
The mission continues

The caravan moved at slower speed than before. After the last night everyone were on edge, but the rest of the day was quiet and peaceful.The white clouds were drifting slowly under the blue sky, while the sun was embracing everything with its warm hug.

"Unusual hot day for September ey" one slave commented.

"Indeed even after last night horror the day is as peaceful as can be. It makes me calm my nerves a little." Another slave replied.

He smiled and continued "although it would be much better, if managed to sleep last night."

"Yeah… I can not wait to go home.Go to the hot baths and take one .I swear I will stand there till my entire body shrivel" the other slave replied with smile.

"Yea It would be so nice, then I would go hug my wife and kids" a third slave joined.

"A little things man that's what makes life good."

The first slave replied."

"Yosh let's move faster then. You guys inspired me." The second slave spoke loudly."

" Hahaha Zanmatsu even, if you walk two times faster you will still reach the clan on the second day. And don't forget the horses will tire faster and then we need to stop more often.So shut up and stop trying to be smart,just act beautiful." The first slave replied.

"Even that would be hard for Zanmatsu, Hiro-san, look at his crooked nose,and all that pimples and he still can't grow a beard." The third replied while looking like sage who experienced thousands hardships in his life.

"Shut up ,Shima-san,I still can't understand how Tomo- san chose you,a person would say that she don't understand what a real man looks like or you are super rich. You are neither a real man nor super rich, aaaah Sage of six paths did injustice on her poor soul ,choosing you."

"What did you say brat!" Shima screamed while catching Zanmatsu and putting him under his armpit while tapping him lightly on his head.

"Aaaa shima- san are you trying to kill me now!"

"Shut up brat I am not even applying pressure."

"Shima-san cough I am not speaking about the pressure, I am speaking about the smell."

The slaves around Shima and Zanmatsu laughed.

"Shima, Zanmatsu stop clowning around right now, we are still not close to the clan." Kimimaro  berated with slight smile.

"Yes Kimimaro-Sama" the slaves replied.

In the next moment the caravan stopped.

Kimimaro put his serious face and rushed to the front. There he saw Kageyama standing in front of the caravan looking at the meadow in front.

"We should set camp here for now make light reinforcement around the camp. "Kageyama ordered. "

Yes Kageyama-sama" one older slave replied."

In the next second Mangetsu came to them, "what's the matter Kageyama-san."

"Mangetsu, I appoint you as temporary leader of the camp. Our intelligence told us that here somewhere lies the second bandit camp. I and Kimimaro will search and destroy it.If we don't return to the camp till the evening I want you to build stronger reinforcements."

"Yes Kageyama- san" Mangetsu replied.

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