
The war of vengeance (1)

Vigilante stormed with supersonic speed and punched the first amazon on her face who came at him with Spear. The helmet of her cracked along with the face and a scream penetrated the entire area causing the other amazons to stop even when they are under mind control of Ares.

Vishal saw that the eyes of all the amazons are in red color rather than a normal glow. "War strengthens that guy host. As soon as you begin crushing these women he will grow in power." said the system.

"So what? That piece of shit will die along with Hippolyta. Even though they will revive I am going to implant trauma in such a way that he will even fear to touch humanity in the future." said Vishal defiantly.

Vishal saw a tall woman approaching with an axe and when she came near him, she spread her hands aside and gave a big battle roar.

Vishal felt the power from the roar. If it had been a normal human, they would have pissed in their pants.

"Barbarians in game have this terrifying feature causing the target to feel immense fear. But I am driven by rage, doing such things will only increase my zeal to battle." thought Vishal.

Vishal released a blue aura and the aura took two shapes above him. One took the form of a Lion and other took the form of a tiger.

The two forms released a mighty roar causing the amazonian woman to step back in instinct. The roar was so powerful that the thrones on which both Hippolyta and Ares sat trembled. The ocean surrounding the island generated heavy tides.

Ares understood that a terrifying enemy has entered the island. With eyes glowing blue Vishal flew into air and at high speed slammed the ground between the middle of the army with a powerful punch causing the Amazonian women to get thrown away in all 4 directions.

Though it was powerful, many others were unaffected by the punch and they gave a battle roar and stormed towards Vishal with weapons.

"Thus my arrival is announced. Now to beat the shit out of them until the two top guns arrive along with Circe." thought Vishal

The big amazon used the Axe and slashed on him. Vishal evaded that attack by jumping to the side and landed a kick to a girl on her gut who used two daggers to stab him from behind. The kick was infused with martial Qi so her rib cage cracked.

With martial arts in tow he let the aura loose and the Lion and Tiger figures went and devoured nearly hundred Amazons throwing them by taking it into the sky.

The Amazonian warriors threw ropes on him and tried to bind him. "Simple minded." thought Vishal and flew with high speeds into sky. Though Amazonians tried to drag him down, they could not because the power difference is too high. They did not let go of the ropes and were taken into sky and Vishal broke their legs, hands and ribs without mercy using Martial Qi.

"Why are you playing with them host? You could end this as soon as possible." asked system.

"This is not like the villains system. The world has to know the truth what happened 2 1/2 years ago and Ares will be the one who will speak it." replied Vishal.

Vishal saw that many Amazonian women aimed the bows and many arrows were launched at him with fire on the tip. "Primitive tactics." thought Vishal and let all the arrows hit him.

He looked to the left and right and saw the bruised women stubbornly gripping the ropes. He spin like a tornado and all the women had to let go of the ropes because of nausea and they all landed on different parts of the island.

Vishal saw his forms disappearing many women fell down from the sky hurting themselves. He also saw many arrows approaching and became invisible. The arrows went through him and he took out a rocket launcher and launched a missile on them causing a heavy explosion and many women were thrown away unconscious.

He came down to the ground and put back the rocket launcher. He unleased hundred fire balls against the approaching Amazons.

They defended using the half shields but some of them still got hit with it. "It's not enough. I need more spectacle." thought Vishal when a big boulder landed on him crushing him.

"Stupid human" came a voice. "It's done Lord Ares---" the female voice was about to stop when the boulder cracked and turned to dust and a guy whose helmet is broken along with armor appeared.

Vishal flew to space and burned his helmet. He took out a mask which had a skeleton on it. It got fixed.

"That mask won't break if it isn't a divine attack host. Now you don't need to worry about it getting destroyed like the helmet." said the system.

"Thanks." said Vishal and came back on the land.

As soon as he came back, he saw who is the person that dropped a boulder on him. Burning his armor, a new armor embraced his body.

"Giganta. Didn't think you would work with Amazonians?" said Vishal as he saw the red color in her eyes.

"Lord Ares and Queen Hippolyta are my lords now. Don't you dare disrespect them." said the tall woman growing to huge heights.

Many Spears were plunged into his body but nothing penetrated it. Some used the half Axe to cut him into half but they could not even put a scratch.

Vishal flicked a finger and two giant tornados appeared in an instant. One tornado was aimed towards Giganta and other was aimed towards the Amazonians surrounding him.

Seeing the consuming tornado many women tried to run away but they could not and they were devoured by the tornado. Giganta used the gigantic hands and clapped released a shock wave aimed towards the tornado.

Though she could half the power of the tornado, Vishal put his hand forward and released fire onto the tornado which is attacking Giganta.

"You're lover Grodd is not here to save you Giganta. I am going to enjoy inflicting enough pain onto you and the bitches of this island." said Vishal.

Giganta was facing hard time because her hands burned whenever she tried to touch the tornado. Since her mobility is lacking in the gigantic form, she decided to let go of the form and began running away.

Vishal heard sounds and saw thousands of Amazons on horses coming at him from a hill and he saw the old battle machine which throws gigantic stones and trebuchets which had round shaped balls covered in fire appear.

Vishal grinned and said "Feels like I went back to the medieval ages."

The first horses to arrive were those of archers and they sent hundreds of arrows which were all sucked by a huge dark hole created by Vishal in front of himself.

"B*tches never learn a good lesson. You need to teach them in a hard way." said Vishal and raised his hand into the sky.

The sky turned black and the darkness enveloped the entire island and also the entire ocean. The Justice league who felt the barriers broke saw the entire region becoming dark from the watchtower.

"I have a bad feeling about this." said Superman.

WW was anxious as something wrong is happening in Thermyscira.

"Let's go. We need to stop whatever is happening there." said Batman.

Nearly half of the league made way to Thermyscira leaving behind other half to monitor and stand by.

The amazonians saw the changes in the atmosphere and environement and felt their hair stand up.

Two big portals appeared in the sky and two gigantic creatures appeared. One creature has a human head and half body with mermaid like tail and three dog like heads to the bottom of the human body.

The other one has a dinosaur like body and tail with 4 serpent heads roaring as soon as they came out.

"Hahahaha. Say Hi to the ancient creatures that terrified your kind." said Vishal.

Hippolyta and Ares stood up from the throne as soon as they sensed the creatures.

"Welcome back to life Scylla and Hydra." said Vishal.

The horsemen and every other amazonian stopped. Giganta who escaped the tornado also felt immense threat from the two creatures that have arrived.

"Let's dance, girls." said Vishal with amusement behind the mask.

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