
End of Canterbury- 2

"John?" His mom dropped to her knees and started crying, "They told me you were dead and I couldn't get past it. I would go to your room every morning hoping you would just be there."

"It has only been two weeks since I left?" She looked confused as she spoke, "John it's been nearly 4 months." John was visibly shaken as she said this prompting him to hug her tightly. "What date is it?"

"November 27." She spoke through tears as she got up, "I think Christmas Break is soon." He said with a smile, she smiled too, "I'll be back, on December 5th. I promise." She smiled, "I'd love that."

She released the hug, "So are you going back now?" John thought, "I have to go but I am sure I'll be back for December." He got up and spoke with his mum for ten minutes before hugging her again and walking out. She smiled. He looked back towards the house.

Sigma Force converged on the train station and so did John, The Prisoner and Castor. The boy he saw from earlier was sitting next to Dunston, they seemed happy together.

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