
Chapter Thirteen: Minato II


July 1st, Year 66, Hokage Tower.


"And Uchiha Izuna is displaying exceptional mastery in Taijutsu, Comprehension, and Bukijutsu. Her understanding of the Ninja Code is impeccable, and her work ethic surpasses that of a typical six-year-old. We have observed her proficiency in the Academy Ninjutsu, as well as a few techniques specific to her clan.

Her hand sign speed is already on par with that of a Chunin, and she consistently performs without making any mistakes. Based on these factors, the other instructors and I firmly believe that she is more than capable of taking the Genin graduation test and excelling in it," concluded the Instructor of the freshman batch, proudly presenting his report on the academy's most promising student.

I couldn't help but be impressed by Izuna-chan's accomplishments, and I noticed that Lord Third, seated beside me, was equally captivated by her exceptional grades.

She had almost perfect scores in her theoretical subjects and outperformed her peers in practical exams by a significant margin.

In another time, during a time of war, I might have considered advocating for her immediate graduation and deployment to the battlefield. However, the current era called for a different approach.

Both Lord Third and I agreed that allowing the children to retain their innocence a little while longer was preferable.

Despite my admiration for Izuna-chan's abilities, a deep sigh escaped me as I knew what most of the young geniuses faced, Kakashi was one of them after all…

My sigh caused the Chunin Instructor to straighten up, sensing the weight of my concerns.

Breaking the silent atmosphere, Lord Third cleared his throat and addressed Suzuki Haruto, the Chunin Instructor, "Indeed, young Izuna demonstrates extraordinary talent, and her grades indicate that she is ready for graduation. However, we must consider her mental well-being. Has she been evaluated in that regard?"

Suzuki Haruto, with a touch of pride in his voice, replied, "I understand your concerns, Lord Third. We share the same apprehension, recognizing the potential harm that excessive strength at such a young age can inflict on one's psyche."

Both Lord Third and I nodded in agreement, appreciating the importance of a balanced approach. Suzuki continued, "Therefore, we have been providing her with subtle additional homework assignments and closely monitoring her interactions to assess her emotional maturity.

I am pleased to report that Uchiha Izuna is a diligent child with lofty aspirations, and she has formed meaningful connections with some good friends who keep her grounded... Well almost all of them…"

There was a slight hesitation in Suzuki's voice when he muttered the last line, hinting at a deeper story. Nonetheless, it seemed he had come to accept their presence and the positive influence they had on her.

Both Lord Third and I knew whom he was talking about but decided to get the evaluation from the instructor himself.

"And who are these friends? If I may ask?" I asked with a smile, already knowing this was going to be some good teasing material for one lazy boy.

Suzuki Haruto sighed, sensing the impending frustration, before reluctantly answering, "Sigh... Well, Hokage-sama, Izuna-san appears to be good friends with Uchiha Izumi. They are often seen interacting and even training together. Additionally, Izuna-san frequently spends time with the members of the Ino-Shika-Cho group in her class.

However, there is one… particular Nara who seems to hold a prominent place in her company." There was a hint of distaste in his voice as he continued.

Curiosity piqued, I maintained a serious tone as I asked, "You don't seem to approve of this Nara boy. May I inquire as to why?" Internally, I couldn't contain my amusement, and Lord Third appeared to be trying his best to conceal his own interest.

Suzuki sighed again before explaining, "Of course, Hokage-sama. It's just... while Izuna-san is the top student in her class, the Nara boy, or better to use his full name Nara Shikakuro, is the complete opposite... Sigh... His work ethic is virtually nonexistent.

He arrives late every day and proceeds to sleep during class. He disregards my lessons entirely, even evading the chalk I throw to get his attention... He is an overall disruptive influence on the class."

He continued with growing frustration, "He shows no respect for his teachers, giving up without even attempting during Taijutsu practice. During Shuriken and Kunai throwing practice, he carelessly grabs all the weapons with one hand and haphazardly throws them together.

And worst of all, he manages to perform well enough that I can't even fail him! He is the most exasperating student I have ever encountered... Hah... hah... hah..." The Chunin instructor was left panting after his impassioned rant.

Amused, I chuckled awkwardly, realizing just how infuriating Kuro must have been to his teacher. "Please forgive me for displaying such unsightly behavior," Suzuki apologized, bowing in remorse.

I quickly shook my head to reassure him, indicating that his apology was unnecessary. Meanwhile, Lord Third's curiosity got the better of him, and he requested to see Kuro's academic record, which the reluctant Chunin instructor handed over.

As we examined the results, it became abundantly clear why the instructor was so frustrated. If Kuro's actions weren't intentional, we couldn't fathom what else could explain his deliberate behavior.



History- 69/100

Culture- 69/100

Mathematics- 69/100

Ninja Theory- 69/100

Humanities- 69/100


Taijutsu- First Grade Academy

Shuriken Art- 67% accuracy

Survival- 66/100

Obstacle Course- 69/100

Physical Conditioning- Genin Grade Physique


I couldn't help but feel certain that if the teacher had been left to grade Kuro's practical skills without any interference, he would have undoubtedly received the same grades across the board.

I needed to have a conversation with him about where he had learned about that infamous number.

Who was I kidding?

It was probably Sensei…

They had grown quite close during their collaboration on the area lock seal.


However, to my surprise, I found myself sighing in real life, only to notice Lord Third mirroring my exhaustion, his expression filled with weariness. "I must admit, Kuro-kun's abilities are quite... unique," he remarked.

"And I can understand your frustration, young Suzuki. But let me assure you, you are doing an excellent job. Try not to stress too much over this."

The Chunin let out another sigh and replied, "I appreciate your words, my lord. It's just... I fear that someone as promising as Uchiha Izuna may be influenced by that lazy boy.

It almost seems like he doesn't care about anything... his dream was to be a cloud... I have classmates and friends who are Nara as well, but none of them are as... so..." He struggled to find the right word.

"Frustrating?" I interjected with a chuckle, understanding the sentiment all too well.

The Chunin could only nod in agreement, his expression defeated.

"It's alright, Suzuki-san," I reassured him. "You may not be aware, but Uchiha Izuna and Nara Shikakuro have been friends for a few years now. So, you don't have to worry about him influencing her negatively. If it was supposed to happen, it would have happened already.

We are highly impressed by your teaching and Izuna's achievements. If she and her family wish for her to graduate early, we will accept it. Please continue guiding the future of Konoha."

With as much dignity as I could muster, I delivered my instructions, and the Chunin bowed before exiting the room. It took a few seconds, but then I burst out laughing, unable to contain my amusement any longer. Lord Third joined in, sharing in the lightheartedness of the moment.

"That boy... My goodness... It feels like a prank Kushina would pull if she had the ability," I chuckled, unable to help but find amusement in the situation.

And wasn't that a thought?

Kushina had taken Kuro under her wing, teaching him her Sealing Techniques, and I had heard that she planned to teach him her personal style of Kenjutsu too when he grew older. To Kushina, Kuro was like her son. After everything he had done, I couldn't treat him as anything less.

"Perhaps if he wasn't so lazy, I might consider teaching him my Rasengan and Thunder God techniques. If it's him, he could probably figure out Thunder God in a week... Sigh..." I mused, contemplating the idea.

Lord Third interjected, bringing our focus back to the conversation. "Indeed, Kushina's influence may have rubbed off on him, considering her previous track record with 'pranks.' At least Kuro's approach is passive-aggressive rather than destructive, unlike Kushina... But getting back to the point, he seems to be as intelligent as his father," Lord Third chuckled.

"I can't say for certain if he's as smart as Shikaku or not. But at his age, Shikaku wasn't as capable as Kuro. Speaking of Shikaku, has he been able to finalize the plan?" I inquired, my previous amusement fading as seriousness settled into my eyes.

Lord Third's expression turned serious as well. "Yes, the plans are nearly complete. Based on our discussions and the information Jiraiya was able to gather, we have enough evidence to prosecute my dear old friends... I still can't believe what I allowed... Even I should be held accountable," the old kage said, his tone tinged with melancholy.

I wanted to comfort him, but after all the things he had allowed, knowingly or unknowingly, I couldn't fully support him.

However, acknowledging his contributions as the longest-serving Hokage who had fought for the village, I replied, "At least we were able to thwart the more sinister aspects of his plans. Just imagine what could have happened if he managed to summon the Kyuubi in the middle of the village…

Based on the documents we've seen; he was plotting a major coup in the future. He may have even attempted an assassination on either or both of us. He is a traitor through and through. Just because he claims he does things for Konoha doesn't make it true..."

The old kage could only nod, his expression filled with sadness and regret.

I broached another sensitive topic, "What about Orochimaru?"

The old man sighed and replied, "It was Danzo and I who allowed him to conduct some of his research. But I never imagined he would go leave his sense of morals, engaging in child abduction and human experimentation... I can never forgive him for that…

I am certain that Danzo is involved in all of this, as Jiraiya's report stated... But Orochimaru must also answer for his involvement."

I sighed, observing the aging Kage as he gazed out the window, his weariness apparent. He appeared older than his years, burdened by the actions of his former companion and student. Considering all that he had sacrificed for the village...

I stood up, placing a hand on his shoulder and spoke softly, "We have to protect what we still have and ensure that such atrocities can never happen again..."

He nodded, understanding the weight of our responsibility. A comfortable silence settled between us as we watched over the village from the window.

Eventually, Lord Third broke the silence, saying, "We are awaiting an opportunity to confront Danzo, ensuring he doesn't escape before facing justice. But if Shikaku's plan succeeds, Danzo will be held accountable for his crimes by the end of this year."

I nodded in agreement. We maintained the silence until it was interrupted by a knock on the door. Allowing entry, a secretary ninja brought a report for me. "Hokage-sama, these are the applications for the Chunin Exams in the Wind Country."

I expressed my gratitude and proceeded to review the list. Every team on the list had already reached the level required to compete in the exams, until I stumbled upon a rookie team. Lord Third noticed it as well and appeared slightly concerned.

"It seems Orochimaru wants his star pupil to become a Chunin ahead of time," he remarked.

"Sigh… Poor girl… I should check on her when I can." Lord Third muttered.

After careful consideration, I approved the team's participation. There was no reason to hold them back unnecessarily.

Lord Third took a puff of smoke, speaking reassuringly, "Don't worry, Minato... Things will work out, one way or another."

I nodded, acknowledging his words, and sighed as I sat back down, immersing myself in the pile of paperwork before me.

"Only time will tell... Only time… will tell."


Lumi here! Now we are getting into another big event of the story. It will not happen immediately but within a few chapters! Look forward to it. And as for tomorrow. I am not sure if I will be able to post tomorrow but I will try.

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