

Derrick sat alone, he hadn't liked giving the ultimatum to Joseph, but he figured he needed to do something to get the Rangers to back off. Jumping out with trans-warp Derrick knew that no one would be able to follow or trace them. In orbit around Darius 4, a lifeless dried up dust ball; Derrick knew that no one really ever came here anymore. Derrick knew he had so much to do; he had to have the rest of the knowledge in the libraries. There was still the explosive charge attached to the astral fin near Zan's engine. There was still the mysterious message that Tempro had, plus the mystery of the 2 of the ships having been designated as the personality creators, one of whom he suspected was Shelby. There were just too many questions and few if any answers.

Looking at the head set again for the fifth time in the last 30 minutes, Derrick asked Shelby. "Shelby, I need to use the head set, there are far too many questions I need answers to. I want a full diagnostic on the system, Query, are all 7 buffers sufficient to intercept and quell and funnel the information at a more tolerable rate? Also, are the charge dampeners sufficient to prevent electrocution to the one wearing it?" Derrick had been through the diagrams and the design checking the apparatus numerous times.

"Comparing the apparatus to that which you used last time, I am showing that all buffers are working at 99.5%, all three charge dampeners are at 100%, also the added quick switch has been added, though I must warn you Derrick there are only certain times that you can use it. Only when you see a green light in the upper left quadrant is it safe to quick disconnect, any other time you will either suffer severe brain damage, or instant death."

"Thank you Shelby, I have to complete this," Derrick said as he sat and placed the head set over his ears. Again as it started it wasn't bad then the information started to flow faster, then faster yet. Looking to the left he still hadn't seen the light yet, good to keep that spot in focus in case. After what felt like an hour the information again started to gain speed. That's when Derrick started to notice that something was wrong, he still hadn't seen the light, or any opening. Derrick also noticed that the information was far beyond what he knew was in Shelby's library. Son of a bitch! Even this far into the future the traitors had found a way to try and kill him. Shelby was starting to get worried, Derrick had finished her library a short time ago but for some reason the apparatus was now pulling from the other ships, including Tempro which it shouldn't.

Delving into the link Shelby only found an empty room, following the link further she again found Derrick curled into a corner. It was at that moment she saw the sabotage, somehow there was a residual virus in one of the ships systems, a virus that could leave them all without Derrick. Remembering the disc from earlier Shelby had it in a receptacle within moments. As the blue healing stream of data washed over them, Derrick finally uncurled looking up he saw that Shelby had again saved him. "Thank you Shelby, where are we? I don't recognize this," Derrick asked.

A man about 25-30 appeared, "you are in my library, I'd say you've accessed almost half of it, my lord." The short cropped blonde hair, medium build man, with a smooth face said as he bowed.

"Tempro?" Derrick asked.

"I am glad you remembered me," looking at Shelby he stated, "thank you I owe you my life for the second time no..., third. My lord I was told that when you were here, to tell you, this is where you are supposed to be. You need to complete my records, it will be painful especially the last part. I was told you have to endure it, you'll see why."

Derrick looked at Tempro as if he was crazy, the pain had already started, shaking his head did that mean he was almost done with the extra huge library Tempro had? Then almost all clear thought vanished as the last few tens of thousands of files washed through his brain. Falling to the... ground? He wasn't sure what it was nor did he care the visions and information he received made him feel as if it all were actually happening to him. All the pain he saw, all the pain he felt, Derrick thought was going to kill him then just as suddenly it was gone. Standing up Derrick could see things a lot clearer now, looking at Shelby he walked up to her and held her close. Though highly surprised Shelby groaned and leaned into him, finally she could touch him even if it was only in his mind it was heavenly. "I promise you Shelby, I will do all I can to recover your children, and possibly another of Mary's." Derrick told her.

Shelby gasp, "You know? How? There was never anything in the records about that; I don't...," Derrick kissed Shelby effectively shutting her up eliciting another groan.

"I have to leave here soon, Shelby I find that I have feelings for you, I never thought I'd feel what I am, not after what the war destroyed in me, thank you." Derrick whispered.

Derrick pulled the head set off his head, there was a lot to do but armed with what he had now, it would be a lot easier. Looking at Shelby's hologram he smiled actually causing her to blush! Suddenly Derrick took over control tuning in the palace. "Mary, secondary emergency code enacted now! Epsilon, Mu, Epsilon, Rho, Gamma, Eta, Nu, Chi, Epsilon; confirm and enact." Derrick said.

Immediately Mary answered, "Epsilon, Mu, Epsilon, Rho, Gamma, Eta, Nu, Chi, Epsilon, confirmed and enacted. All batteries charged and ready, Republic capital targeted awaiting orders."

"Good keep a lock we may have need of a demonstration soon, I want no Ranger ships destroyed, nor Ranger personnel injured." Derrick ordered.

"It will be as you say my lord; I will await orders to destroy what you will. Mary answered.

In the Republic presidential palace, the corrupt president was soaking. 'What a day,' he thought, 'the 10 he'd sent for execution had needed extra evidence to get rid of'. Sighing he knew he was going to have up the ante on the council possibly get rid of them, though that would be messy and expensive.

The hollow sound of running footsteps drew his attention to the door, "President Maury! President Maury!" His assistant was screaming sounding like a scared little girl. Sighing the president stepped out of the huge sauna/bath naked and waited as the little man threw the doors open. "President M...., oh my!" the assistant said eyeing the president's naked body, what he wouldn't give to take..., shaking his head he spoke up. "President Maury! We have an active scan from the old empire palace, sir it has trained every weapon on the empire world upon this building!"

"WHAT!? The planetary shields will take care of that." The president said waving the little man away.

"I'm sorry sir but," the little man was shaking.

"But what?! We have far more power than the old empire ever did." Maury said not really worried he'd spent a fortune getting the best, nothing could get to him now.

"All the science officers say that the shields are nothing, the empire palace alone possess 100 times more power than Republic capital world does. If they fire sir," here the little man shook not sure if it was the nakedness of the president or the fear he was feeling. "They could destroy the entire planet!"

The president's face blanched, "call the entire fleet, and have them begin bombardment of the ancient empire planet! Destroy it before it can destroy us!" The assistant bowed low looking lovingly at the president's body then left.

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