
Chapter 15: The Dragon Lord

Nick smiles as Tris throws her hands up in the air and shouts happily at the sight of the city growing in front of them.

“Come on Nick, I know you want to,” Tris teases as Amethyst dips toward land again.

Nick launches himself forward and screams into the air as he throws his hands up from beside Tris. Flying on a dragon’s back is much different from actually being the dragon doing the flying. Nick feels free and weightless riding on Amethyst’s neck. When he and Dom are soaring it’s more of an adrenalin rush.

“Guys, I don’t feel so well,” Lucas burps while holding his hand over his mouth.

“Do not throw up on me!” Amethyst calls back to them. “I’m going to put us down, just hold on.”

As graceful as a bird, the purple dragon glides down to the shoreline of the Isle. Her landing is perfect and Nick’s actually sad they’re stopping. Lucas slips down, using the dragon’s front leg as a slide. Once his feet touch the ground, the ward takes off for the bushes and empties his stomach.

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