

Angelo gulps when August says " ..for now .." In his mind, the thought that Dina might be in danger rushes his blood. He grits his teeth," WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY 'FOR NOW'! "His voice thunders.

August crosses his arms at his chest and explains his plan …in the end, he says "Sebastian will most likely want to marry her. I have witnesses ..these guys…they know my father had abused me for a long time. He will never let me be the leader, not in a million years. "

"True …His father is very dangerous and hateful towards him. "Marcus says in a serious tone." He must be put down once and for all. For all human's and vampire's sake."

"…Why would I trust you?" Angelo still glares at the two boys.

"You want Dina safe, right? I want the same thing. I am in love with her. Not sure about your feelings though." August frowns and uses his intelligence to make the boy submit.

"Don't say bullshit! I know her before you. And my love for her is nothing that you're sprouting here! "

Angelo glares at August who smirks." That means that if you accept my proposal, you and I can have a full fight after Sebastian is sealed. The winner shall have her." The boy looks at his clock and continues, "You have 10 minutes to think. I have to go protect Dina. Hurry up."

August and Marcus turn their backs to him and stride towards the couch.

They don't even make a few steps and Angelo speaks up." I don't need that much time. I am in. But I have a condition."

August frowns. He turns towards the boy kept in the capsule." Say it!"

"I don't want to involve Dina in the fight." Angelo puts his hands on the capsule wall and stares at the boy in front of him.

August closes the distance." I know she is a vampire. Even though I never planned to include her in a dangerous role in my plan. "

"How did you know she is a vampire?" Angelo frowns and hits the wall.

"…..Long story ….." The boy bites his lips, he can't tell him that he almost raped Dina. He continues, "But don't worry I am the only one who knows …. I told you that we are in the same boat. Give up distrusting me. "The boy with blonde hair is sighing.

"Even though… you have to exclude her from the plan. I won't accept any proposal."

The black-haired guy maintains his dark demeanor, while his green eyes licker wildly, sending a shiver down August's spine.

The boy steps back and thinks for a second. Having Dina out of the equation will make it easier to put some distance between Angelo and her.

He opens his eyes and commands, "Let him free! "

The capsule dissolves and Angelo is free. August steps till his hand stretches comfortably to grab the boy's hand. However, Angelo ignores him and tosses himself on a couch passing over him.

"We have one more week …. hmmm…." The green-eyed boy's words fall heavy on each one of the present vampire's chests.


The lunch ends with Dina going straight to her room. She is stepping slowly in circles avoiding the books on the ground. She ended up making more mess despite saying that she would be cleaning the room.

All the books on the floor are books about vampires and spells. After looking around in the room she realizes whose room this was in the past. It was Sebastian's room. A scratch "SF ", she found on the chair and the table. Not only there but also in some books.

After what Sebastian told her, the mansion seemed to be someone else's. Not his. His words match the things she found in the room. Just like he said he was having a room here as her grandpa taught the trio.

She stumbles off a book and as she falls, a picture reveals itself, flying off the book.

She grabs it while caressing her knee. In the photo were three young men and a teenager in front of them.

Dina recognizes Faris, and Ralph, who wears the same hat as always. The other boy has black hair and a playboy face smirk, she is sure that that was Sebastian. But who was the younger boy?

She doesn't know where to take him from …Though the hair is kept in the same way her mom used to have it, caught in a ponytail with bangs on each side of his face. The suit he is wearing reminds her of Sebastian's suit.

After a few minutes of thinking she has a magnificent idea.

"I should ask Mary!"

With fast steps, she runs on the stairs arriving in the hall where they dine. From here she doesn't know where to go. There was one corridor in front of her. This is where Mary would appear when bringing dinner, she remembers.

With fast steps, she strolls glancing to make sure she is not seen by other maids. She most likely didn't have permission to 'visit' every room from the castle.

Some voices are heard coming from the kitchen, as she thinks. With a cut breath, she opens the door that is a few steps away. The door is closed carefully to not make any noise and she waits.

"Is not like Lizy wants to anger Mary …she is just not blinded by love. Mary is too innocent …." One maid is talking to another one. The other one is responding with rage.

"Who gives the right to cheat on your husband and still be considered a good person? Mary is really blinded by her love towards the late madam."

Dina listens as the two madams are discussing with pathos. She looks into the room and sees something sparkling. As she closes the distance, she realizes it is a crystal. The room didn't look like the one where Ralph used to keep crystals. So …. why was it the crystal here?

Dina picks it up and places it in her bra. This way no one will see it. Her dress had no pockets.

Little did she know that the crystal was lost by Sebastian a long time ago. The vampire in the crystal was so powerful that he could move the crystal where he wanted by rolling itself. His power was limited; however, no vampire could ever be able to move if they were in a crystal.

Dina concludes that the room was just a storage room. Some shelves were holding different aliments. Her vision gets better as she casts a spell for night vision. Her excitement increases as she realizes that she just had a successful spell.

The maids leave and she gets out of the storage room and goes straight to the kitchen. At least she will check fast to see if Mary was there.

With past steps, she arrives in front of the kitchen. Some maids are gathered there about Mary's voice is not heard. With a disappointed face, she turns to leave.

Some maids are heard coming towards the hall to the kitchen. Dina frowns.

Come on! Can't the maids just stay for a second? With a frown, she doesn't want to hide anymore, only because of one thing.

"She is not realistic at all …" The two maids almost stumble as Dina stays in their way.

"Realistic you say …. Is realistic to speak with loyalty and dignity about your late Madam even after she is dead? Don't you think that Mary is the best? The maid should serve properly not talk bullshit behind the Lord's back."

Dina had a dark demeanor and her frown was subsiding gas she smirked, letting out a laugh. "Be careful, even walls have ears. "She passes them but stops and turns to look at them again, glaring like an animal at the shorter maid." This a warning."

The maids were too shocked and fearful to even react. They ran away as soon as Dina turned to leave.

All maids knew that she was the new soon-to-be Miss of the household. No one will dare to get on her bad side. Unfortunately, the two maids seem to do exactly that.

Dina sighs and runs to her room in a hurry. She was satisfied that she could defend Mary. The maids deserved the scolding.

'Did I scare them too much ….?' She never meant to make them afraid. But scolding was necessary.

The girl arrives in front of her door and enters. Taking the crystal out of her bra, she looks at the color.

It was black with red stripes. At this point, she read all sorts of books about crystals, and she knew that this vampire was more powerful, at least than Ralph, who was a black crystal.

She places it and says, "Crimson." The next moment the blood appears in the chape of the ring. She puts the ring on her finger.

//Yes, master! // The voice is excited to answer her call.

"Do you think we can try to open this crystal?" Dina talks to the blood as if he would be his advisor.

//I don't know, master. // His blunt response leaves the girl frowning,

"Of course, you don't know …..I should train you first then think about opening such a dangerous crystal. "

Dina sighs and leans on her back looking at the crystal as she holds it, the rays of sun hitting on it. It sparkled so beautifully!


Dina feels the crystal cracking … 'Eh?'

today is a special day ...you know why ? let me tell you ..lol...today i post the 4th ch !!! YEY !


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