
Chapter 49

The aftermath of the fight was as odd as its beginning, but it was a success in its objective. The Hydra and SS soldiers sent to retrieve Vibranium in Wakanda were taken out, including the Maschinensoldaten so that meant Hydra wouldn't be getting their hands on any. The bodies and their vehicles would need to be disposed of, so some graves were being dug. Clark was quick to check through their pockets and around the camp for any kind of intel they could have around. Anything would help but there wasn't much to find. He did find some mission orders that if the team was successful, they had plans than they needed to call it and a ship would pick them up. Apparently, Hydra had crafted a special long-distance radio pack that could keep them in contact with a base in Europe, so Clark decided to take it. Perhaps Howard could look over it and make some adaptations to their current radio packs. Azzuri was organizing his men and checking up on them. Most of them were fine with some injuries that weren't bad, mainly sustained by that speedster. A few had some broken limbs and unfortunately a few were killed but considering what could have happened than they got lucky. And that luck happened to come in the form of some new strangers that definitely weren't from around here.

Amaya was helping with the clean up when Nate walked over to her. "Hello…forgive me, I don't know your name."

"It's Heywood, Nate Heywood." Nate introduced himself to her, which was odd.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Heywood. Thank you for your assistance before. I've seen a lot, but I don't think I've ever seen a man with skin like steel before." She said.

"Yeah…uh, my friends and I are kind of unique." He pointed out.

"If I can ask you, how did you know my name? I don't believe we've ever met." She stated.

"Oh uh…when my team was moving into position I overhead your name being shouted. That's how." He answered, not rather convincingly but she was more preoccupied by how he was looking at her.

"Is there something wrong?" She wondered.

"No, it's just uh…you remind me of someone I once knew. Someone I was close with." Nate admitted. "I think you would have liked her. She was strong, courageous, but also kind."

"She sounds like a special person to you."

"She was but the odds of seeing her again…are not really there."

"I'm sorry to hear that. If you cherished her as much as she cherished you then she will live on in your heart and her in yours." Amaya told him.

While their interaction may not be exactly what he wanted there was still comfort and more importantly closure. "I guess you're right. Thank you, Amaya."

"Your welcome, Nate." She replied and they bid each other farewell. Nate walked back over to the Legends, were off to the side after helping deal with the bodies and were about to make their exit.

"You ok, buddy?" Ray asked him.

"Sort of but I need a drink." Nate told him.

"Nothing better after burning some Nazis. Are we done here?" Mick asked Sara.

"I think so. We should probably get out of here anyway." Sara stated.

"Quite right." Rip agreed as they turned to leave but saw Clark standing there with his arms crossed. "Bollocks."

"Leaving so soon?" Clark wondered.

"Yes. Uh, my compatriots and I need to be on our way." Rip told him. "Many important tasks for us to do and we don't want to attract unwanted attention."

"It's a little too late for that, isn't it? I may have only been able hear fragments, but I heard enough. You know my name and you obviously don't belong here like the guy who nearly killed me. Why are you here?" Clark questioned.

"We were here to save you. Now that you're ok, we should really be going." Rip said, trying to walk past only for Clark to grab his arm and squeeze. "Trust me, Mr. Kent, this information is rather sensitive and it's better if you don't know."

"I don't care! Whoever that man is he nearly killed me, and he's been working with Savage with everything. Who is he?" Clark demanded to know, and the anger in his tone definitely scared Rip and the others.

Rip sighed in defeat as he had no choice. "His name is Eobard Thawne, also known as the Reverse-Flash. He is a speedster from the 22nd century…and he traveled back in time to kill you."

Clark definitely wasn't expecting to hear that and at first, he thought it was nonsense but remember how the man spoke and what he spoke about it made sense. But still, it was kind of unbelievable. Sure, he was an alien from another galaxy but time travel. "Time travel? The future?" Clark noticed Rip and the others, mainly their clothes and such and remembered brief bits of what he could hear when he was dying. "You're from the future too? You're time travelers?"

"Yes, not from his exact future as that future isn't really set but ah, it's complicated and involves a lot of Quantum Temporal mechanics and—"

"We're from the 21st century, and yes, we're time travelers." Sara said to get Rip to stop from going all Time Master on Clark and keep it simple. "We don't time travel the same as Thawne does, but we were able to pick up the energy he uses when he time travels and figure out what he was doing. We found out he was coming back to this time to kill you, so we came back to stop him. Just glad we got here in time."

"Why does a speedster from the future want me dead?" Clark asked and Rip looked at him.

"Mr. Kent, your…your influence and history as Superman begins here during the war, but it will last for centuries into the future and extend even beyond earth. Your hope, your compassion, and your ability to inspire others is something truly special and unseen throughout history. You already have proof of that." Rip and Clark looked over to Dan, Amaya, Carter, and Shayara.

"It's because of you that the world will believe in heroes, and you will inspire so many, including many of us." Sara said as Clark saw the people on this team look at him with admiration. Granted the exception was the guy with the flamethrower who looked like he just wanted to drink. "Unfortunately, that also means that you've inspired plenty of people who want you dead."

"Including this Thawne." Clark deduced and they nodded. "He said that I was a focal point in this timeline. He was trying to change that."

"Time travel is dangerous. Thawne's very existence is proof of that and he's trying to change all of that. If he kills you than the people you inspire and one day will lead, including one in particular that Thawne despises more than you, will never be what they were. If you die than all of the future will change. Which is why we arrived here to make sure that doesn't happen." Rip told him. "We work to protect the flow of time and Thawne's attempted manipulation of it has earned him the ire others beside us."

"Is he dead?" Clark asked and got a head shake in response.

"No. Thawne is notoriously clever, cunning, calculating, and crafty. He left shortly after we arrived. The circumstances of his time travel make it that he can't risk staying in one place for too long for fear of…attracting attention of others he's wronged with his time travel. His attempt today was bold but also dangerous for him as well. I anticipate he'll make himself scarce until he can find another opportunity to try and kill you but rest assured, Mr. Kent that we will be remaining close to assist and stop him." Rip promised. "And with all due respect, Mr. Kent, I fear that is all we can really say on the matter. I fear we have already said to much and you must understand that what was spoken of can never be repeated. The information you learned here could have disastrous changes on the timeline if it were to get out."

Clark still had no grasp on the whole-time travel thing and if it was really real, but he was listening to their heartbeats the entire time and they were telling the truth. Besides, whether or not everything was true there was a lot that likely could never be repeated. "I understand."

Rip sighed in relief. "Thank you, Mr. Kent. Now we best be on our way." Rip held out his left hand which had some kind of watch on it. One press and a large white doorway suddenly appeared and opened up into some place. Clark had no idea what he was looking at but if they were from the future than that place looked like it as well. Rip and the others bid him farewell with Nate sparing Amaya one last glance before Zari patted him on the arm and they walked through. Once the last team member was through the doorway closed and was gone like it was never there in the first place.

"Wow…." Clark muttered in amazement.

"I was definitely not expecting that."

Clark turned and saw Azzuri standing there without his helmet. "How much of that did you hear?" Clark wondered.

"Enough to know that what was spoken shall never be spoken of again." Azzuri assured him and Clark nodded. "I guess I should be thanking you for your assistance. Those people arrived to help you."

"But this wouldn't have happened if I was here. This was all a trap. Thawne attacked your outpost and used Hydra to lure us in. He did all of this to try and kill me and your country was unfortunately caught in the crossfire. No amount of apologies could make up for what you've had to suffer but I am truly sorry, your majesty." Clark said to him.

"This is not the first-time invaders have come to Wakanda and it will not be the last. We have survived much and while this encounter was anything but ordinary, we will prepare for the next one and be ready. And this Thawne?" Azzuri wondered.

"Gone but from what they said he'll be back but it's me he's after, not Wakanda. And from the intel on the soldiers when they don't get in, I imagine they'll be considered MIA. With the way the war is going I'm not sure they'd risk sending another group down when they don't check in." Clark told him.

"And if they do than we will be ready." Azzuri stated. "Thank you for your assistance, today, Captain Elbert. Or is it, Kent?"

"It's Kent. Clark Kent. It was my pleasure, your majesty and you have it on my word and honor that no one will know of what happened. I swear." Clark promised.

"And I believe you will keep it." Azzuri held out his hand and Clark shook it. "Perhaps Bast will have our paths cross again one day."

"Hopefully under better circumstances." Clark suggested before he walked away to say goodbye to the others.

Azzuri watched him leave, contemplating their unusual journey and how it ended. Several days ago, during a meditation session he was given a vision by the Goddess Bast about a stranger who would be coming to his lands. A stranger with the S-shield and how he could trust him, how this Superman was important, and he would be a friend to Wakanda. Azzuri wasn't sure what to make of it as shortly after he had to deal with the attacks. When he went to Zambesi to recruit Amaya, he wasn't expecting to see Superman there and on trusting Bast's wisdom he treated him as an ally. And while their time was odd, Azzuri could tell he was special and important.

"Superman. A good heart and noble spirit much like the other one. Kindred spirits perhaps." Azzuri muttered to himself. Who could he be mentioning?

Clark walked over to Amaya, Dan, Carter, and Shayara who were just about wrapped up with all the cleaning. Dan noticed him walk over but just him and their mystery friends/allies were gone. "What happened to those people from before?"

"They uh…they had to get going. I thanked them for their help, but they had to get going. Turns out that guy with the red lightning is their target so they're going after him." Clark told them.

"Who exactly were they? I mean, I know we're not exactly in a position to call them strange, but they were strange." Carter pointed out. "And I think one of them acted like he knew us."

"Yeah. He called me Kendra." Shayara stated.

"And there was this one man, Nate. He was looking at me like he knew me." Amaya added.

"Are we being followed?" Dan wondered.

"I don't think it's like that. I spoke with them and they're good people. Just guess they've met people who look like you three. I always used to hear that everyone is supposed to have a lookalike in the world. Guess you three have them." Clark shrugged. While not exactly the best excuse he could come up with, it was good enough with the limited information he had. "Anyway, they're going after that guy with red lightning. Hopefully we never see him again."

"I agree with your there. Getting shocked with his lightning was bad once, don't want to go through that again." Carter remarked.

"So, what now?" Dan wondered.

"With Hydra and the SS taken care of then Wakanda is safe. King Azzuri will ensure his borders are protected and I'll do what I can back at the SSR back in Europe. Keep an eye and ear out for any additional plans to come south but I doubt they'd risk the manpower after this group doesn't reply soon enough. They'll likely just cut their losses." Clark figured.

"You're gonna head back now? It's night." Shayara said.

"I move fast, remember? I can make it back soon and I've got responsibilities back in Europe. The war's not over yet." Clark reminded them.

"You gonna fly there?" Carter wondered.

"Uh, no. Not sure how that worked and why but…" Clark jumped up and then fell right back down. "…it seems that may have been a one-time thing. I'm earthbound for now. But I can still make it back quickly. I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for your help. All of it."

"It is I who should be thanking you. Safe travels." Amaya walked over and gave him a hug which he was happy to reciprocate. "Know that Zambesi is in your debt, and you are always welcome."

Clark smiled as Dan walked over and shook his hand. "Be careful, Kal. And when the war's over, come on down to Yale. I'd be more than happy to give you a tour.

"Thanks, Dan. Take care of yourself and congratulations again on the tomb discovery. Hopefully the next time we meet you'll be Professor Dan Garrett." Clark said. Carter than came over and they shook hands.

"Give the Germans hell, Kal. They don't know what's coming for them." Carter said as Shayara gave him a hug.

"Be safe."

"You too, Shayara. And I will, Carter." Clark took a few steps back. "Hopefully we see each other again one day."

"Here's to future." Dan remarked and Clark chuckled at that statement. Clark then cracked his neck and took off at super speed, blowing past them with a gust of wind. By tomorrow he'd be back in Europe.

The next day…

SSR Headquarters, London, United Kingdom

Clark arrived back in London and immediately reported to Colonel Phillips. He had quickly written an after-action report and was currently standing at attention in the Colonel's office while Phillips read it over.

"There were two of those robot suits?" Phillips asked.

"Yes, sir. Hydra and the SS split into two groups, each with one of the Maschinensoldaten. Enable them to cover more ground in their search." Clark answered.

"And you were able to stop them when the last time didn't go so well." Phillips said.

"Element of surprise, sir. That helped along with the bag of TNT I had. And it turns out that Hydra's energy weapons were an assistance as well." Clark replied.

"Good to know. And the long-distance radio pack you brought was a smart move, Captain. Hopefully Stark and his team and figure out how it works, and we can improve our communications." Phillips told him.

"That was my line of thought too, sir."

"And as for their search, Captain?"

"Nothing, sir. It looked like were just scouring the plains with no clear path on which way to go or what to look for. They interrogated locals which is when I stepped in." Clark told him. "In all honesty, sir, it was a wild goose chase. I'm not sure where Savage got his intel but clearly it wasn't good enough because they found nothing."

Phillips put the file down, got up from his desk and walked over to Clark. "Captain, I've looked over your report and it all seems to be in order. Well done on stopping Hydra and the SS but are you sure there's nothing you left out in the report?"


"Anything details you didn't include?" Phillips wondered.

"Actually, sir there is one." Clark answered and Phillips was intrigued. "I did get lost, sir. Momentarily but with the assistance of three individuals I was able to get back on track. One American archaeologist and a husband-and-wife duo, sir. I was a little embarrassed, so I left it out of the report."

"Fair enough but nothing else?"

"No, sir. All I saw in Wakanda were poor farmers, traders, and herdsman. Most didn't speak English and the few that did were only confused as to why the Germans were there. They're no Vibranium in Wakanda. If there was than country would be wealthy and well protected. Red Skull sending that team into Africa to look for some would be the same as sending submarines to try and find the lost city of Atlantis. A complete waste of time, sir." Clark replied.

"Understood." Phillips relented. "Are you ready to get back into the field?"

"Yes, sir. My heat vision is no longer an issue. I have it under control." Clark answered.

"Good. Rest and refit. You'll be joining your team soon enough." Colonel Phillips told him. "Dismissed."

"Sir." Clark gave him a salute before leaving the office.

"Kal!" He heard and saw Peggy and Howard walk over. "Good to see you but didn't expect to see you so soon. You only left a few days ago." Howard pointed out.

"I work fast." Clark told him. "But it went well. Mission successful and as an added bonus I managed to control my heat vision. I'll be back in the field by tomorrow, most likely."

"Congratulations, Kal." Peggy told him.

"I'd say. With your eyes no longer being an issue, your dry spell is officially over." Howard stated.

"Dry spell?" Clark and Peggy were confused.

"Oh, please. Don't play dumb. You don't think I noticed how stressed and tense you two were the last week while Kal was having his eye beam issues? It was easy to pick up especially when you two should have been more relaxed. The only reason you two would be so stressed out when you've had a week to be together is if you couldn't have sex." Howard remarked causing both Clark and Peggy to get red int he face. "But hey, now that the flamethrower eyes are no longer an issue, you two can get back to it. One magical night at the hotel for Superman and Leggy Peggy is all set."

"What?" Peggy and Clark weren't sure how else to answe but one thing caught Clark's attention.

"Leggy Peggy?"

"It's what I came up with after I first met her." Howard remarked.

"Howard, if you've told that ridiculous nickname to anyone I swear I'm going to-" Peggy began swearing retribution.

"Oh, relax, Peg. It's a term of endearment and not at all a misnomer either. And don't worry, I haven't told anyone about it but you love birds. You two crazy kids enjoy yourself." Howard chuckled, walking away. Peggy pulled out her gun, but Clark stopped her before she could shoot him.

"Easy, Peggy. We still need him for now." Clark reminded her.

"I swear to god, Howard Stark is a dead man." Peggy declared.

"Oh, he is but you can make his life miserable tomorrow." Clark said when he got an idea. "But to hold you over."

Clark looked at Howard and closed one eye, then squinted his open eye as it glowed red. Howard stopped momentarily because he smelled something burning, which is when he felt an unusual warmth and quickly found that his pants were on fire. On the butt, specifically.

"Fire! FIRE! WATER!" Howard shouted, racing around like a madman trying to put it out as nearby agents tried to help him while Peggy and Clark watched in amusement.

"That'll hold me over until I get my hands on him." Peggy said with a small giggle at the display.

"That's good enough for me." Clark agreed as the two walked away.



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Also read Marvel Hyperion.

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