

What is the essence of death?

June knew that every person on this very earth thought about death.

If you ask a child, death might be the separation from those they love.

It's the loss of a warm hand they hold, a goldfish flushed down the toilet, a pet who just wouldn't die finally passing, a familiar voice, and a comforting presence that will be eventually forgotten.

This absence is shallowly felt, for a child's mind is simple.

What's gone is gone.

For those who had the taste of the good, good life, death often brings an intense fear.

It's the silent reminder of our fragility. People become obsessed with health, trying to eat right, exercise, and avoid the risk of death.

We live with a constant worry, always aware that our time will end at any moment.

The fear wasn't just about dying but about the unknown that death represents.

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