
Chaos Ensues Chaos

EVE went back to their seats as praises continued to be thrown over their way. 

Y even unconsciously raised his hand to clap, wondering where they got such a fresh idea from. 

"Can we perform something like that too?" Seven whispered to Uno. 

Uno merely smirked. 

Jordan clapped loudly, feeling proud of their junior label-mates. Although he didn't really contribute to their current success, he still felt like a proud dad. 

Nico, on the other hand, pursed his lips and clapped despite the envy he felt in his heart. 

The episode hasn't even aired yet, but he was already sure that Mimi was going to be gushing about June for days! 

Jee Haemin smiled widely as he went back to the center with Wonbin. 

"I only have one comment for the performance—wow," Haemin said, feeling very satisfied with their performance. 

His heart did a little giddy dance as EVE bowed at him, but he tried his hardest to stay calm. 

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