
Final Battle 7

With less than three hours remaining until the end of the round, the situation in Calumet town remained precarious.

[2 hours and 50 minutes left till the end of the round]

[Updating current players: 2,922]

[Updating Nazi soldier: 4,850]

Although the numerical gap between the two forces seemed manageable, only a little over a thousand players were daring enough to march into the heart of Calumet town at that moment.

The looming threat of the Nazi fighter plane, strafing the area with machine gun fire and dropping deadly bombs, continued to haunt the players. Each passing second brought the risk of losing more comrades to the relentless aerial assault.

The Nazi base itself presented a formidable challenge, with multiple layers of barricades and well-armed soldiers wielding machine guns, ready to mow down any players who dared to approach.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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