
Kai Lane Chapter 12: Remember And Live

Kai came home in the evening. Everyone had left for their own houses. Just as he raised his hand and was about to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened and Kai met a pair of angry eyes.

"Where have you been?! I've been worried sick, we thought something had happened to you again after one thing after another!" Kai's mother started to pull at his ear with a speed Kai couldn't understand and threw him into the house.

No matter how fast Kai recovered, he was completely helpless in the face of his mother pulling on his ear. He was still in pain.

"Ahahah! Okay! It's okay! Let go of my ear and I'll tell you! "With Kai's words, his mother calmed down, but still kept her frightening eyes on Kai.

"Tell me!" She said it so coldly that Kai wondered if it was his mom. He swallowed hard and told her everything from the beginning to the end. From the first fight to the encounter with Jace. He didn't dare to hide anything. After all, he would be leaving soon.

"We're leaving tomorrow. I can't hide anything from you. "Kai said. He didn't want to ask his mom's permission. The rebellious teenager would not listen to his parents and leave.

Isse had a sad expression on her face. She was bitter and resentful, but this resentment was not against Kai. Although Kai didn't know that.

"Do you have to go?" She asked so calmly that Kai didn't know what to say for a moment. He knew that his mom never talked like that. She would have told him not to go; like any mother, she would have told him that it was dangerous. Kai hoped to convince her. But his mom was already convinced. She tried to convince him, but Isse could tell that she would fail.

Why did she talk like that?

"What do you want me to say? Make an excuse? That I'm afraid? To take control of the powers? No, I'm going for myself. I want to follow that power. I've met a new world."

"Are you disappointed?"

Isse held her head high. She had raised him and her three children in this house. They had grown up with this man and his darkness in a world they thought was light. The weight of the secrets she had to keep from her children was heavier than a mountain. And she didn't want him to go there without a doubt, so she asked. Maybe if he was afraid and gave up, she could convince him. Maybe she could convince him.

"What mother is disappointed in her children? I raised you. If I raised you to be fearless, it's my fault. If you jump to your death, it's my fault. Whatever you do, I'll consider it my fault. So remember that your mistakes will bring me down every day. Think of me before you die. Remember that there is an old woman waiting for you here. Even if no one is waiting for you..."

Kai looked at his mother. He saw how her gentle face had hardened. Wrinkles appeared on her beautiful face. Kai bowed his head. He felt very guilty, but no doubt he had not understood most of his mother's words.

He would understand. In time, they would come back to him. As he sat on a bench and looked around, no one would realize that his mother's words were on his mind.

"I'm sorry it had to be like this, Mom. "

Kai didn't want to stay there any longer and get upset, so he ran to his room. After he left, Isse couldn't stop the tears from falling from her eyes. She cried. She cried with a sad expression on her face. The tears slid down to her heart.

"I'm sorry, Kai. I'm sorry that it had to be like this."

Kai quickly packed his things and just as he was about to lie down on his bed, the family pictures on the table caught Kai's attention.

He slowly walked over to it and picked it up with his right hand. After looking at the picture for a while, Kai moved to put it in his suitcase. At the same time, he was thinking. He thought about what he had gone through.

He fell asleep, unaware of his mother's worries.


When Kai woke up in the morning to the sound of the bell, he had a momentary loss of memory, but he quickly recovered and got out of bed. He immediately went to the bathroom and washed his face and hands, then left his room. He didn't know why, but he had a very bad feeling. He had the feeling that something very bad was going to happen today. Although Kai didn't know it, it was characteristic of his sense of curiosity.

Kai was surprised for a moment when he came down the stairs. Everyone got up before him and sat down at the table. But it was obvious that they were waiting for Kai.

"Good morning. "

"Good morning, let's have breakfast."

Rhodes' words were harsh. His expression was more stern than it had been all day. He said nothing. Neither did anyone else. They just ate and said goodbye. Kai walked out as if he was going to school as usual, but there were 5 pairs of eyes watching him. One family member less. But it was not at all what they had expected. It would take a long time to get back.

After walking for a while, Kai turned around with a hand on his shoulder and looked at the 2 yellow heads looking at him with a smile. This group of 3 yellow heads had always acted together and had fun. For Kai, they would remain his best friends for the rest of his life. Although no one knew it in his heart and mind, Kai cared more for them than for Emma. Love wasn't as important as the friendship he had all his life.

"Wait for us, Kai. There's no need to rush," Jack said.

"Okay," Kai said and started walking with them.

After a while, they were quite close to the bus stop.

"Why don't we take the train or something?" said Kevin. He had a grudge against this bus that came at such long intervals. Jack patted him gently on the head;

"Idiot, don't you remember what happened the day we got on the streetcar? We almost lost our lives. People ran over us without mercy. We were on the ground until the last stop. That's why we take the bus. It's safer. Especially in this situation. "

While they were talking, Kai saw another yellow head in front of him. When he looked a little closer, he immediately realized that it was Emma.

"Hey, Emma!!!"

Emma turned around and their blue eyes met. It was a touching and sweet moment, but Kai was caught in the gaze as he ran, and when his attention was taken off his feet, he stumbled and fell to the ground. The smile on Emma's face disappeared and she ran anxiously to Kai's side. But Jack and Kevin were not worried at all and were giggling. Nothing had happened to Kai. As they examined Emma, they thought that what Kai had done was a dastardly trick.

"Are you okay?" Emma spoke as Kai pulled himself together. Kai didn't let Emma touch him. Even a touch counted as interaction and stimulated his hormones.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

At that moment Jack stepped forward.

"Hi, I'm Jack. "Jack rushed forward like it was no big deal and got a quick response. Emma replied without surprise.

"I'm Emma. Are you friends of Kai's? Wow! We're all really blonde and you're the only one who doesn't have blue eyes!"

There seemed to be a strange genetic problem in this area.

"Where are you going, or are you taking the bus?"

Kevin asked without any shame. But the other two were curious as well. Still, Kai thought they should explain where they were going.

"We're going to school. We have some... business. We were waiting for the bus."

Emma laughed. Her smile was as beautiful as flowers blooming in winter. Even Jack and Kevin froze. There was no denying her beauty. It was impressive to see that she had such a beautifully made face.

"Looks like we're going together. I have to go to school too."

She didn't say why. Just like Kai. She didn't seem offended, but she wasn't naive either. She cared about Kai as much as Kai cared about her.

While Kai and the others were walking down the street, Kevin and Jack were talking to Emma. While they talked, Kai was engrossed in watching Emma. He couldn't help but think that she felt something strange, too. She was attracted to him without knowing it. Jack realized this and nudged Kai. Kai turned around immediately. His face was flushed with embarrassment. When Jack looked at Kai with a confused expression, Kai thought something had happened and felt his face.

He ran his hand over his face and spoke with a puzzled expression.

"Can a person be so handsome in every behavior? Are you Brad Pitt's son or something? Okay, you look a lot like your grandfather, but what kind of gene is that?" said Jack. Kai could hardly keep himself from laughing. If they continued to stroke his ego like that, he would lose control.

When they got to the bus stop, there was no one around.

Kai looked in the direction Jack was pointing and saw the bus coming. They were just in time. When they got on the bus, Kai was surprised for a moment. The bus was packed. There was almost no room to walk.

Kai and the others immediately went to a place in the back and started waiting.

5 minutes later

Kai suddenly felt a sharp pain. Kai and Emma grabbed their breasts and twisted in pain. A rather unsettling feeling swept through their bodies. Her blonde hair fell in front of her. With her 1.60 cm height, she stood almost a head between her and Kai. Kevin asked in surprise.

"What's happening to you?"

"It's so bad..."

Kai's words were silenced by the rocket shell that pierced the bus. Kai looked at the grenade in that brief moment. He could see the moment when it exploded. The moment Kai saw the bullet, he involuntarily let himself die.

While Kai waited for death, he realized that death was waiting on the street. Because he wasn't dead yet. He slowly opened his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw. Everyone was frozen. Even the rocket-like weapon just stayed in the air.

Or rather, they slowed down. Kai could see that the missile hadn't destroyed the bus, but was slowly entering it. As soon as he saw the rocket through the window, his mind was filled with fear.

He was lucky.

As Kai looked at the missile, he was jolted by two hands on his shoulder. It was Jack. He had a tense expression on his face. He was in the same situation as Kai.

"Remember the feeling of love, Kai! You have to heal! Look at Emma's face and remember that you love her! Get well and save us, Kai! Remember and live!"

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