
The Aftermath (III)

The Weeping Maiden, started coughing black blood out of nowhere as her form slowly made audible creaking noises as she slowly reverted to her original form. Her Beastly form contorted and twisted as she hacked voilently spewing black blood everywhere. It bubbled and boiled as it landed on the ground.

Haruki slowly approached her as black blood seeped out all over her body as she continued to cough violently. Her green eyes was glaring straight into Haruki. Black ink like tears flowed down as she covered her mouth.

{I-Impossible... How... How can you remove the powers the great old ones have granted me? How can a mere mortal like you be able to cut my connection with the abyss!?}

Her voice echoed across their heads. Haruki on the other hand was silent as he stood infront of her. She was crawling on the ground, trying to get away from him. As she weakly crawled away from him.

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