
Chef June

[Your missions are now being reset:

1. Cook for five people.

2. Rise through ranks (at least 5 ranks).

3. Earn a compliment from mentor Gun.]

June looked at his new set of missions with a frown. The first two were very doable. He can even finish the first one tonight. The second one is also doable if his appearance in the second episode made a big enough impact.

However, the third one sounded impossible.

Mentor Gun would rather eat the sole of his shoe than compliment June.

"The episode's over," Jisung said. "Should we head home, brother?"

"Wait," June said, standing up. He might as well get the first mission over with.

"Stay here," June said. "I'll cook you guys some dinner."

The five boys looked at each other with surprise. "You'll do that for us?"

Well, if it wasn't for the mission, June would have kicked them out already.

"Wait a second," June said. "I'll buy some ingredients."

He went out of the house before the others could refute.

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