
Chapter 221: Water 7

While sitting in the lounge with the rest of the Frenzy pirates, after Mael and Grand returned to the ship, taking another hour after Freyja and Scar had arrived, and when they did, they started having sex in the open like usual. Currently, the seven of us are staring at the two unconscious pirates Freyja and Mael had caught during their travels across the Island. They were both decently infamous pirates within Paradise; at least, that's what Sebas said. I have next to no clue who these two are; I don't really read the newspaper that much; I don't even need to since if I need information, I'll just ask Sebas.

"So, who the hell are these two?" Asked Diddy lightly as he stood upside down on the ceiling, folding his arms and eyeing the two pirates sprawled on the ground in rough condition.

"The smaller man is Capon 'Gang' Bege, a former don of a Mafia now turned pirate. He's eaten a devil fruit, which turns him into a castle, though it would be more appropriate to say fortress." Said Sebas lightly while sitting on the couch beside Trenza, drinking tea and looking at Bege, who was lying before him.

Nodding my head, I glanced at Bege, who was quite injured with scorch marks all over him, before looking at Mael, who was leaning against the wall with an annoyed expression, upset that not only did he lose but that he was the last one to find the location of the underground base.

"Was he strong?" Asked Diddy as he gestured to Bege, causing Mael to snort while grumbling under his breath before shrugging his shoulders.

"Tch, he was decent, not too strong, not too weak. Current him wouldn't interest you at all if that's what you're asking, Captain." Remarked Mael as he glanced at Bege in annoyance, causing Diddy to nod as he fell from the ceiling, doing a little spin before silently landing on the ground.

Approaching Bege, I grabbed him by the leg with my tail and continued towards the doors while stepping over the other pirate; opening the doors, I looked up at the sky before clutching Bege with my hand and throwing him towards the Island. Watching Bege disappear into the island with a beautiful arc, I dusted my hands before looking back into the lounge while pointing at the other pirate and glancing at Freyja,

"He is Mad Monk Urouge, though yes, it was the same with him as well; he was decently strong, but I found his devil fruit to be more up your alley. The more damage he takes, the stronger he gets; I'm sure you'll come to love such an opponent in the future." Stated Freyja lightly while snuggling up to Scar, whose eyes were closed as he was practicing tekkai, managing to harden several body parts at once.

'He gets stronger the more damage he takes? Hehe, now that's something I quite like. Now you just need to get stronger.' Mused Diddy with a feral smirking as he approached the ever-smiling Urouge before grabbing one of his wings.

Dragging Urogue out of the lounge, I did the same thing I did to Bege and tossed him toward the Island, though I did it in a different direction than Bege; I didn't want the two to fight to the death; well, I just didn't want Urogue dying so soon, I could care less about Bege, he didn't interest me at all.

Nodding to myself, I glanced at everyone inside the lounge before leaping towards Pandy, who was inside her shell doing who knows what. Landing beside the hole where her head usually is, I stomped on her shell a few times, and with a tremble, Pandy's head slowly emerged from her shell as she lightly roared, which sounded more like a yawn to me.

"Take us to the next closest island!" Yelled Diddy as he stared at Pandy's head, roughly one hundred meters above her shell.

"Roar!" Said Pandy with a slight roar and a nod as she slowly swam away from the Island, picking up speed as she headed east at a relatively slow but steady speed.

With us leaving the island, there wasn't much left to do. The chimera was already in some random room, and Sebas had won the bet, so with a nod, I headed towards my hammock, deciding to further improve my control over Nimbus before doing anything physically extensive.

'My senses haven't warned me of danger, but good things have been happening constantly; first, it was the Mael joining, then it was raiding the celestial Dragon, then Skypiea, where I found Nimbus and where Trenza unlocked her heritage, next Pandemonium joined, and now we've just found a chimera.' Mused Diddy with a slight frown as he stood beside his hammock while holding Nimbus in his hand, only to suddenly split it in half, holding them both in each hand.

"Something bad is bound to happen, and when it will, I'll need to be strong enough to survive, especially those admirals… They're a real problem." Muttered Diddy with a shake of his head and a feral grin before sitting cross-legged in front of his hammock, practicing his control on Nimbus while the rest of the Frenzy Pirates also trained.



It's been a week since we acquired that chimera, and currently, I'm checking up on Scar's training while sitting in the crow's nest of the mast I had ripped off from our previous ship; Trenza's also here, though I don't know why. Even with her incredible eyes, she can't beat Mony in terms of scanning our surroundings.

Anyways, regarding Scar's training, he mastered tekkai shortly after we left the Island, so after he achieved that, I taught him the following technique, which would pair well with tekkai once he learns how to use it all the time. The technique was rankyaku, the ability to kick so fast that you're able to create slicing winds, which isn't something I use a lot, but I imagine if I were to combine that with geppo and soru, it'd turn far more deadly.

'Heh, that's actually a genius idea; why haven't I thought of that sooner? It shouldn't be difficult to learn at all.' Mused Diddy with a smirk as he lightly kicked his foot against the air, using all three simultaneously, causing a loud explosion that caught Trenza off guard while even slightly tilting Pandy to the side, though she quickly corrected herself.

"C-Captain, p-please warn someone; I thought we were getting fired upon by cannons." Stated Trenza with a sigh of relief as she lowered her pistol and placed her hand on her chest while looking at Diddy, who merely glanced at her before focusing on Scar.

Despite only teaching him the technique only a week ago, he's already able to use it somewhat proficiently, slightly better than I had expected if I'm being honest; though that's wonderful, since with the way he is right now, he isn't strong enough to learn the ultimate technique, but every time I teach him a new technique of the rokushiki, he's physical strength naturally improves from his intense training.

"By the time he masters all six of them, he'll be able to do it." Muttered Diddy with a faint smirk as he licked his lips while staring at Scar with narrowed eyes, only to feel someone scratching behind his head, causing his tail to wag aggressively.

"Tch, what is it, Trenza?" Asked Diddy in slight annoyance as he turned and looked at Trenza, who retracted her hand before pointing in front of her, prompting him to snort while following her gaze.

"I don't know much about it, but I'm pretty sure that's Water 7; it would be next to impossible to misinterpret that." Remarked Trenza softly as she stared in awe at the Island, which was far in the distance.

Looking in the direction Trenza pointed, I saw an island that was essentially a fountain with a city and seven massive draining pipes that led out to the ocean; I was honestly rather shocked. Sebas has told me about Water Seven; while he did mention it somewhat resembled a fountain, seeing it and hearing it are two different things.

"Just… Why?" Muttered Diddy with widened eyes as he stood straight up and looked at the island in the distance.

"I-I wish I could tell you, Captain." Muttered Trenza softly as she stood beside Diddy and stared at Water Seven with bated breaths.

After staring at it for some time, I shook my head and leaped out of the crow's nest, landing on Pandy's shell; I unholstered Naga-sa before slamming it atop her shell, causing it to tremble subtly, which served to gather the crew's attention, and not even a minute later, everyone was standing outside looking at Water Seven in the distance.

"Is that a fountain?" Asked Scar, breathing heavily as he squinted his eyes, trying to view Water Seven.

"It might as well be. So that's the legendary Water 7." Remarked Mael with a nod as he stood atop the second floor while looking at the Island in the distance.

"Water 7 is known for their famous shipwrights, right? That must mean it's filled with strong, lively men. ~Ahh~ I can't wait." Said Freyja with a large smile as she looked at Water Seven while rubbing her crotch through her clothes.

"Hoho, Water 7, just as magnificent as I imagined." Stated Sebas with a soft chuckle as he exited from the lounge, standing near Diddy and gazing upon the marvelous island.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 252: Four Generations In One Room) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 134: Yuki The Actress?) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 231: Chaos Kong's Defeat!)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 204: Victory!) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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