
Do you want to die?

Xianwu removed the hat and used the long handkerchief to tie it around his face. He had planned to enter the residence from the backyard. 

"Your Royal Highness, what will you do to that person?" Bong Huan asked. 

"First, I need to find the truth from him. What if he had shared about the matter regarding my mother with someone outside the Lee Family?" Xianwu muttered and shared his plan with him. 

The chauffeur stopped the carriage at a place, which Xianwu had instructed him earlier. As it came to a halt, Bong Huan stepped out first. He made sure the way was clear for Xianwu and gestured for him with his hand to exit the carriage. 

"Go and meet me in the backyard with that person," Xianwu told him. Bong Huan nodded and ran toward the house. He slowed down upon seeing the guards at the entrance and then headed inside. 

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