
Taking Credit

"Good morning, trainees!" Kang Minho brightly greeted as he walked through the double doors. 

The 25 trainees had now gathered in the training center for the interim evaluations. The mentors entered the door one by one, shining like real celebrities. They were all made up and were wearing stage clothes while the trainees had only woken up. 

Just then, 3 new people entered the room, making the trainees perk up. For June, they weren't familiar faces, but they seemed to be a big deal since Ren let out a small gasp. 

"Do you know them?" June asked. 

"Yeah," Ren whispered. "You don't?" 

June shook his head. 

"Well, they're some of the biggest producer names in Korea. That guy, Sven, is my mentor," he pointed to a fairly-young guy wearing heavy chains and heavily-tinted sunglasses. 

"He must be good then," June inferred. 

"He is," Ren responded. "He knows a lot about the technical aspects of producing." 

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