
Double Date

After an invigorating afternoon in the forest with his mother Miori, along with their trusted guards Samui and Mabui, Ryomaru felt a sense of warmth and happiness. With youthful vigor, he leaned in and pecked each of them on the cheek.

"See you later, Mum, Samui-nee, Mabui-nee!" he called out, waving goodbye as he darted out of their home.

His next destination was the Hyuga Clan Compound. More specifically, a serene lake within the compound where he was meeting Hinata and Hanabi. Unfortunately, Temari couldn't join us because she was with her family. While Kankuro came from the Sand Village and Gaara arrived from the Cloud Village, she was going to spend time with her family.

As he arrived, he saw Hinata and Hanabi already seated by the lake, their faces reflecting the shimmering water. The sun was setting, casting a beautiful golden hue over everything.

"Hey there!" Ryomaru greeted, his ice-blue eyes twinkling.

Hanabi jumped up, her eyes lighting up. "Ryomaru! You're here!"

Hinata offered a more subdued, yet equally warm smile. "Hello, Ryomaru. How was your day?"

"Couldn't have been better," Ryomaru grinned, "spent it with family. How about you?"

"We practiced some jutsu," Hanabi piped in eagerly.

"Oh? What's up?" Ryomaru settled on the ground, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

Seeing Hinata fidgeting, Ryomaru couldn't help but ask, "Something on your mind, Hinata?"

Hanabi giggled before blurting out, "Hinata wants to talk with Naruto, but she's too embarrassed!"

Instantly, Hinata's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red, and she gently slapped Hanabi's arm. "Don't!"

Ryomaru chuckled softly. He had noticed Hinata's visible fondness for Naruto a while ago. Every time Naruto's name came up, her usually shy demeanor would perk up a little, her lavender eyes sparkling as if touched by sunlight. Given how dense Naruto was and how timid Hinata acted, it wasn't surprising they hadn't moved past polite hellos. Especially now that Naruto was studying in the Cloud Village.

"So, Naruto is back for a bit, huh? Why not take the chance and talk to him?" Ryomaru suggested, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"It's not that simple, Ryomaru," Hinata murmured, her eyes downcast. "In the academy, there were class assignments and group activities, but now I have no reason to approach him. I can't just go up and say hi out of the blue."

Seeing the opportunity to tease both girls, Ryomaru grinned. "How about we go on a double date?" he asked.

"D-d-date?" Hanabi's face turned red, her eyes widening in shock.

Hinata looked equally surprised but more puzzled than embarrassed. "Date?"

Ryomaru winked. "Get ready and meet me in front of the Academy in half an hour." Before they could react, he dashed away, leaving both sisters staring at each other, flustered and unsure.

Exiting the Hyuga compound, Ryomaru navigated the streets of Konoha with purpose. His ice-blue eyes scanned for a particular blonde head in the crowd. Soon enough, he found Naruto, who was sitting in a park talking animatedly with Shikamaru, Choji, Sakura, Kiba, and Shino. From the distance, he could hear Naruto recounting his experiences in the Cloud Village and how awesome Killer B was.

"Naruto!" Ryomaru called out, approaching the group.

Naruto looked up and grinned, his eyes matching the bright orange of his clothes. "Hey, Ryomaru! How's it going?"

"Doing great! Mind if I borrow you for a bit?" Ryomaru asked.

Naruto looked puzzled. "Sure, what's up?"

Ryomaru turned his gaze toward the rest of the group. "Don't worry, I won't keep him long."

"Go ahead," Shikamaru said, appearing unfazed as ever. "We're just killing time, anyway."

Pulling Naruto away from the group, Ryomaru got straight to the point. "So, Naruto, you're back in town for a short while, right?"

"Yeah! Killer B says I've got some free time, so I came back to catch up with everyone!"

"How about catching up with Hinata?" Ryomaru suggested, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Naruto blinked, "Hinata? Um, sure, why not?"

Ryomaru grinned, "How about a double date? Hinata will be there, and it'll be fun!"

"Date?" Naruto's face turned a light shade of pink, "Uh, I don't know, man…"

Ryomaru clapped him on the back, "Come on! Meet us in front of the Academy in about half an hour. Trust me, it'll be good for you."

"Alright, if you say so," Naruto agreed, still looking unsure but intrigued.

Back at the Hyuga compound, Hinata and Hanabi were in a mild state of panic. The idea of a date had thrown both of them off balance, and they were fretting over what to wear and what to say.

"I can't believe he just left like that!" Hanabi exclaimed, still red-faced.

"I know," Hinata replied, her voice tinged with both excitement and apprehension. "What do we do now?"

"We go," Hanabi said, determination filling her eyes. "We said we would, right?"

Hinata nodded, her own resolve strengthening. "You're right. We will go."

Both girls hurriedly got ready, still unsure but not willing to back out.

Exactly half an hour later, Ryomaru stood in front of the Academy. Naruto shuffled beside him, visibly nervous but trying to look relaxed.

"Hey, there they are," Ryomaru said as he spotted the Hyuga sisters approaching them. Hinata's eyes met Naruto's, and both blushed but managed to smile.

"So, where are we going?" Hanabi asked, trying to sound casual but failing.

Ryomaru grinned, "How about we start with some ice cream and then see where the evening takes us?"

Walking at the front side by side, Hanabi and Ryomaru chatted easily, clearly comfortable in each other's presence. Meanwhile, Hinata and Naruto followed behind, painfully aware of each other, their eyes casting furtive glances but never meeting.

"Look at those two," Hanabi muttered to Ryomaru. "They're as awkward as a fish out of water."

"I know," Ryomaru chuckled. "We should help them out a little."

"Any ideas?"

Ryomaru flashed a sly grin. "Follow my lead."

Coming up to a small stand, Ryomaru tugged on Hanabi's sleeve. "How about we get some ice cream?"

"Yeah, sure!" Hanabi agreed, obviously eager for the treat.

Ryomaru looked over his shoulder at Naruto, raising his eyebrows in a silent question.

Naruto took the hint. "Uh, Hinata, would you like some ice cream too?"

Hinata's eyes met his, and she felt a warm flush spread across her cheeks. "Yes, that sounds lovely."

Ice creams in hand, the group continued their stroll. They reached a bench overlooking the training grounds, now empty as the sun dipped lower in the sky.

"Let's sit!" Hanabi plopped down, and Ryomaru joined her. Hinata and Naruto hesitantly sat next to each other at the opposite end of the bench, a comfortable distance apart.

Taking a bite of his ice cream, Ryomaru turned to Naruto. "Hey, Naruto, have you seen those flower keychains they sell near the bookstore? They're pretty cool."

Naruto looked puzzled but intrigued. "No, I haven't."

Ryomaru winked at him discreetly. "Girls love them. Hinata, what's your favorite flower?"

Latching onto the conversation, Hinata's eyes brightened a little. "Um, I really like lavender."

"See?" Ryomaru elbowed Naruto gently, who finally caught on.

"Oh! Um, would you like to go check them out after this?" Naruto asked Hinata, a bit awkwardly but sincerely.

"That sounds wonderful," Hinata replied, her smile genuine and warm.

After finishing their ice cream, the foursome headed toward the bookstore. Hinata and Hanabi trailed behind, chatting softly, while Ryomaru pulled Naruto aside.

"Just relax, man. You're doing great."

Naruto sighed, "Thanks, Ryomaru. This is all so new to me."

Arriving at the stand with flower keychains, Ryomaru picked one up. "See, this is the lavender one. It's Hinata's favorite flower."

Naruto nodded and approached the stand, picking up the lavender keychain and paying for it. As they rejoined the girls, he nervously handed the keychain to Hinata.

"I hope you like it," he said shyly.

Hinata's eyes shimmered as she took the small gift. "Thank you, Naruto. It's beautiful."

Seeing the two finally sharing a genuine moment, Hanabi couldn't resist but squeeze Ryomaru's arm. "Looks like it's working."

Ryomaru smiled back at her. "Yeah, it does."

The sky was now adorned with the first stars, and the streets of Konoha were quieter.

"So, what now?" Hanabi asked, turning to Ryomaru.

"How about a quick game of 'Ninja Seek' at the training grounds? It's empty now," Ryomaru suggested, grinning at the thought.

Naruto's eyes lit up, "That sounds awesome!"

"Then it's settled!" Hanabi cheered.

At the training grounds, they took turns hiding and seeking. For the first time, Hinata and Naruto were laughing openly, occasionally making eye contact without the awkward tension. Hanabi and Ryomaru exchanged satisfied glances; their mission was a success.

As they wrapped up the game and said their goodbyes, Hinata looked at Naruto, her eyes soft but full of unspoken words. "I hope we can do this again, Naruto."

"Definitely," Naruto grinned, his heart pounding but happy.

And as Ryomaru and Hanabi waved goodbye, walking back toward the Hyuga compound, Hanabi spoke softly, "Thank you, Ryomaru. This was really special."

"I had a lot of fun, too," Ryomaru said, his ice-blue eyes twinkling under the starry sky. "Let's do it again sometime."

"Definitely," Hanabi smiled.


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