
The Meeting 2

Kon stared at the Goddess that walked in. He had a feeling that it was going to be either one of the two powerful ones. And it was the right choice, seeing Loki standing in front of him with that grin.

Loki also had Riveria and Finn with her. They walked in behind the Goddess, though neither carried any weapons Kon noted. Eyes shining Yellow as he studied them. Kon could sum up that she wants him to join her Familia, or something along those lines.

Loki: "Well short stuff looks like you finally decided to appear. You know you have been causing a lot of trouble up here? Rumors are everywhere about where you are, what you are and what you are doin. And since we seen each other at the Pub the other night ago you caught my eye."

Kon: "Well, to that affect I will just say..." and he just shrugged. He didn't really care what others thought about him. It was only the ones he cared about that mattered. If anything he hopes that he will be entertained while he's here.

Loki: "Hahahaha. You really got a lot of spunk huh?" She said while the other two just smiled at her antics, though also amused at Kon. They are used to Loki's antics and since the two of them are pretty similar in their easy going attitude they are able to just roll along with it. "It's been fun trying to track you down, though I think my Captain here can say otherwise." She said as she looked at Finn and started to snicker. 

Finn: "Yeap, wasn't easy since you decided to dive back into the Dungeon. You just up and disappeared on us and when we went down to find you, and it didn't help that the monsters were also more annoying to deal with this time around." This brought Kon some interesting news. His eyes sparkled a little more vibrant with that, and the other three took notice.

Loki: "Oh, you know something about that short stuff?" And with this Loki just grinned, not really expecting an answer really, but more curious as to why Kon would react to that. 

Kon: "Well, no not that per say. Just thought that it was an interesting thing to happen." And with this, the Goddess accepted it. Kon managed to just say what came to mind quickly and it was technically true. He didn't know everything about it and did think it was interesting. But his eyes changed to Green and Blue hues.

Riveria: 'The magic in those eyes, I wonder what it is. Every time they change color the magic also changes slightly around them.' Her inner scientist was coming out and taking a hold of her interest about magic. She decided to stay focused though. "Well, where did you go into the Dungeon? It's not exactly safe for you to be down there all by yourself you know?"

Kon: "Don't worry bout that. It's honestly not that hard to just go in ya know?" He said with a Southern accent. He was getting comfortable talking to them, so he started to relax a bit. "Though I do have to say though that isn't it a bad thing to try and follow someone home? Isn't that called stalkin ya know?" He said with a foxy grin. The others then thought for a sec.

Loki: "Huh, guess your right." And the other 2 deadpanned at her response. 'Of course she's say that.' They thought. Riveria noticed something and looked around.

Riveria: "Hey, where's your little friend at? I thought she always stayed by your side?" And to that Kon just smiled.

Kon: "She's exploring the Dungeon with a couple friends we made. Don't worry she's almost as strong as me ya know? She can take absolute care of herself." And he did have faith in her. There isn't really much that Kon thought could hurt her. And even if there was, the felt that the Dungeon would do something to stop whatever bad things were going to happen to the trio. 

Although he was still worried. In this new world, and since he doesn't remember much other than certain key points happening, there isn't much that he knows. Oh, and everything that Webnovels have given him. Though he doesn't know how much is true or not in his case.

Loki: "Well, isn't that just interesting. A little fox can take care of herself now can she?" Kon then started to look at Loki weird. That didn't sit right with him for some reason. Though he couldn't really tell why. Might just be because it's Loki, the pervy Goddess and it is her antics. But it also could be the fact that she is still the God of Mischief regardless.

Kon had his eyes turn a little on the dull side of Yellow. Something that the three in front of him took notice, and also how the room started to also come to a still. The knew it was cause of what Loki said, and that Kon was taking it the wrong way than what they intended.

Finn: "Don't mind what Lady Loki said. She means well but she's also been known to be eccentric in how she goes about it. She cares, though you can ask just about anyone in Orario about how she acts within our Familia hahaha." And with that, Kon started to have his vibrant mix of Green and Blue again.

This is when they noted that the surroundings also got uplifted and the room looked a little brighter. And Riveria noted that the magic also changed into a more silent and absent, yet a little hostile when Kon's eyes turned into a Dull color instead of the Vibrant. And it was the polar opposite when his eyes changed colors back into a Vibrant shade.

Finn's thumb also started to ache when his eyes started to Dull out. Scaring him since he didn't have his weapons. It's also the reason why he said the things he said. Even with his Goddess giving him a betrayed look.

Loki: "Not you Finn. I already have enough of Momma doing this to me." She says dramatically while clutching her heart, sobbing on the couch. All the while Kon started to chuckle and swaying all his tails in content at the little antics of this group. 

Loki: "Well, lets get onto business shall we?" She said, coming out of her act as if it never even happened. It caught Kon a little off guard how the Goddess could change faces like that. And to which did get him to focus on the talk now. So he sat down, careful not to sit on his tails again like he did in his home in the Dungeon. He never understood why all the Tom and Jerry episodes the characters always jumped up so far into the air until he sat on his tails wrong.

He flew up into the roof and hit his head, and then just laid on the ground with his but in the air cause it was the only way that made his tails stop hurting faster. It was just like stubbing a toe, but even worse since he kinked a couple tails. He was also ready to kill someone cause it hurt so badly.

When he finally got comfortable the other two next to Loki also sat down. They all looked at Kon. And to which Kon had an idea as to what Loki wanted. It was a no brainer really to him, though he had been proven wrong about things in the past, especially big time.

Loki: "I was going to ask you if you were wanting to join my Familia?" And there it is. Kon had a gut feeling. With how he appeared, and how he had been interacting with everyone so far, it wasn't a surprise. Though he did wonder what Freya was up to. Since she could see souls, what did his look like to her? Why hasn't Ottar appeared or anyone else for that matter. It's not like Freya couldn't watch him in the Dungeon, but it's more like she didn't want to. 

Kon: 'Could've swore that with me seeing her watch me through that mirror of hers, that she would've done something so far. Eh, probably for the best. But onto this in front of me so far.'

It was at this moment that wouldn't surprise everyone with the answer. And it was the obvious choice to Kon to him at the moment and he wouldn't regret it a single bit. He came into this world to make the most out of it, and he wouldn't be held down by anyone or anything and enjoy it to the fullest with those around him.

Kon: "Sorry but I don't think that would work out for either of us really."

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