
The Group's Similarity

- Joonie's back? 

- I became a fan of him after watching the last season. I was pretty sad that it ended so quickly. Now, I get to see him once again! 

- The winner of the season is finally here, everyone! 

- Why are you making it into a competition? 

- Joonie! The main character of the show! 

The ninth reveal took everyone by surprise. It was Joonie who participated in the first season. Casper held in the urge to click his tongue in disappointment. Who knew that this guy was going to come back? 

Meanwhile, Uno looked at him with curiosity. They hadn't met before, and he was trying to make something out of his first impression. 

On the other hand, Casper almost smiled—almost. He thought it was another person. However, he had his hopes up for nothing. 

The camera panned to an overall shot, allowing the viewers to exclaim in amazement. 

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