
A new hope under disorder.

Perched on a sturdy tree branch, Dian surveyed the surroundings, his eyes scanning the ground below. Despite a sleepless night, fatigue was a foreign concept to him. Countless hours of training had conditioned his body to endure extended periods without rest. And this night had been no exception. Instead of idling away the hours, Dian had diligently focused on a meticulous task—extracting the small bony blades from the demon hare he had slain, using the pointy rock he had stored in his inventory.

The task proved challenging as the bony blades protruded from the demon hare's skull, limiting Dian's options. With a deliberate strategy, he aimed to dislodge one of the blades by forcefully striking it. However, this method would leave him with a blade lacking a handle, requiring caution in its usage. Nevertheless, Dian recognized the potential value of obtaining such a weapon, or rather, a tool. Which he used for a number of different things.

(Extremely bad quality) Demon Hare's skull blade, Obtained.

A soft chuckle escaped Dian's lips as he pondered the notifications he received for even the simplest of tasks. Initially, he had found them somewhat bothersome, interrupting his thoughts and actions. However, alone in world filled with demons, those notifications served as a quiet solace—a reminder that he was not entirely alone.

Once he had successfully obtained a blade, Dian set his sights on another objective. Utilizing the newfound blade, he carefully cut away the pelt of the demon hare. While its uses were limited, Dian had a specific purpose in mind. By fashioning the pelt into a glove-like covering, he aimed to protect himself from potential poisoning caused by unknown flora or demons he might encounter in his journey. The pelt would serve as an additional layer of defense, enhancing his chances of survival.

As Dian continued his work, he couldn't help but notice a subtle improvement in the movement of his hands, as denoted by the system's notification.

Agi: +0.4

Skill Obtained: Carving (Basic) – level 1

Dian observed the subtle improvement in his carving skill as he meticulously worked on the demon hare's pelt. With the acquired skill, his movements became slightly more precise and controlled, allowing him to carve with better finesse. However, the difference was not substantial enough for him to notice without consciously focusing on it. Nevertheless, Dian persisted, determined to make the most of the limited resources at his disposal.

As he continued his task, the blood from the demon hare's corpse stained his hands, a reminder of the brutality of this world. Dian took great care not to let any of the blood soil his clothing, aware that any trace of his recent encounter could potentially invite the relentless pursuit of the demon hare's vengeful mother. The consequences of a single mistake in this perilous realm were too grave to ignore.

(Extremely bad quality) Demon Hare's pelt, Obtained.

Despite his efforts, the outcome of his work on the demon hare's pelt was less than satisfactory. The pelt was marred by uneven and haphazard cuts, with sections of fur torn or completely detached. It was clear that the pelt had become unusable in its current state, a testament to the challenges and limitations Dian faced in his solitary existence.

However, Dian refused to dwell on the limitations of his current situation. Resourcefulness had always been one of his strengths, and he sought alternative solutions to make the most of what he had. Taking the bony blade he had retrieved from the demon hare, Dian ingeniously incorporated a small piece of the pelt onto it. This makeshift adaptation allowed him to fashion a rudimentary knife, offering him a measure of protection without risking injury to his hand.

Nevertheless, Dian knew that he couldn't afford to let go of the blade, as the pelt would inevitably come loose without a secure binding. He understood the need to maintain a firm grip until he found a suitable means to secure the pelt and the blade together.

As Dian focused on the task of crafting makeshift tools, memories from his childhood began to resurface, memories of surviving guerrilla warfare during his time with the rebellion group. He had become adept at creating tools under the cover of darkness, sometimes in the company of other children in similar circumstances, and other times in solitude. The experiences of his past threatened to envelop him once again, triggering thoughts of the indoctrination he had endured. However, Dian fought against the rising tide of memories, reminding himself of the clarity he had gained and the distinction between right and wrong.

A sense of belonging, though fleeting, settled upon Dian as he perched on the tree branch doing what he used to do before. Yet, he knew that he couldn't allow his past demons to triumph over his current journey.

"Let it go, Dian. Don't let your demons win. You do not belong in this world."

He whispered the words of encouragement to himself, urging himself to let go and resist the pull of the world he didn't truly belong to.

With a determined shake of his head, Dian refocused his attention on his accomplishments. He surveyed his work, a tangible manifestation of his purpose and resilience. The newfound clarity spurred him forward, and he carefully stored the remaining parts of the demon hare's carcass and the newly crafted makeshift knife into his inventory. The weight of his past still lingered, but he pushed through, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead with renewed purpose and determination.

As the first rays of dawn pierced through the darkness, illuminating the surroundings, Dian felt a glimmer of hope. The warm, golden light offered him the clarity he needed to survey his immediate surroundings.

His gaze focused on the area below him, scanning for any signs of danger or human presence. Satisfied that there were no immediate threats, Dian nodded to himself, reassured by the relative safety of his perch. He had chosen his vantage point carefully, ensuring that he could observe the area while minimizing his own vulnerability.

Taking a deep breath, Dian began to ascend, climbing higher up the tree with caution and purpose. This was a critical part of his mission, for remaining on the ground would expose him to the lurking demons, while seeking refuge at the very top of the tree would leave him vulnerable to aerial threats. Now, with the rising sun casting its light upon the land, Dian hoped to gain a clearer view of his surroundings and, perhaps, catch sight of any signs of civilization.

As he climbed, Dian's eyes swept across the landscape, eagerly searching for any manmade structures or signs of human habitation. The dawning light gradually revealed the contours of the land, offering glimpses of hope amidst the vast wilderness. With each step upwards, Dian felt a growing sense of anticipation, hoping that his perseverance would be rewarded with the sight of a potential refuge or a fellow survivor.

Dian's eyes widened in astonishment as the panorama unfolded before him. The sight that greeted him was nothing short of breathtaking, a testament to the grandeur and otherworldly nature of this new realm. Majestic mountains stretched towards the heavens, their peaks adorned with floating islands that cascaded waterfalls down to the land below. Creatures resembling griffins soared high above, their powerful wings carrying them through the sky. In the distance, towering demons stood like behemoths, while snake-like beings glided gracefully amidst the clouds. And there, on the distant horizon, Dian's gaze caught the glimpse of what appeared to be a dragon, a creature of mythical proportions.

For a brief moment, the sheer magnificence of the world around him overshadowed the dangers and perils that lurked within it. Dian was captivated by the surreal beauty that surrounded him, a beauty that contrasted sharply with the harsh reality he had faced thus far. It was a reminder that even in this unforgiving realm, there existed wonders beyond his imagination.

But amidst his awe, Dian's attention was drawn to a more grounded sight—the rising plumes of smoke in the distance. The distinct pattern of the smoke signaled the presence of a campfire, a beacon of hope in this vast wilderness. A surge of excitement coursed through Dian's veins as he realized that there were other people in this realm, fellow survivors navigating the same treacherous landscape.

Determined to reach the source of the smoke, Dian made a mental note of its location, ensuring he wouldn't lose sight of it. Carefully and cautiously, he began his descent from the tree, his focus unwavering as he navigated the branches with practiced ease. Each step brought him closer to the prospect of companionship and potential safety, fueling his resolve to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As Dian descended, the reality of the world he had entered began to seep back into his thoughts. The dangers, the demons, and the uncertainties were still very much present. However, in the face of the unknown, the sight of the distant campfire renewed his spirit and ignited a flicker of hope within him. With a newfound sense of purpose, Dian smiled as he continued his descent.

A surge of relief washed over him as he realized that his intended path did not lead him toward the perilous location that had caused the vengeful demon hare mother to retreat. Instead, he needed to veer to the right, away from that dangerous vicinity.

Dian embarked on his journey with a light heart until a gnawing unease settled within him. Though his surroundings appeared calm and seemingly devoid of immediate danger, an unshakable sense of foreboding weighed on his instincts. His gaze darted about, scanning the area for any signs of lurking threats, but his search yielded no immediate answers.

Perplexed by the disquieting sensation, Dian instinctively crouched down, his hand pressed against the earth as if seeking solace or guidance from the very ground beneath him. And then, as if in response to his apprehension, he felt it—a faint vibration coursing through the soil, rippling through the roots and foliage. Tremors, barely perceptible but unmistakable, sent a chill down his spine.

His thoughts raced, struggling to comprehend the source of these ominous tremors. Could it be the approach of a fearsome creature? A gathering storm? The silence that enveloped him was shattered by a growing sound, faint at first but steadily intensifying. Dian's heart skipped a beat as the truth revealed itself before his eyes.

His gaze fixated on the horizon, Dian's eyes widened with disbelief, his mouth agape in astonishment. An army of demon hare mothers was hurtling towards him, their numbers reaching staggering proportions. The ground trembled beneath their frenzied charge, an onslaught of fury and menace descending upon him.

Oh Fuck!

Panic surged through Dian's veins, his mind racing in search of an escape route. Desperation took hold as he sprinted toward the place that had previously deterred the demon hare mother, hoping against hope that it would yield the same result. Yet, to his dismay, his efforts proved futile, and the realization struck him with a crushing blow. He was too far away, too deeply entrenched within the boundary separating the demon hare's territory from that of the formidable demon gorillas.

The pounding of his heart drowned out all other sounds as Dian came to a sudden halt, his eyes widening in terror as he surveyed the relentless horde barreling toward him. Towering at a staggering eight feet in height, these gorilla-like demons exuded an aura of raw power and unyielding aggression. Their muscular frames and bared fangs were a testament to their ferocity, leaving Dian feeling utterly defenseless in their presence.

His mind whirled with the gravity of his predicament, realizing the true motive behind the demon hare mother's retreat from before. It was not born out of fear, but rather it was cause he was in the middle of the border between the Demon hare's territory, and this new Demon Gorrilla territory.

The reason the Demon hare mother ran away before wasn't out of fear, it was to get back-up because she thought that these Demon Gorillas killed her babies since Dian was running into their territory.


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