
Chapter 448: Trenza Arrives!

"Freyja! For the umpteenth time, can you attend the meetings rather than spend your time behaving like the whore?" Asked Sebas in slight anger as he busted the door down, which led to Freyja's room, only for him to gag at the intense and potent musk.

Not only was the smell utterly atrocious, potent enough to make a grown man vomit, but the sight was even worse; there were men huddled in groups, masturbating into barrels, while dried husks of men, aka Freyja's previous victims, littered the ground. Freyja lived like a pig, and ironically enough, she behaved just like a sow; she was currently being plowed by what looked to be twelve men on the bed.

To be honest, despite her disgusting and debauchery nature, I was marginally impressed she could handle ten men at once even when her vagina was off limits; then again, it was far from a pretty sight.

'Two in the arse, one in her mouth, one for each hand and armpit, one for each nipple, one for her feet.' Thought Sebas with a disgusted expression as he watched Freyja from a distance, only to spit on the ground.

"Oh, how glad I no longer have to listen to her orders." Muttered Sebas with a sigh of relief as he gently patted his chest while internally thanking Diddy.

While internally expressing my gratitude to Capt- Kong, I heard various grunts and Freyja's angelic moans, which were more than capable of arousing me, though as if I'd allow my body to react properly to that sow.

"~Mhm, what a delicious batch… You can die now." Said Freyja with a lustful expression as she loudly moaned in pleasure while absorbing the semen that coated her body through her skin, strengthening her.

Following Freyja's words, the ten men, each sporting a zealous expression, touched Freyja, who then swiftly absorbed their vitality, causing them to transform into dried husks, only to join the others on the ground.

"Ah, Sebas, I didn't see you there. Did you want to come and join- Argh! Fucking old bastard!" Said Freyja seductively as she rolled onto her side, flaunting her voluptuous curves as she licked her lips, only for her to grasp her head in pain while her demeanor swiftly changed.

Scoffng at Freyja's remark, I retracted my psionic energy back into my body while floating into her room, though only after creating a forcefield that separated me from the air inside her room, refusing to touch even that.

"Tch, so what the hell do you fucking want? Speak quickly, or I'll rip your cock off." Asked Freyja in annoyance as she stood up and approached one of the groups of men.

After draining every man of vitality, she grabbed the barrel, which was full of semen, and began to guzzle it down, causing me to nearly vomit right then and there.

"Why haven't you attended a single meeting?" Asked Sebas with a stern gaze as he eyed Freyja, who raised a finger while continuing to guzzle the semen-filled barrel.

"Aha, that was quite tasty. Also, I didn't fucking feel like it, that's why, and what are you going to do about it, Sebas? Nothing! And do you know why?" Replied Freyja with a faint smirk as she tossed the empty barrel at Sebas, who destroyed it with a mere gesture of his eyes while she provokingly approached him.

"Because… You're weak." Added Freyja with a wicked grin as she stared deep into Sebas's eyes while her elongated nails clawed at the forcefield surrounding him, tearing right through it.

The moment she pierced through my forcefield, I exploded it outward, pushing Freyja away and destroying the entire room; since Freyja didn't wish to use her words, then I would gladly accommodate her.

"Fucker! My barrels of semen! I'm going to kill you!" Yelled Freyja furiously as she eyed the broken barrels sprawled on the ground, only to shift her focus towards Sebas, who raised his arms to his side.

"Then come you sow; it's about time someone puts you in your place." Said Sebas fearlessly as he narrowed his eyes at Freyja, whose body erupted into demonic flames concealing her figure, only for her to reappear in her Satan Soul's transformation.

"Kahahaha, allow me to join!" Said Bullet with a feral grin as he appeared from seemingly nowhere while his conqueror's haki violently erupted from him, prompting Freyja to do the same.

"This doesn't concern you, Bullet!" "Kahaha, all fighting concerns me!" Stated Freyja and Bullet, respectively, as the former grunted in annoyance, only for the latter to grin while punching his fists.

"Hmph, a chance to kill Freyja and Sebas? I'm always available." Said Mael as he appeared in a show of burning fashion while his axe brightly illuminated the soon-to-be battlefield.

"Alright, can you four just calm down?" Asked Scar with an exhausted expression as he landed on the ground while gazing at everyone, attempting to mediate the situation though he was more than ready to fight.

"I'm joining as well!" Yelled Chala with an eager expression as she rapidly approached the trio, only for Grand to follow closely behind.

"Oi, don't think I'm going to let you have fun by yourself!" Said Grand with a smirk as he stood beside Chala, the seven pirates preparing to engage in battle.



"What number does this make it?" "Um, 39." Said Queen and Auger, respectively, as they glanced at each other before looking at the seven pirates in the distance.

"39 fights in only two weeks? They make Zoro and Sanji look tame." Said Franky with a raised eyebrow as he looked at the seven while Robin nodded in agreement.

"Who do you think is going to win, Luffy? I've got my money on Bullet." "Bullet? He is strong, but I want Scar to win; he's the underdog!" Stated Sabo and Luffy, respectively, as the two placed bets on who among the former Frenzy Pirates would win the battle.

"I'LL KILL YOU ANIMALS IF YOU HARM A SINGLE HAIR ON FREYJA OR CHALA-SWAN!" Yelled Sanji from inside a photo as he aggressively banged on the wall, trying his hardest to escape.

"Thanks, Janet." "Heh, no problem, just remember, I want that photo shoot." Remarked Nami and Janet, respectively, as the latter nodded with a thumbs up before narrowing her eyes, causing the former to quickly nod.

"I'm flabbergasted how such a crew managed to last that long together." Said Kuzan softly while sitting down in the distance, watching as the former Frenzy Pirates stared each other down.

"Worororo, it was because of Kong! His presence and sheer strength forcefully kept them in line; otherwise, that crew would've long since killed themselves from internal conflict." Stated Kaido with a grin as he guzzled down a barrel of alcohol while Blackbeard begrudgingly nodded.

"And because of his strength, we're now forced to band together to defeat him… Oh, how I hate Kong!" Said Blackbeard as he tossed a cup onto the ground in slight anger, causing Kaido to laugh while a clap of thunder resounded.

"Help me stop them; we can't have injuries when Kong's attack is two weeks away." Stated Dragon solemnly as he glanced at Kaido and Blackbeard, though before either could respond, they all shifted their gaze to the sky.

"Eh, is that… T-Trenza?" Muttered Auger with slightly widened eyes as he looked at the rapid dot moving through the sky through his scope.



"So, Cap- Kong, has suddenly changed plans, and he will be attacking tomorrow instead of in two weeks!?" Exclaimed Scar with widened eyes as he looked at Trenza, who lowered her head while nodding her words, causing everyone to listen to deeply frown.

"That is not good." "Not good at all." Said Sabo and Lindbergh, respectively, as the two looked at Trenza with a hardened gaze.

"Tsk, well, at least he sent Trenza to warn us in advance; that was nice of him." Said King with a grunt as he leaned against a wall in the distance with closed eyes, his words causing everyone to nod in agreement.

"You're not wrong, King. However, I'm confused as to why Kong would suddenly change his plan; he has been one to lie, but when it comes to things like these, he's always stuck to his word." Muttered Grand with a confused expression as he rubbed his chin, only for Freyja to sigh and rub his head, irritating Janet.

"He's dying." Said Sebas and Shanks simultaneously as the former snapped his eyes open while the latter suddenly entered the room.

"W-What!?" Exclaimed everyone in absolute shock as they stared at Shanks and Sebas in disbelief while the two glanced at each other.

"So you knew, Sir Shank?" "I should be asking you that; how did you figure it out?" Asked Sebas and Shanks, respectively, as the former suspiciously eyed the latter.

"I read my daughter's memory." "Hey, not cool, Father." Said Sebas and Trenza, respectively, as the latter raised her head in annoyance.

"Do not worry, Trenza, I didn't enjoy seeing my daughter procreating." Said Sebas lightly as he glanced at Trenza before closing his eyes, causing a single tear to escape.

"Well, for those curious how I figured out. It was when I fought him alongside Whitebeard, Bigmom, Shiki, Roger, and Rocks. For those who know of Rock's devil fruit, he had eaten the death death fruit; I don't know the juicy details, but the basics are pretty simple. The more in tune someone is with life, the less resistant they are to death's miasma, and vice-versa." Stated Shanks calmly as he sat down in a random seat while tapping his finger on the table, his words causing Freyja to furiously slam her fist into the wall behind her.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 374: Unresponsive Elaine) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 256: Taking On An Army!) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 457: Epilogue)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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