
Chapter 62: Non-Human?

'There it goes again; that power, the same as when I fought against Sebas. What is it?' Mused Diddy with a frown as he retracted his bo-staff and closed his eyes to focus intently.

I tried to find the source of the power that emanated from me, though, unfortunately, other than figuring out it resides somewhere within my mind, I was clueless. Also, after a few seconds, the power started retreating back inside me before eventually vanishing from my senses, which I intensely disliked, as I hated not having control over my abilities, one of the reasons why I'm so good at manipulating the lightning in my body.

'Tch, unfortunate, but it's fine; next time it appears, I'll know where to search. Though I may be theorizing too early, it seems reactive to possibly my mentality or desires.' Thought Diddy with slightly furrowed brows as he holstered Naga-sa onto his back before focusing on the three in front of him.

"We understand, Captain." Stated Grand, Scar, and Trenza simultaneously in utmost seriousness, and despite Trenza's annoyance, they saluted to Diddy, something he's gotten used to but still finds weird.

"Good; now then, go back to doing whatever you were doing before." Said Diddy with a nod as he attempted to walk away, though Grand called out to him before he could leave.

"Umm, Captain; you practically ignored it during your speech, but what did you mean by Scar is the only normal one?" Asked Grand as the three looked at Diddy in confusion and curiosity.

"I meant what I said; among you three, Scar is the only normal one; you and Trenza are different compared to him and everyone else aboard the ship." Replied Diddy as he turned around and eyed them, though his words hardly appeased their curiosity.

"We understand that Captain; we want to know how we are different? We've known each other most of our lives, and I'm rather confident we would've figured out if one of us were unique. Besides Grand's large stature and the horizontal scar across my forehead, there is nothing special about either of us." Stated Trenza with a frown as she pointed at Grand before lifting her bangs, which covered her forehead, concealing a decently sized scar.

"Tch, what do you want me to say? If I knew how you two were different, I wouldn't be playing this back-and-forth game, would I? All I know is that both of you smell different from a human; Grand still has the smell of a human mixed in with that other foreign scent. But you, Trenza, don't smell anything like a human; your scent is entirely foreign, making me wonder whether you're even human at all." Declared Diddy with a frown while pointing at Grand before pointing at Trenza, his words surprising the three as they found such a revelation hard to believe.

"W-Wait! C-Captain, a-are you saying I-I'm not human!?" Exclaimed Trenza with widened eyes, her body trembling from such news, though before anything happened, a golden brown tail slapped her across the face, causing a red mark to form on her cheek.

"Stop acting so scared; none of us here know for sure whether you're human or not, and does it matter if you're human? It's not like you're suddenly going to change now that you know you're not human; again, I don't know if you're human or not; these are just theories. Theories I greatly believe in, but I could still be wrong, besides, being a human sucks; I speak from experience." Remarked Diddy as he retracted his tail while looking at the Trenza, who was rubbing her cheek in pain.

"Now, stop asking questions. I want to rest; I'm still exhausted from my training." Added Diddy as he glanced at the three before walking toward the other side of the ship while his tail swayed slightly with each step.

Once I reached the other upper deck, I walked past Freya and Sebas, who were still conversing with each other, and leaned Naga-sa down beside me as I lay inside the hammock.

"If you're not about to die, don't bother me; I'm going to sleep." Said Diddy as he glanced at Freyja and Sebas before closing his eyes after getting comfortable inside the hammock.

'Though that scar on Trenza's forehead, I don't think it's just a scar; it doesn't look like a scar, at least not a normal one.' Mused Diddy as he quickly fell asleep amidst the ocean's calm waves.



"How much longer until we arrive at Centaurea? It's been a week since we left Briss Kingdom! Didn't you say the two islands were close? Shouldn't we have arrived by now?" Questioned Diddy with a bored expression while hanging upside down from the mast by his tail as he looked at Freyja, who was manning the helm like usual.

"We'll be there soon, Diddy." Replied Freyja curtly as she glanced at Diddy, her irritation steadily rising by the second.

"Soon isn't what I right to hear; I want a time frame!" Said Diddy with a frown, though all that earned him was a ball of fire thrown right at him.

"Fine, you want a time frame, Diddy!? After I kill you, that's when we'll arrive at Centaurea!" Remarked Freyja angrily as she glared at Diddy with a fully transformed arm currently covered in flames.

"Fucking whore, If I had moved, the sail would've caught on fire!" Yelled Diddy angrily with an ashen face and frizzled fur as he was forced to take the full brunt of the take to protect the sail, which Freyja had taken advantage of.

"Heh, I know, that's why I did it; I knew you'd decide to take the attack. Also, thanks for the compliment, though it doesn't mean much when said from the mouth of a wild beast." Stated Freyja with a grin as her body sprouted wings, horns, and a tail while her entire body took on a more monstrous appearance, causing her to look rather demonic, though even so, it somehow only ended up enhancing her beauty.

"Hehe, if you wish to see a wild beast, I'll show you wild, alright." Declared Diddy with a feral grin, barring his fangs at Freyja while lighting sporadically danced over his body as he unholstered Naga-sa, which was emitting a dangerous aura, doing this while still hanging upside down.

"Then what are you waiting for, you shit-throwing monkey!? This Succubus will send you hell!" Remarked Freyja with a dangerous grin as she started flapping her wings, intending to launch herself at Diddy.

"Don't worry, I won't miss; shit is supposed to go inside a toilet like yourself!" Said Diddy as he flipped himself until he was squatting atop the mast while Naga-sa rested atop his shoulder, his eyes glaring at Freyja below him.

Though, like always, much to my anger, our battle was interrupted by what looked like a battalion of marine ships appearing from the distance, heading in the same direction as us.

"Captain, we've got marine ships to the north!" Yelled Trenza from the front of the ship as she spotted the ships before anyone else, her words causing everyone to stop what they were doing.

"Tch, are you fucking kidding me!" Yelled Diddy and Freyja simultaneously in anger as they eyed the large fleet of marine ships.

"Just when I was about to beat the shit out of this portable toilet!" Remarked Diddy with a grunt of annoyance while leaping from the mast and landing right beside Trenza as he carefully eyed the ships in the distance.

"Just when I was about to butcher this simple-minded beast!" Said Freyja while clicking her tongue as she flew over toward the front of the ship, landing on the other side of Trenza.

"What will we be doing, Captain? I'm always down for a little action with the Marines." Asked Grand with a slightly eager smile as he stood behind the three and eyed the marine ships.

"Hoho, before you engage, do think about this, Captain; why is there such a large marine fleet in the South Blue, and why do they appear to be heading toward Centaurea?" Said Sebas with a slight chuckle as he softly landed on the deck beside Diddy.

"This'll be my first time fighting against the Marines; I'm curious how strong they are." Said Scar as he walked up the stairs and stood beside Freyja, the entire crew of the Frenzy pirates now together.

"Hehe, I can think about that later, Sebas, but right now, all I care about is fighting someone strong, not to mention they interrupted my fight with Freyja; no way in hell I'll let them go after that!" Declared Diddy with a chaotic chuckle as he eyed the marine fleet, which seemed to finally notice them, causing a few ships to branch off and head toward them.

"Would you look at that? They only sent five ships after us; aren't they underestimating us a little too much?" Asked Freyja with an alluring smile, which was capable of turning your average man and woman into nothing but slaves.

"If we intend to fight against that whole fleet, there is a good chance they will sink our ship; after all, that is a decent-sized fleet consisting of roughly twenty ships." Remarked Sebas as he glanced at Diddy, who merely grinned in response.

"Then we'll leave our ship here; don't we have three people who can fly, anyways?" Said Diddy with a smirk as he wrapped his arm around Trenza, catching her by surprise before leaping into the sky, propelling him and Trenza to the incoming marines.

"Tch, bastard; c'mon Scar, let's go!" Stated Freyja as she picked him up with both arms and swiftly took the sky while trailing behind Diddy and Trenza.

"Hoho, that just leaves you and I, Grand; I suppose we shouldn't be left behind either." Commented Sebas with a slight chuckle as he waved his hand, lifting Grand's large frame into the air while he started floating before the two followed Freyja and Scar.


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Elven Legacy (Chapter 165: Phoenix Clan) || Hero of Harmony (Chapter 45: Sexy Lavender) || One Piece: Chaos Kong (Chapter 72: Finding Safety) at [patreon.com/Ozonelayer691]

Yolo; how's it going ya'll?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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