
Chapter 216: The Insatiable Vs Mad Monk

Seeing Scar sigh while looking at me in disappointment, I glanced back at the large, juicy, delicious piece of meat off in the distance before looking back at Scar; I constantly switched between the two before eventually sighing to myself. As much as my body was yearning to eat that delicious piece of meat, I didn't want to disappoint my boy more than I already had, so with a heavy heart and a firm resolve, I suppressed my lust while hardening my gaze.

"L-Let's quickly take that man down, Scar; t-then we can continue with finding the source of the weirdness of this island." Stated Freyja firmly with a slightly pained expression as she looked at the large man, who had thrown another three, though she merely sliced it in half with her nails.

"Eh!? R-Really, Freyja!? Y-You mean it!?" Exclaimed Scar with widened eyes in surprise as he stared at Freyja, who bit her lip and nodded, causing him to embrace her tightly and in joy.

"I'm all for intimacy, Scar, but don't push your luck; it's not easy to suppress my lust; it would be equivalent to stop breathing. If you offer yourself up like this, I might just let loose." Remarked Freyja with a faint lustful smirk as she whispered in Scar's ear while grasping his butt with her hands, causing him to release her and awkwardly cough.

Slightly chuckling, I furrowed my brows before outstretching both of my hands, catching two trees thrown at us; frowning, I took a step forward before chucking them back towards the sender with even greater might. Spreading my wings, I flapped my wings and took flight as I speedily lunged through the destroyed pathway, approaching the enemy, who had managed to catch the two trees, though he was forced to block my kick, which forced him to take a few steps back.

"It's not really chivalrous to attack an unarmed lady, you know." Remarked Freyja lightly with a faint smile as she used her bewitching abilities of a succubus to charm the man in front of her, and although he did slightly blush, he was surprisingly able to resist her incredible allure without much trouble.

"Hehe, I'm a pirate; chivalrous isn't in my dictionary; besides, why would I take 'The Insatiable' Freyja lightly? Attacking a Celestial Dragons ship? I'm not stupid enough to take someone who would commit something so suicidal lightly." Remarked the large man with a permanent smile as he warily stared at Freyja hovering in the air, causing her to lightly pout while grabbing her hips.

"Hmph, I suppose you're not as stupid as you look 'Mad Monk' Urouge." Replied Freyja with a fake pout as she eyed Urouge, who narrowed his eyes, causing her to chuckle faintly.

"Hehe, don't act so surprised; you've made quite a name for yourself, and I've read quite a lot about you in news articles. You haven't done something crazy like raiding Kingdoms and a Celestial Dragons ship, but managing to destroy a small fleet of marines is quite impressive, that bounty fo 69,000,000 Beri's doesn't do you justice." Added Freyja with a soft smile as she slowly approached Urouge, her glowing eyes staring into his own.

"C'mon, Urouge, instead of fighting, how about you join the Frenzy pirates and leave your crew? You'll get so many privileges, with the only downside being you'll have a crazy, stupid monkey Captain ordering you around. However, look on the bright side: you'll be able to pleasure yourself using my body anytime, anywhere. Doesn't that sound enticing? Don't you wish to ravage my holes and claim them as yours with your delicious seed?" Questioned Freyja lightly with a wicked smile, hiding her elongated nails behind her back while she spread her pheromones in Urouges direction using her wings, causing his eyes to look slightly hazy.

"Just say yes, I know you want to." Muttered Freyja seductively with a smile as she whispered into Urouges ear while stabbing his chest with her elongated nails, only for a large hand to grab her arm and throat.

"Amitabha, I've also read articles about you, Freyja, capable of bewitching an entire kingdom of people to do her bidding, a terrifying ability, but it's useless against me. I may be a pirate, but before that, I was a monk, and we monks have forsaken our desires of the flesh to ascend to a higher plane. Your charms won't work on me." Stated Urouge with an ever-present smile as he squeezed his hands while looking at Freyja, who didn't seem to be bothered by her predicament.

"O-Oh well, t-this w-would've b-been s-so much e-easier on y-you." Said Freyja with difficulty while looking at Urouge, the glow in her eyes vanishing as she suddenly grabbed his arm, which was holding her by the throat, before squeezing tightly and removing his hand.

"Heh, well, I just hope you don't think that means I'll be easily defeated; just because I don't like to fight doesn't mean I can't. I'm not the Vice-captain just because of my looks." Added Freyja with a slight smile as she overpowered Urouge, who seemed somewhat surprised though he quickly regained his composure, just in time to brace himself for a kick to the chin that flung through numerous trees.

Watching Urouge crash through tens of meters of vegetation, I softly landed on the ground as I removed my jacket and tossed it onto a nearby tree before tying my hair into a ponytail, finishing just in time for Urogue to come walking back while looking slightly bigger than before, along with him holding an iron pillar.

'My nose isn't as acute as Diddy's, so I can't tell if someone is a devil fruit user, but, from the articles I've read about him, it's quite likely considering how in a lot of his pictures he looks much bigger than he does right now.' Mused Freyja lightly as she rested her hands on her hips, staring at Urouge while a trail of blood leaked from his mouth.

"Alright, I'm in a bit of a hurry, so let's make this quick; I don't want that monkey bastard to win." Stated Freyja as she looked at Urouge before suddenly pushing off the ground, speedily lunging toward him while he narrowed his eyes and raised his iron pillar into the air.

Once I got in range of him, he slammed down his iron pillar without a shred of mercy, which I blocked with my forearm, though the might behind his attack was quite strong and sent flung me to the side, stopping my momentum with my wings, I flapped with and dashed through the sky towards him, breaking the sound barrier as I kicked him in the face, forcing him to take a step to the side. Rapidly descending to the ground in front of Urouge, I used this opening I created and punched him in the stomach repeatedly before setting my foot aflame and violently kicking him, forcing him to take several steps back while his shirt slowly burned away, revealing his large, muscles, which were visibly growing.

'Hmm, his muscles, they're growing; is that because of his devil fruit? Wait! If his muscles grow, does that mean…' Thought Freyja lightly as she observed Urouges body, only to widen her eyes and gaze at his crotch with a hungry look.

"I might've just hit the jackpot." Muttered Freyja with a grin as she looked at Urouge, who stood upright and looked significantly larger than before, thanks to his swelling muscles.

"Despite your small frame, you pack quite the punch." Said Urouge with a smile as he patted his stomach while Freyja licked her lips and nodded.

"And you look more tasty; I'm definitely going to devour you!" Stated Freyja with a grin as she didn't wait any longer and lunged after Urouge.

Leaping into the air, I was about to punch him in the face, but he caught my fist in mid-air, completely stopping my momentum and causing me to frown.

"The fight has only begun." Stated Urouge as he head-butted Freyja, causing her to bleed before hitting her into the forest using his iron pillar.

"Ugh, t-that hurt. Haa seems like this is going to take longer than I'd like." Muttered Freyja with a slight frown as she emerged from a boulder she was embedded into before whipping the blood off her head and lunging back towards Urouge while Scar watched from the sidelines, clenching his fist.


Raising my arms, I blocked Urouges punch, but his mighty strength, which has grown throughout this battle, smashed right through my arms and hit me in the face, slamming me into the ground while following up with swinging his irony pilla atop me several times. Clenching my fist and engulfing it in flames, I punched towards the iron pillar, creating a massive explosion that brought me enough time to escape from the creator I was on as I gained some distance between Urouge.

"Haa, y-you're quite strong, Urouge." Said Freyja lightly with uneven breathing as she looked at the injured and somewhat exhausted Urouge, who was roughly twice the size before, his muscles having swelled considerably over the fight.

"You as well, Freyja; you're the first person I've met who managed to last so long against me. However, even if you're the most beautiful woman in the world, I shall take your life. I hope you don't take this personally; it is merely how us pirates operate." Stated Urouge solemnly with a smile as he stared at the injured Freyja while gripping his iron pillar, which now looked like a large club in his hands.

"Freyja, can you please end this now!? You've already wasted nearly 15 minutes!" Yelled Scar with a slight frown and a painful expression as he looked at Freyja, who softly nodded before gazing back at Urouge.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 249: Curse?) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 131: Fight! Third Guardian) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 226: Arrival At Enies Lobby)|| Marvel's Black Steel (Chapter 198: Might Of Apocalypse) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

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