
A peaky in school can you imagine!!!

As usual, I woke up early and did my morning exercises. even though I didn't have the perfect body for brawling, I'm improving. Max, within two years, when I enter growth spurts, I can start real training. I washed my teeth with coal. mom made fried sausage with tomatoes and mushrooms. we ate our breakfast. and started to school. streets of Birmingham are full busy in the morning, and you can forget about the neatness the road is filled with industrial waste and sewage water. I swiftly ran between people and horses. arthur is in front behind him, tommy , behind tommy was me. we reached school less than five minutes. school has already started. we reached the classroom door, and Arthur opened the door with force. entire class and Mrs Changretta looked towards us.

" Not nice to see your face again, aye," arthur said

" arthur, how many times do I have to tell you to come early? Do I have to tell your mom, " Mrs Changretta said

" Ha haha, no need to do that, Mrs gretta. in this busy world, people tend to forget their sense of time , excuse us this time, " tommy said

" haaa.. what I'm gonna do with you three, you two are always a reckless one. Ethan is also becoming more like you two. your mother is living alone and working to feed you. What are you guys doing forgetting your sense of time in a busy world" Mrs Changretta replied

her reply earned some chuckles from the classroom. arthur became engaged and ready to pounce the entire classroom. tommy is holding him back.

" Mrs Changretta, do we need this nonsense? Just tell a word are we allowed or not, cause your classes are not gonna change our life in a single day, " I said, hoping she became angry and not allow us into class. she became silent for a moment

" Even if class can't change your life in a single day ,if children continue to listen to my lessons, your life becomes better than you can imagine. and more than that, my class can give free warmth in this cold weather for a single day." she said

we didn't say anything , just before i gonna say fuck your warmth and lessons, she gesture to come in .pheee.. we entered, classroom and sat on the last bench.

Arthur is sleeping, tommy is studying classroom. I don't know what to do, so I closed my eyes and started to imagine how to fight with someone stronger than me and how to earn more money and what problems it can bring, how it affects us, how to deal with it. Before we know it it became afternoon

school ends in the afternoon. We three got outside of the classroom and saw Mrs Changretta handing out bread for children. She looked towards us and called us to take bread, man, really

we have 3 pounds, why would we eat some lame ass rocky bread.

Suddenly tommy and arthur move forward and take the bread, what tha..

"hey guys what are you doing. we have 3 pounds why are you eating this" I asked

" really Ethan, do we really have to teach you again.

even if we have money, we should accept free food

because it is prudent, we can use this money for emergencies" tommy said

what the fuck. aren't you bastards thought spending everything we win yesterday, haaaa...well shit.. I slowly walked towards Mrs Changretta, and took my share . It's hard, it easily became powder upon biting. after eating that miserable piece of shit.

I find tommy and arthur. they are waiting for me.

" so where are we going" I asked them

" We are thinking of stealing some coal here and there, what do you think " tommy asked

" really guys what happened with you, earlier bread and now stealing coal, we can just buy it" I said

" come on big guy we can use that money for emergencies, now let's go and steal some coal " tommy said pushing me towards the road side

" tommy " I said removing his hand over my shoulder

" emergencies means troubles, troubles means something wrong, why don't you just tell me about these emergencies, we can solve it together" I said

" nothing we can handle, don't worry, let's go now people tend to go for lunch break at this time, it's perfect timing to steal coal" arthur said

I really become annoyed with all this suspense and the way they treat me like a child.

" really guys, it's not funny, I have equal rights on the money as you two do, it doesn't feel good keeping me out of light and treating me like a fucking child, now you two blockheads gonna tell me what is wrong or I'm gonna fucking smash your heads with Mrs Changrettas buns" I said with angry tone , both of them look at each other, arthur nodded his head, tommy looked towards me and said

" mum is not right in her head, she started murmuring, screaming for help in sleep, crying when she is alone, she even not eating food properly. we thinking something was wrong with her and decided to save some money to show her physician" tommy said

it took nearly one minute to process everything he said, shit.. I totally forget that she's gonna die. I forgot how she died, but I remembered she died when ada just started to walk.

" ok ....huh.... looks like we're gonna need a lot of money, any idea how much money we need " I asked arthur

" A lot , if she needs to cure completely , we need around 50 pounds " arthur said

" hmm we can manage 50 pounds if we have enough people, for now how about we make some money instead of saving money " I said

"what is it? " tommy asked

" there is a steel factory in corporation road, they need a lot of coal to mold steel, I think we can borrow some coal there in large quantities" I said

" My god ethan, tell me you are kidding. the factory has tight security, guards and dogs continuously patrol the area, there is a reason no one tried to steal from there. even if you steal how we gonna sell them, they immediately gonna find it's us " tommy said

" relax tommy, I have a plan for stealing part. when it comes to selling,we can gather some goons and sell it over time in small quantities" I said

" still it is too risky, we don't have people or places to store coal, and if we get caught, what happens to mom" tommy said

" Think tommy, what's gonna happen to mom if we stole these pennies and biscuits, how many of these pennies will make 50 pounds, how much time is it gonna take and do we have enough time?" I said

" still it is dangerous, we didn't reach that level, one mistake can cost us our future, eth." tommy said

" tommy if you are worrying about people and the place to store the coal, you don't have to worry we can arrange it. come on tommy, it's our chance, one coal bag gives us 30 pounds " I said and looked towards arthur for approval, he looked towards sky and said

" If it's for mom, I think it is ok to take this risk"

" haaa.... day by day we are doing things we shouldn't," he said and looked towards me

"so why don't you tell us about your plan, how to get these goons, and the place to store " he said

" well first we want some miserable bastards, to work for us, and we make a makeshift storage house in mountains, and we three go and steal the coal " I said

" It sounds very easy for a surprisingly very hard task" tommy said

" So how we steal it from the factory, evading all security " arthur said

" who says we're gonna steal it from the factory, we steal it from the trucks when they are brought to the factory." I said and looked towards them silently listening and processing what I just said

" so here is the plan ,listen, first we find when the trucks are coming,and we puncture one of the trucks, they will leave it behind because they can't delay delivery, one will go near the driver and distract them by helping while the remaining two we take coal and escape." I said

" hmm..ok then. how will we get goons" arthur said

" arthur look around, many orphans are starving and dying, if we said they will get food, they will do anything " I said

"Ok , here it is then. we three will go in different directions and bring at least 2 goons ," tommy said

"ok " we said and started to go in different directions.

I searched the entire street and found two children of the same age as me, they are near water canals, they look sick and their skin is in yellow color due to malnutrition. judging from their facial characters they look like brother and sister. when I got near there, the sister stood between me and the brother

" what do you want, go away" she said

" I want someone to work for us, we will give food and warmth " I said

when I said that they looked shocked, and it seems like the sister did not believe me single bit, hmmm..smart. she looked towards her brother he's making a pleading look, she quickly gave up , and looked towards me

" we will work for food and warmth, and don't think you can fool us , it's not gonna end good for you " she said

" ok, tell me your names," I asked, they looked towards each other and answered

" rose and sunny"

"ok listen then first ten days we feed you to make somewhat suitable for work, after ten days you guys have to build a cabin in woods, there we will store our goods, and all other children like you will also stay there, I will show some exercises, you will practice them, and gain some mastery, then you can try to become leader to them, believe me leader has some privilege" I said

she carefully listen to all that I say and processing what I say, hmmm...she smart and uses resources available to her,and more than anything she has hunger to make their life better. their future will become interesting.

I reached the place first, tommy brought two boys. there is no notable features about them they just desperate to do anything for food. after some time Arthur brought two boys they also same condition as previous on. we brought bread and cheese to them and show them our usual spot in woods. after finishing everything. we said goodbye and went home.

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