
Chapter 61 Ready

Chapter 61 Ready

When Jose appeared in front of the assistant coaches with two dark circles under his eyes, the assistant coaches were taken aback.

Originally, Jose's sleep quality has always been very good. Although it is difficult to fall asleep, it is difficult to wake up after falling asleep. The effects are often better than the eight hours of sleep for people who wake up from sleep apnea.

A person like him, after a night of sleep, actually came out to see people with two dark circles under his eyes, which shows how badly he rested...

"Jose, you look like a giant panda made in China." Natal joked with Jose with a smile.

Jose snorted, and put a hot towel on his eyes, trying to lighten the dark circles—he is also a person who pays attention to his image.

Covering his eyes, Jose closed his eyes and felt the pleasure brought by the heat reducing his fatigue, and asked Natal, "Are the players up?"

"Up, they've finished their breakfast and are resting now," Natal replied.

Jose nodded slightly. The UEFA Cup final was held in the middle of the week, so the game time was not in the afternoon, but at 7:30 in the evening, even though Jose got up at 12:00 , but still not too late.

"Let them move around and eat more Chinese food... Dinner starts at four o'clock, a small amount, and then an hour of activities, and we leave on time at five o'clock." Jose said with his eyes closed.

The assistant coaches nodded and dispersed to do their own thing, leaving only Natal with Jose.

"Jose... are you... nervous?"

Looking at Jose who scalded the towel with boiling water again, and then covered his face completely, Natal asked cautiously.

Jose didn't answer. It took a while for him to take off the towel on his face. The skin stimulated by the hot water was glowing rosy: "Nervous? How could I not be nervous? If you know that I am officially coaching the game, even if I add I was coaching the second team, and I only coached for one year... After one year of coaching, I met the final of the UEFA Cup. If it were you and me, would you be nervous?"

Natal smiled wryly. If it were him, he might be more nervous. At least the current Jose looks calmer on the surface...

"But to be honest, I'm not particularly nervous."

After wiping his face, Jose began to show a refreshed look on his face. He put down the towel, and then said to Natal with a smile: "After all, even if this game is lost, no one will lose." Blame me, don't you?"

Natal was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about it carefully, and found that it really was such a truth...

Being able to reach the finals of European competitions for two consecutive years is already a surprise for Mallorca, and led Mallorca, which had almost been relegated before, to successfully avoid relegation and reach the top ten. Jose is now in Mallorca The status in the minds of the fans is almost as high as that of Cooper-Mallorca lacks legends and history. The most glorious scene in their previous history appeared in the hands of Cooper. , Helping the building to collapse has already made Mallorca fans start to like him sincerely, and leading Mallorca to the UEFA Cup final has already tied Cooper's previous results. Even if he loses in the end, Mallorca Card fans will only regret rather than blame Jose for not doing well enough-in fact, he has already done well enough!

In terms of public opinion, they basically believe that Arsenal can win this game, and they will not think it is strange that Mallorca lost, and no one will say that Jose is a bad coach ...

"So, in fact, I don't need to be stressed at all, right?" Jose finally said with a smile.

"You're right, that's how it is!" Natal nodded vigorously.

Jose smiled, then stood up: "I remember when I was in the United States, a Chinese in Chinatown said to me a motto - those who walk barefoot will not be afraid of those who wear shoes, because they have nothing ."

After saying this sentence, Jose walked out of the room. Natal chewed on this sentence, and slowly felt a little taste...

After a series of preparations, at five o'clock sharp, the Mallorca team set off to prepare for the final.

The bus was moving smoothly. On the way forward, the Mallorca players seemed very quiet, thinking about their own thoughts——When they first knew that the team would participate in the UEFA Cup final, the Mallorca players They are all very excited, even Nadal, who has already won the championship, is no exception. After all, the UEFA Cup championship is the only vacancy in his career! However, with the passage of time, this feeling of excitement has slowly subsided, replaced by calmness, and the closer the game is approaching, the more calm the mood will be.

If after passing the semi-final stage, the players' energies would still be involved in the league, maybe they would not have thought about this issue at the time, but after the league ended, the players' emotions would easily fall into consideration of gains and losses—— After all, most of them have never been involved in European championships! Arsenal's players are different in this regard. After all, they are a strong team, they are wealthy, they have also won the league championship, and the UEFA Cup is not enough to excite them, unless it is the Champions Cup...

Now the mentality of the Mallorca players is the most suitable for playing games.

Regarding the tactics of this game, Jose has secretly practiced many times before, that is defense, extreme defense, defensive tactics of giving up offense in order to prevent the opponent from scoring!

In view of Arsenal's not-so-excellent attacking ability and Wenger's mediocre on-the-spot command ability, Jose has been preparing this set of tactics for more than half a month. For the middle of the season, it took more than Half a month is almost unimaginable, and Jose is going to take advantage of this to set Wenger a trap!

When they saw the white roof of the Parken Park Stadium from a distance, although the Mallorca players had calmed down, they still couldn't restrain their hearts beating wildly.

The UEFA Cup final is coming!

Parken Park Stadium, built in 1992, was formerly the Danish National Stadium. It began to be rebuilt in 1990. After the reconstruction, it became the home of the Danish national team. It became the home of the Copenhagen club two years ago. Rated as a four-star stadium, it is qualified to host the UEFA Cup final, but not qualified to host the Champions Cup final-this kind of qualification, only a stadium rated as a five-star stadium can be eligible to host it.

When the bus approached the stadium passage, the Mallorca fans who had been waiting there for a long time and did not enter the stadium immediately gave out huge cheers, besides shouting the names of Tristan, Ngonga, Nadal and other stars , not long after joining Eto'o also received huge cheers, people are a little surprised that Mallorca fans call more, but Jose's name!

Poor Mallorca fans, there are really not many stars in their team...

Jose proudly waved to the outside of the bus, then turned around and said to the players with a smile, "See, I am more popular than you..."

The Mallorca players collectively booed for a while, and then laughter sounded from inside the bus, filling the entire bus...

It wasn't until they got off the bus that Jose and the Mallorca players waved off their smiles and got off the bus one by one with serious expressions. The reporters waiting around rushed up, and the flashing lights kept flashing.

"Mr. Jose, what do you think about this game..." A reporter squeezed forward.

"I have no opinion." Jose replied briefly, and then quickly walked into the tunnel, and the Mallorca players behind him also shut their mouths one by one, and walked into the tunnel behind Jose!

At this time, it is useless to say anything. Only when you perform well on the court can you have the confidence to say anything!

The locker room was quiet, and the players were warming up under the leadership of the assistant coach. Jose sat alone in the locker room, and the only sound in his ears was the ticking of the clock.

The dressing room at Parken Park is quite well repaired. Although Mallorca has drawn the visiting team this time, it has not been affected much in terms of the dressing room-if it is played in a stadium in England, it is not sure, listen It's a terrible environment in the visiting dressing room - that's what Jose knew when he led the team away to Leeds, and it really wasn't that good.

This final is finally coming, he will lead Mallorca, start to attack the UEFA Cup champion, and challenge a top coach like Wenger and a top team like Arsenal!

When he was a football fan in his previous life, Jose hardly watched the UEFA Cup. Even if it was the UEFA Cup final, he didn't think there was a Champions League group match that was as good as it was, and there was basically no broadcast of the UEFA Cup in China. , It was not until later that the live webcast became a scale to see the UEFA Cup game, but Jose also had no interest in the UEFA Cup game.

But when he really led Mallorca to the final venue of the UEFA Cup, he began to deeply feel the courage of the final of a European-level competition!

There were hundreds of reporters covering this game, and almost all the well-known European sports media sent people here. As the final of one of the two major European cups, even if it is not as important as the Champions Cup, it is still an important event. Competition!

What's more, this season's UEFA Cup is UEFA's cancellation of the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup, so that the first new UEFA Cup after the merger of the UEFA Cup Winners Cup and the UEFA Cup will naturally attract a lot more attention.

The champion of the UEFA Cup can get a reward of 1 million dollars, and the runner-up can also get 500,000 dollars. However, at this point, this kind of bonus income is no longer in the eyes of both parties. What they value is the championship trophy—— In history, only the names of the winners will be engraved, but not who is the runner-up of the UEFA Cup in a certain year...

Only champions are eligible to be remembered by people.

Jose sat quietly in the locker room, also adjusting his state. The field was the players' battlefield, and the coach's bench beside the field was his battlefield.

He is now about to launch his challenge to Wenger.

It's going to be a big fight.

There was a noisy sound at the door of the locker room, and the players who finished warming up walked into the locker room led by Natal and others, and then they sat down.

Jose looks at his players, then laughs.

He didn't explain the next tactics, because there is only one word in Mallorca's tactics in this game, and that is to defend!

Defense, thorough defense, dense defense, defense that makes people speechless.

"Everyone, are you ready?" Jose's opening remarks were not nutritious.

"Ready!" Mallorca players responded with great excitement.

"So, get ready to go, let's surprise Arsenal!"

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