
Chapter 321: Revenge

"Tsk, calm down, monkey, Trenza's alive." Replied Freyja with a huff of annoyance as she crossed her arms while gazing at Diddy, who surprisingly calmed down.

"Where is she then?" Asked Diddy with a deep frown as he stared at Freyja while ignoring the rest of his crew.

"She's in the medical ward." Said Reiju calmly while sitting beside Mael, feeding him food as his injuries prevented him from doing so.

Glancing at Sanji's sister, I stared at her in annoyance before clicking my tongue and exiting the lounge; walking through the fortress, I arrived near the medical ward and promptly busted through the doors as I entered the room. Unsurprisingly, it was quite busy and filled with tens of injured pirates, though I couldn't care about them, and instead headed right for the bed where Trenza's scent led me too; ripping the curtains off the ceiling, I saw Trenza lying on the bed, though the only difference was, she was missing the bottom half of her left leg, and there was a nasty scar on her cheek.

"Ugh, w-who is it? I-I'm tired!" Stated Trenza in annoyance as she used her arm to cover her eyes, only to hear a familiar growl.

"Eh, Captain? I-Is that you?" Asked Trenza in surprise as she removed her arm and looked at Diddy, who was standing to her left while covered in bandages from head to toe.

"Hmph, yeah." Replied Diddy with a frown as he folded his arms while sitting on the edge of Trenza's bed, causing her to smile.

"Heh, so that means you've taken the title, The Strongest Creature?" Asked Trenza with a smirk as she looked at Diddy, who scoffed before shaking his head, surprising her.

"No; Kaido proved too tough of an opponent; it ended in a tie." Said Diddy with a stern expression as he glanced at Trenza while his eyes constantly glanced at her missing leg.

"Eh? A tie? Damn, Kaido must've been really powerful then." Muttered Trenza in shock as she looked at Diddy while rubbing her chin, only to furrow her brows.

"Hmm, are you really Captain? You just mentioned Kaido being a tough opponent, yet I didn't see you show even the slightest smile." Remarked Trenza with a deep frown as she reached under her pillow while skeptically staring at Diddy, who grunted before standing up.

"Tsk, I'll visit later." Remarked Diddy with a grunt as he left Trenza, who had pulled Sunaipu from under her pillow.

"Okay. Wait! At least put the curtain back up!" Said Trenza skeptically as she watched Diddy leave, only to widen her eyes while attempting to call him, yet her words were promptly ignored.

Exiting the medical ward, I leaped off Pandemonium and headed straight for Onigashima; while flying through the sky, I sensed Sebas, Scar, and Grand following me from behind, but I paid them no heed; I had something important to deal with.

As I looked at the destroyed skull, I entered it from one of the many holes that were created amidst the war, and as I did so, I spotted numerous beast pirates walking about with every single one wrapped in some kind of bandage from sustaining several different wounds; however, what I was looking for was specifically a bullet wound, which there were many of, but, I ignored the weaklings, Trenza wouldn't need multiple shots to kill a weakling.

'Someone strong enough to grievously wound Trenza.' Thought Diddy with a frown as he narrowed his eyes while expanding his haki, searching everyone throughout Onigashmi for someone who fit his description.

With a quick search, I found a few who fit the description, and I didn't waste a single second; with a flash of lightning, I disappeared from everyone's view and speedily moved throughout Onigashima, busting through a few walls before I arrived at the first suspect.

"Who!?" Exclaimed Maria in slight anger as she quickly tried turning around, yet she was barely able to grab her weapon before a foot grabbed her neck.

Slamming the tall woman onto the ground, I dug my nails into her neck, threatening to rip her to shreds while I leaned in closer.

"Were you the one who took Trenza's leg?" Asked Diddy calmly as he stared deeply into Maria's eyes, engulfing her in terror while she stared at his furious vertical slit eyes.

"N-N-N-No." Said Maria fearfully as she barely managed to respond, causing Diddy to furrow his brows before tossing her into the wall, reopening several wounds, though she didn't dare open her mouth.

Clicking my tongue, I disappeared from the woman, heading towards the second person, who happened to be nearby; smashing through the walls, I landed right in front of the man who was playing with straw dolls. Grabbing the man by his neck, I slammed him into the wall, prompting him to react quickly as he stabbed me in the stomach with his weird sword, reopening a few of my wounds, though I hardly cared.

"N-No, I did not harm Trenza." Replied Hawkins as calmly as possible while showing not an ounce a fear, causing Diddy to narrow his eyes before scoffing.

"I quite like you." Remarked Diddy calmly as he eyed Hawkins before letting him go, only to disappear from vision while leaving behind a trail of blood.

The last person was on the opposite side of Onigashima, though even with my wounds, I still arrived within a matter of seconds; smashing through the walls, I landed on the ground right beside a man with long arms and two elbows, though not only that, he also had many bullet wounds.

"Ehh!? C-Chaos Kong!?" Exclaimed Apoo in shock as he fearfully stared at Diddy while backing away.

"It was you, wasn't it? You're the one who took Trenza's leg." Asked Diddy calmly as he stared at Apoo, who flinched at his words, causing him to eerily grin.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about, C-Chaos Kong." Said Apoo as he tried regaining his bearings, yet his whole demeanor changed the instant Diddy stepped forward.

As I stepped toward him, he suddenly hit his chest, causing a drumming noise to resound, and the next thing I knew, I was engulfed in an explosion that reopened some of my wounds. However, it mattered little to me, and I continued to walk towards him while he continuously attacked me, causing explosions to engulf my body every second, furthering the damage my body had already sustained while destroying the bandages.

"C-C'mon! W-Why won't you fall!? E-Even if you're an Emperor, you're injured!" Remarked Apoo in fear as he attacked Diddy with everything he had, hitting his body numerous times a second, causing the explosions that hit him to increase in intensity.

Out stretching my arm through the explosion, I grabbed his collar, stopping him from attacking me while bringing him closer to me as I stared into his eyes. I didn't say a single word and simply used my foot to clutch his leg, causing his eyes to widen, yet before he could do anything, with a slight yank, I ripped his leg off.

"ARGRHRGRHG!!" Yelled Apoo in pure agony, his voice filling the surrounding beast pirates with fear as none dared to step closer.

Covering his mouth with my other hand, I used my tail to cauterize his wound; I couldn't have him dying too quickly now. Just like with his leg, I ripped the rest of his limbs off, filling him with such pain that he even started to shed tears, causing me to grin as I placed my palm on his head, and just when I was about to fry him, I sensed Seba's land behind, causing me to come up with a genius idea.

"Sebas, can you speed up his perception of time?" Asked Diddy with a wicked smile as he glanced at Sebas, who nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, and I suppose you want me to perform it on him?" Replied Sebas with a nod as he approached Diddy and the sobbing Apoo, prompting the former to nod.

"Done." Replied Sebas calmly as he removed his hand from Apoo's head, causing Diddy to drop him onto the ground before clenching his fist.

'I wonder how terrifying it'll be to watch death approach you in slow motion, yet you can't do a single thing about it.' Thought Diddy with a sinister smile as he slowly punched Apoo, smashing through his chest and heart.

Watching the man's expression morph through different stages of terror was quite nice, and even though I'd already ripped his heart out, in his eyes, my fist probably hadn't even neared his chest.

"Heh, good." Muttered Diddy with a smirk as he clenched his fist, crushing Apoo's heart and splattering himself with his blood.

With the one responsible for the loss of Trenza's leg having been taken care of, I left Onigashima and returned to Pandemonium, specifically the medical ward.

Entering the medical ward, I grabbed a chair some random pirate was using to sit on before placing it beside Trenza's bed, causing her to silently stare at me.

"Hehe, I love you too." Said Trenza with a lovely smile as she sat upright and kissed Diddy's cheek after wiping the blood off.

"Tsk shut up, you're annoying." Replied Diddy in annoyance as he growled at Trenza, who simply chuckled with a smile.

"Heh, you're really a tsundere, you know that, Captain?" Remarked Trenza with a smirk as she stared at Diddy, who growled.

"Keep talking, and I'm tossing you into the ocean!" Stated Diddy as he eyed Trenza, who simply laughed, seemingly unbothered by his threats.

"You can just leave, you know that, right? You don't have to be here with me." Said Trenza calmly as she looked at Diddy, who simply folded his arms and scoffed while she chuckled.

"Hehehe, ~T~S~U~N~D~E~R~E~." Added Trenza with a faint smirk as she whispered into Diddy's ear.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 308: Saving Sarah) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 190: Pushing Yuki Over The Edge) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 331: Foresight)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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