
2 [Eclipse]


The moment I uttered the words of confirmation, my vision darkened, and I felt a heavy sense of vertigo overtake my entire being- It was like being sent through a never ending downwards loop on one of the fastest, and longest rollercoasters ever.

However, alongside that feeling, came a cold, metallic touch. One that gnawed on my consciousness until all I could feel and understand was the cold. My sense of touch was the first to reach me, upon its return, the vertigo turned down a notch.

I unconsciously moved my hands outwards, extending my arms in hopes of reaching something- anything to give me a hint as to where I resided. I didn't have to wait long.

Cold, rough metal was all I could feel. Little hieroglyphics etched into the walls were distinct as each of my ten fingers rubbed up and down, side to side on the two walls on either side of me. 'Is this… A cage?' My question could only float aimlessly.

Moments later, the second of my five senses came back. Hearing.

I could hear what felt like, everything. The creaking and groaning of metal hinges as well as the scurrying of little critters. It was enough to send chills down my metaphysical spine. But no matter how much I prepared myself for such a thing, it never came.

'Interesting… So, I guess I'm in my Cybertronian body and I'm waiting for my "systems" to reboot? That would make sense.' It was a simple conclusion but one that was simple enough to bring my worrying mind to ease.

As the creaking continued, I focused on that feeling more so than my actual sense of touch. My ears must be enhanced to some degree considering my new biology. It would make sense that that would be the case. So, I began to depend on it as I tried to reach my feet.

Well, that was until I realized I couldn't feel anything besides my arms, head, and hands- expectedly my fingers as well. 'Well great… Playing the waiting game it is.' I mused, the unenthusiasm in my sarcastic thoughts practically drowning my insides as I let out a sigh.

That alone surprised me. My new voice… It was robotic. 'That's so cool…' I stated, my once drowsy, uninterested mood being swapped for a sense of anxious anxiety and excitement. I know I was originally against the idea of reincarnation, but if I keep discovering feelings like these… I might kill myself so I can experience it again.

'Woah! A little dark.' Chuckling to myself, I continued to wait for the rest of my senses and decided that I'd pass the time by trying to force a connection to the rest of my body. First subject-

The legs.


What felt like hours passed by in minutes before my connection with my legs had been restored. I was now able to walk. Alongside that, my sense of smell rebooted as well, giving me both the chance to smell and embrace the moist, moldy environment and even slowly explore where I was. When I stood up, my first steps took me forward, my metal feet scraping the metal grounding underneath me with every step until I reached a… pane of glass.

I tapped on it, light, not hard but even then, I expected it to crack or even shatter. Neither happened so I put a little more oomph into it, and I was met with nothing still. 'Reinforced? That makes sense… Wherever I am, I can tell by the smell, feel and sound of this place that this is most likely a Cybertronian structure.' Humming slightly, finding a sense of joy in hearing my own deep, robotic voice, I slowly retraced my steps, keeping a hand on the nearby wall as well as focusing most of my efforts on my ears.

Spinning slowly on my heels, I turned around doing a full 180 and continued further into the structure. The further I went, the stranger the things I felt got. I began to feel wiring, rubber tubes and squishy bits. I think I even squashed a bug at some point because I heard a loud crunch noise rendering from under my very feet.

'Damn… That shit must've been huge.' Shrugging it off, I continued on my way. Only stopping when my vision began to stir.

It started blurry, and quick. The darkness shifting in and out of a clear view. The obstruction caused me to stop in place, my mechanical features shifting into a frown as I blinked repeatedly, my free hand resting on my temple before I began to tap my own head, trying my best to aid the reboot.

That seemingly helped my situation as the flickering soon stuck, my vision was perfect and the dark room in front of me came into clear view for the first time in hours. However, my environment was the least of my concerns as my view was obstructed by a white RPG like "HUD" with a small circle that traced and scanned everything my eyes looked at…

'T-That's so trippy… It's like my own little analysis AI built right into my brain.' The only thing that disappointed me was that the analysis feature was the only thing available. However, when I actively wished to know more about something, a small tab would open in the top left of my vision, giving me a basic rundown on what the material is and what it connects to.

'Kind of like the system features from the Reincarnation fics I'd read back in my old life. This one just seems more watered down and less All-Knowing…' I assumed that such knowledge came from a stored database of information. Like everything Cybertronian was already within my mind to an extent and my analysis feature could just pull out the knowledge I didn't remember/have access to.

But compared to entities like Unicron, Optimus and the other centuries old robots, I'm a little behind in that subject. 'If I went to earth and connected myself to its global network, I'd have access to all types of knowledge within their databanks.' The idea was immediately something I turned into a plan.

My basic knowledge of my old world wouldn't suffice since I'm nineteen-thousand years in history. However, my reasoning for being so is so that I can experience every known Transformer sighting/record that was hinted at within the franchise.

'That gives me enough time to also bolster my strength. With the Primes being on earth around this time, the Suneater should still be available. If I take it and turn random stars into energon, I'd essentially become a being like Unicron… Just one that eats stars rather than planets.'

As my mind was made up and my eyes shifted around my newfound environment- I observed that it was rather plain. It lacked colors as it was a blend of black and gray metals. Much like myself.

Looking at my palms, they were covered in black paint and bulky Cybertronian flesh. I was tall- Much taller than any human had ever been back on earth. I don't know how tall but if I had to guess I'd be somewhere between 7-9 meters tall.

'Huh… This must be a ship. Maybe an escape jet?' I don't exactly know what these ships are called, I just know I'm in one.

My attention was soon drawn towards the deck of the ship, or more so, the front of it as a loud crash echoed from that direction. My head swiveled, revealing not only that I was wearing a little cloak on my head that hung to the mid-section of my back and stomach, but also the starry background and massive celestial bodies that slowly orbited in front of me.

I felt as if my "heart" began to speed up, though it was only mental. A humongous gas giant was directly in front of me, its "eye" staring directly into mine. "Huh… Jupiter. That's always welcomed… I guess." My gaze shifted once more to the interior of my ship.

A seat meant for a Cybertronian, a giant joystick alongside an expansive panel of controls laid bare before me. As I let my curiosity drive my further actions. My body plopped down in the seat, my arms naturally resting on the arm rests as little tubes flared up and sunk into my shoulders and traps.

Cool enough, I still feel pain. Dunno why I thought I didn't... Even the transformers in the movies expressed such things.

As the tubes clamped onto me tightly, I felt a thrum of power surge within my chest and white outline began to emanate from said tubes. The panel to the ship followed suit, lighting up brightly as the rest of the ship let out a breath.

To say I was intrigued was an understatement. I was completely enthralled by everything going on. Everything was so alien to me it felt like I was discovering a hobby I didn't know I'd enjoy.

My attention was once more pulled away from one thing and onto another as a holographic panel sprung to life, [WELCOME, ECLIPSE. DESTINATION 4 HOURS AWAY: PLANET, B-127.]

As my eyes scanned over the simple greeting and statement, I couldn't help but stare at the first portion.

'Eclipse… That's my name? My robot name…?' I pondered for a bit, wondering if I should change it. I doubted any other transformer would know of me or know me. Maybe changing it would be for the best?

'Eh, Its pretty cool. Makes me feel like a main character or something. They usually have unique or cool names anyway.' Shrugging my shoulders, I decided that my name would be Eclipse from now on. My old one long forgotten and hidden away within the depths of my mind.

My first milestone in my new life was finally established.

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