

"Alan!! Alan!! Where is he!?" Vicky was fervently searching for Alan to buy some skills and items, even to learn spells. However, Alan was nowhere to be found.

Just moments earlier, an army soldier had delivered a message indicating that his request to Captain Carter was ready for collection, and he had been summoned to a military facility.

"About time," Alan muttered as he quickly gathered Luis and the three crafters, Shamus, Marie, and Gus, to accompany him. "Senor Alan, where are we going?" Luis inquired.

The group made their way through the massive cruise ship, passing bustling players engaged in various activities. The environment shifted as they descended below decks. The corridors became narrower, and the lighting less vibrant, as they delved deeper into the ship's underbelly.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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