

The earth trembled beneath the players stationed atop the Roman walls as a deafening roar filled the air. Their gazes were drawn to the monstrous Abomination that had emerged from the darkness. This immense, hulking blob creature stood at a staggering 10 meters in height.

As the colossal creature drew closer, panic and urgency gripped the defenders. They knew all too well the devastation it could unleash upon the walls and the consequences of its advance.

"Shoot that thing down! Do not let it get any closer!" The order resounded across the Roman walls as players scrambled to respond.

The Abomination presented a daunting challenge to the players. It possessed low agility, making it slow and cumbersome, but its strength was immense, and it boasted a staggering 10,000 HP. These creatures were engineered for the sole purpose of dismantling fortifications, and there were multiple Abominations deployed along the wall defenses.


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