

Training started the next day after they had breakfast. Miss. Nayeon was teaching them some dance moves and everyone was learning it faster but Perpetual was the fastest. They also did some singing and Ann did so well.

Some weeks later, everyone was given a position

Ann Marie(Stage name: Jennie) - Main Vocalist, Lead rapper, main dancer

Perpetual(Stage name: Nancy) - Main dancer, Maknae, Lead Vocalist

Sana - Lead dancer, Vocals, Visuals

Chaeyoung - Main rapper, Vocals, Face of the group

Crystal - Leader, sub rapper, lead Vocalist

Mina - Main Vocalist, Lead dancer, Visuals

Everyone had the positions, they chose Crystal because;

Mr. Seho(manager): So, who do u want us a leader?

Mina: I think Perpetual would be a good leader for us

Ann: Well, I think it should be Crystal

Sana: Yeah, Crystal would be a good leader

Crystal: Well, I was thinking that Sana would be a good leader

Perpetual: I think Sana should be the leader

Chaeyoung: I think it should be Crystal

Mr. Seho: Crystal, you're the leader now

Crystal: Okay, I promise I won't let our group down ever

Mr. Seho bought a big house for them and Mina and Perpetual shared one room, Chaeyoung and Ann were in one room and Sana and Crystal were also in one room

They were supposed to make a new music video called Smile to introduce them to the world with the album called Dreamy. Dreamy is their fans name

Ann: I'm so excited for our newest song called smile

Sana: Me too

Chaeyoung: I hope that the world becomes so addicted to our songs

Mina: Me too and I hope that they also like all our songs like they like all blackpink songs

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