prompt after flashing for a while: "Due to the change in the identity of the host, the first stage function is canceled and directly enters the second stage, which is the ultimate mode. The ultimate goal is to The club owned by the host develops into the top club in the world. The conditions for achieving the target tasks are top reputation, top honors, and top assets. Tasks are released every season, and rewards can be obtained according to the difficulty for completing the tasks. The rewards are necessary factors for the expansion of the club. The mission this season is to enter next season's Champions League. Do you accept it?"

"Accept your sister, you still want me to complete the task when you can't get help? Why don't you tell me what the reward is? Can you tell me what the first stage features are?" Jose yelled at the modifier angrily.

I have to say that this thing is still very humane. After Jose shouted, a row of small words appeared below.

"No. If I tell you, you will regret it... Originally, the condition for the activation of the first phase was that you become the official head coach, but in the end, you became the majority shareholder of the club first - who asked you to be a shareholder?"

After seeing these words, Jose almost choked to death - he was now sure that this modifier was left by that annoying bull head to disgust him...

"Is there any punishment for failing to complete the task?"

After thinking about it, Jose decided to endure the bad breath first - he felt that in addition to being an excellent head coach, he also needed to be a successful businessman. The characteristic of a businessman is not to do things based on likes and dislikes - as long as this modifier can If it brings benefits to yourself, just put up with any other problems.

"There is no punishment. However, if you cannot complete the task in your lifetime, you will be miserable in the next life."

Jose spat out another mouthful of blood.

"Damn, you're so cruel."

After saying helplessly, for the sake of happiness in the next life, Jose could only accept this task - he was also looking forward to the reward after completing this task.

Although it seems difficult to enter the Champions League next season, it is nothing more than entering the top four. Jose is confident that as long as he manages it well, it will not be very difficult to achieve this goal. When the time comes, it will depend on the rewards given. What is it.

After choosing to accept the task, the modifier's screen began to gradually dim, and then disappeared from Jose's palm.

Jose lay down on the back, thought for a long time, and then sighed.

"I originally thought that there would be a heaven-defying modifier that could block gods and kill gods and Buddhas, but it turned out to be such a thing... In addition to completing the task, I still don't know what the reward is... A necessary factor for the expansion of the club? Players ? Funding? Can this be increased through any incentives? It's really weird."

After thinking about it carefully, Jose still couldn't figure it out, but he was also a very open-minded person. Since he had chosen to accept the task, he should find a way to complete the task better. In any case, this task is also right. What he wants to do at this stage will not cause too much conflict.

I lay in bed and thought for a long time. Now that Mallorca has escaped the relegation zone, the next few opponents are not particularly strong. At least the opponents before the winter break are not very strong. Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​the two strong teams that have not yet met in the first cycle, will not meet until the end of the winter break - this season's La Liga was affected by the European Cup, delaying the start of the season by nearly half a month, so the league The schedule of matches has also been postponed accordingly.

"Although the team has introduced a lot of players now, a lot of problems have also come with it... Fortunately, the schedule is relatively favorable. With the help of games, the team can run in, and in addition to the running in during the winter break, we can only start after the second half of the season. It's our time to sprint."

"This so-called modifier... should be said to be a task publisher. Don't worry about it for now. Wait until the task is completed."

Although he seemed very dissatisfied with this modifier turning into a mission issuer, after thinking about it for a while, Jose felt that he was quite lucky - at least he did not need to lead a team from the first place like Xiao Ming. The fourth-level league has begun. You don't need to work hard to make money. If you don't complete the task, you won't lose character points like Li Fantong. There is always a Sword of Damocles hanging above your head. …

"People are always happy when they are satisfied. Last season's performance has proved that I am a top coach. Now there may be some additional rewards, coupled with the advantage of rebirth, if this still can't make a career. , then I'm really pretty useless..."

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