
Chapter 73 : Lucky me

Later that day /

A hidden base beneath the Leaf Village that felt secretive and tense. No entrances to the base could be seen, and inside the dimly lit corridors lead to functional rooms with minimal decoration. Symbol-filled walls and high amounts of ninjas as security who were focused on control, secrecy and safety of anything unusual.

And inside a large hall where Danzo was sitting on a stone throne while looking at some information data of a specific red haired big guy with stoic eyes that hide the deep hatred in it.

He clenched the paper in his hands.

"I should have payed more attention! I should have known that something is not right from the start! Damn you Hiroshi !" He said with teeth gritted while going through the information, trying to find something he could exploit.

"This is not like me, how come I was not aware of something this important ?!" He pondered and asked in self-blame.

He had long term plans for the boy, first he wanted to take over the shares of his company and second to use him as an emotional arrow to hit that girl Tsunade with it, but now ?

Now all his plans needs to be updated and change many things because of all this variables revealing themselves out of nowhere.

The first and the biggest problem now is the sudden news of his prowess and its revaluation that shocked him till now. He thought about any possible scenarios but this one was not in any of them, it's just unbelievable that a brat not too long ago was said to be chunin at best was now a Kage, it's was totally unexpected and Hiruzen's confirmation of this just ruined many detailed plans he had for the Hatakes.

The second problem is his parents. They are powerful and experienced no doubt, they weren't the second Hokage's Anbu for nothing with Hiroshi being an elite jonin and Ayaka a high jonin, but thankfully, after all this years of retirement their skills must have dulled and some news from the Root he got indicates that Ayaka is not stable right now, they don't know why but this is good news nonetheless.

So half of the problem now is centred on Hiroshi. If he could somehow take care of him then only the other half of the problem remains which is Garou himself.

He can't make any rash decisions with this one, and the problem here is that he is a kage powerhouse and there's a huge qualitative change between an elite jonin and a kage, even he barely is considered a kage but still not a real one which angered and made him jealous more.

If what Hiruzen confirmed about this is true then I need to make sure to not get too close to him himself, that boy just hides too much and no one knows of his true capabilities, the illusion of that monster appearing behind the boy in the meeting room couldn't make it more obvious that there's something far more ominous in here at play that they don't know about, so first he needs to find what he is hiding then make a good enough plan to take care of the Hatake clan once and for all, even Sakumo must be eliminated as he is giving signs of a true will of fire holder and a potential to take the Hokage seat away from him.

"Owl !" Danzo called.


A root ninja appeared before him with an owl mask while kneeling "Danzo-sama !" Owl with his head lowered said without any emotion evident in his voice.

"We have every latest information about the boy already saved, right ?" Danzo asked in a cold tone.

"Yes Danzo-sama !" Owl replied.

"Then take all that information and spread it in the underworld the moment the news of a new kage in our village spreads, understood ?" Danzo ordered.

"Yes Danzo-sama! Anything else ?" Owl said and asked.

"Also spread bad rumours about the boy around the village" Danzo said with his fist slightly clenched.

"At once Danzo-sama!" Owl said and danzo dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

Silence regained the hall again after the ninja left leaving Danzo to contemplate in this silence.

With his information out and known to all, he won't even need to give himself the headache of sacrificing his ninjas just to gauge out the strength of that boy and later be questioned in front of the clan heads if anyone found out.

The village contains many ninjas and he can't take any chances of anyone finding out that he is targeting the boy openly and make the clan heads wary of him.

With this, if the boy ever goes out of the village, many bounty hunters will love to hunt him down and other ninja villages to make moves against the boy to kill him before he grows more, and for himself to have the benefit of more information about Garou to make the best plan to take him down if in a slight chance he came out of the onslaught of bounty hunters alive.

And with this rumours out in the village, he will not let Garou's reputation to rise and stay bad or get even worse than it already is.

"Everything is for Konoha!"


Garou's POV /

Ok I have to say that I didn't expect this kind of development. I thought that I will have a simple meeting with the clan head, talk about business and go home later.

But I will have to say that I should have payed more attention to the Inazuka clan head more and her first change of expression in the meeting when she saw me should have been obvious that something was going on.

But even if I payed more attention, I wouldn't be able to see this one coming.

"So you say that it's engraved in you guys to follow the true Alpha but it has been some time that a true Alpha didn't appear in the clan now ?" I asked the eager elder, clan head and surprisingly the maid who were looking at me with stars in their eyes that made me unsettled, not familiar with this kind of attention towards me.

It was troublesome enough to get away from their hug and now this look of reverence is kinda weird to me.

"Yes yes! When our true Alpha died in the warring state period, a new true Alpha didn't appear after him till now !" The elder said with happy nods.

"But don't you decide who the Alpha is by fighting who is the strongest amongst yourselves ?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes we do but that's just a solution we made long ago for us to decide who will take the role of an Alpha until the real Alpha appears !" The elder replied with the same enthusiasm.

"But how do you know I am the one ?" I asked in confusion.

"It's an instinct we have to recognize the true Alpha, and your overwhelming aura can't go unnoticed by our sharp senses Alpha-sama!" This time the clan head Kai replied while salivating as she looked at me with hungry eyes that made me uncomfortable and pissed off slightly.

Hmm, now what should I do with this ? Their Aura tells me that none of them are pretending or disingenuous, so should I just accept the fact that I will have people to take care of from now on ? Or just refuse and don't bother even caring ?

But I know for sure this people won't just let me go like that and will annoy me non stop.

But also, this is quite troublesome and if people knew of this then I don't know how they will react, or how Danzo and Hiruzen specifically reacts, and I don't want this guys to get targeted for this reason by those duo, especially when I am gone for a long time.

This guys are quite stupid and I don't think there could be a smart one residing in this place that reeks of dog shit.

I look at their bright eyes who waited for me to say something "what are the responsibilities of an Alpha ?" I asked as I needed to know what in the fuck am I getting myself into.

Then the elder spoke "You will have to lead us from now on and we will follow you wherever you go!"

"So basically, I will become your clan head ?" I asked while starting to rub my face tiredly as I knew what kind of headache was coming.

"Yes" She replied.

With that, I slumped on the floor "aghh fuck but I don't know how to lead people !" I groaned and said tiredly.

"Then I will teach whatever I kno-"

I interrupted the elder "Look, I don't have time for this bullshit and besides, after some days I will be gone from Konoha and won't come back until some years later, so you better find another guy to annoy !" I said in a serious tone with my eyes narrowed.

I barely have time for myself and angel and now this fuckers want me to lead around 3000 people who smell like shit and piss out of nowhere ?

That ain't happening.

"Wherever you go we go, if you are leaving the village then we will leave the village, if you order us to die, we die BUT there's one thing you can't do..." The clan head suddenly said with a fanatic face and paused before continue to say...

"And that's to order us to leave you alone, it's absolutely unacceptable !!" She cried at the end which made me really angry.

*Booom !*

The room lost its colour quickly as I released deep red waves of Hado on them which made them immediately to get shocked then back away in fear and get in a corner of the room while whimpering but still didn't put up their guards up or retaliate.

I only let out enough Hado so it could stay in the room and don't notify the sensors of this village and make them know I am doing this even though those ninjas spying on me know I am here, but I made the concentration of the Hado was still high enough that it already made cracks appear on the room.

"And who are you to decide what I should do or not ?!" I said in an ominous tone while slowly getting up and look at the three fearful women in front of me.

The Inuzuka clan head is obviously stronger than me but it seems she also bought the nonsense of Hiruzen it seems.

Or maybe it has to do with their Alpha nonsense to now curl in a corner fearfully.

"First you talk nonsense about Alpha whatnot and now you tell me what to do and what not to do ?! Who are you even to decide that ?! Are you Inzuka trying to make the Hatakes your enemy ?" I let out with my teeth gritted.

I have been trying to get out this shithole of a village for years now, training my ass off for this moment and now, out of nowhere I am being bound by some smelly dogs to take care of !

I don't even like dogs in the first place!

"n-no...w-we wouldn't dare to go against your orders Alpha-sama! P-please spare us !" The elder stuttered with her head lowered fearfully trying hard not to make me angry more.

I look at their pale expression with the clan head and the maid already on the verge of crying which made my eyes twitch for a moment in annoyance.

I retracted my Hado after some moments which made a mess of this room and start to think about this matter more.

I relax and sigh as I look at them making puppy expression with their heads down like lost dogs.

"I will leave the village soon and none of you have a say in it. Also, don't let anyone know of what happened in here, not even Hirzuen" I said as I turn around ready to leave.

I don't have time for this, who knows when I will come back and me becoming a leader with 3000 loyal followers out of nowhere is just too overwhelming for me at the moment.

I am also quite weak and not suitable for leaderships when my own subjects are stronger than me, my pride doesn't allow me to hide behind the back of anyone to protect me, especially from ninjas !

So when I come back, maybe at that time I will gladly accept this people.


I look back in surprise to see all the three women kneeling in front of me with their heads hitting the floor...

"Please tell us how can we make you accept us ?!" The elder shouted with her exhausted voice.

I frown as I look at them like this 'They sure are desperate! is an alpha really that important to them ?' I thought to myself while rubbing my chin.

"Why are you hell bent on making me your leader ?" I asked the elder.

She raised her head and said with a resolute and determined gaze "Because our bonds with our dogs and some wolves changed us like this, it's in our bones to follow the leader and we can't just forget and let go of you after finally finding you, so please, we will do whatever you want but accept us !" The elder said in a desperate tone that made me feel bad...just a tiny bit.

'Did their ancestors fuck dogs to be like this or what ? This is so weird !' I thought in slight discomfort.

"As I said, I will be gone soon, so if you can't accept the fact that I will be away then you guys are not feat to be under me when you can't even follow my orders !" I said while slowly getting out of the room to leave.

"WE WILL DO! We will do whatever you say !" The clan head this time yelled with the same determined gaze.

I pause and look back at them again with a glint in my eyes as I suddenly had an idea of what to do with this people while ogling the body of the two young women in the room strangely.

"Anything ?" I asked with a smirk which made them shudder.


And this answer made me grin wildly as I shamelessly get back into the room and sit down opposite to them to talk business now.

The End

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