
Helping Alma

Alma was happy with several people all joining the church of her god Alex. She had spent the entire time fixing things to allow herself set up. Olsen was her greatest support and followed her word while recruiting people to fix everything up. As thanks she had given him the book so he could learn what she had learned from the book, but to her surprise he could not read it at all.

Still, he helped her greatly and she focused on teaching him some of the moves she learned that could help him fight. She also learned more about the outside world. The village is small but is growing under the leadership of the new Baron twenty years ago. The Baron had the same name as his son, Fitzpatrick. The new Baron received one city and four villages for some great work he did for the royal family during a military campaign which allowed his promotion.

After leading these villages to grow he sent his son who had recently become a man to take over the village. The only other guards are the people who hunt for a living, otherwise, it was only the five guards that were sent as the son's bodyguards. Unfortunately for Alma, only one hunter decided to join the church mostly in the hopes of finding a cure to his sick child who seemed would die of a new disease that had never been seen before. Alma had then promised to ask her god the next time she got to see him.

Currently, there are only ten believers in total, but that also includes Olsen and Alma as well, but considering that there were 1,000 people in the village somewhat spread out it can be considered to be decent. After all they had only made the proclamation a few days ago and few people had seen any type of amazing feat supposedly made by the so-called God.

It was the seventh day since she had visited Alex, but she believed it was only the sixth so she was still waiting. At the moment she was advising Olsen how to move to redirect forces coming his way if he wanted to completely neutralize it or even send it back to his enemies. Opposite of him was the hunter who had joined them. He was using one of the swords they had taken from the guards after they surrendered.

"Just like that! Now make sure that you let your leg take the rest of the impact by twisting your body like this... Yes! No-"

Suddenly Alma's voice was cut off as she disappeared in a wisp of white smoke. "Huh? She disappeared?" The voice of a woman sounded. She had been watching how Alma was teaching Olsen. She was part of the ten original members who joined the church Alma had made, but she didn't truly believe that a god met Alma, instead she was sent here by the light church to see if there was truly something special about the girl who appeared out of nowhere.

Olsen's calm voice broke the silence, "Looks like Alma is meeting with Lord Alex in the mist. Mathew, let's take a break here and wait for the Priestess to come back." Olsen had already completely devoted himself to Alma and his new Lord, Alex. Now he had seen Alma disappear in white mist, he believed he had truly made a good decision.

Mathew the hunter couldn't believe his eyes. He wanted to find a cure for his son, but instead, he saw the real powers of a god! He had known when most priests claimed to be able to talk to god, they usually meant through prayer and devotion they could communicate with the heavens. He thought Alma would be the same.

He even thought he was probably just being used to help train Olsen. Now seeing someone disappear in white mist, his hope for his son suddenly became so great that he kneeled down right there and then and began to pray. For the first time, he was truly praying to this god of 'his' with utmost devotion, to the God of Knowledge, Alex.

For the woman who was watching as Alma was enveloped in the fog and disappeared it was even more impactful. She was a woman of faith and had seen when her priest supposedly 'connected' to Prashka, the God of Light. He simply began to pray for several hours before he stood up and said he had spoken to Prashka and knew what to do.

She originally believed that Alma met an old man who taught her and she claimed it was a god. She originally thought that even if a god contacted her it would not be the god of knowledge who would teach one to fight.

Before this moment she truly believed most of this god talk was a creation by Olsen to fight against those who had wronged him. It was only now that she had seen Alma disappear into the fog where she claimed the God Alex lived, did she truly started doubting what she believed in.


As Alex had already read a little over a dozen books, he was starting to doubt that his spell was even working properly. It was only now that he heard the sound of his bell ringing that he let out a sigh of relief before closing his book before heading out to see who his guest was.

Standing in the middle of the room Alma was looking around at the books, "Alma. Welcome back."

Seeing Alex smiling at her Alma smiled happily and quickly spoke up, "Alex! It has only been six days, but I am already here! I am super talented!"

"Huh? HAHA!" Alex burst out laughing as he quickly realized what was truly happening, "I think you just lost track of time. I set up the fog to only take you after 7 days and no less. Haha. That said it is good to see you again."

Pouting, Alma shook her head and focused on what she needed. So after taking a deep breath to calm down, she spoke, "I hope Lord Alex can help me."


"I need a book about diseases that can heal others. I also need a book that can help me grow the apple seeds you told me to plant last time. I also want a book that will allow me to have attack so I can punish those who try to hurt me."

"Oh? I have just the things." As he spoke he stretched out his hand making it so several books came from different places. Soon ten books flew around the room and landed on the table. "Now can you tell me about the diseases you want to cure so I can give you the right book?"

"Yes! According to the description it has the child growing white fuzz on the legs in spots."

"White fuzz? Sounds like a fungus. How is the child acting? Does he have a fever, weakness, pain?"

"Umm... He has an intense fever that has him bedridden. There is no other pain... I think?"

"Alright." Nodding four of the books flew away from the table as they found their place back onto shelves. Another book flew into Alex's hands as he handed it to Alma. "Here you go."

Alma happily took the book and read the title, "Fungal Diseases Without Pain and Their Basic Cures"

"Set that aside and look at which one of these books you want. Of the five books on the table, three books spread out in front of her. The three books were separated in three different combat styles; piercing with a weapon (spear), increasing the lethality of fists, and how to break bones."

Just as she looked through the books Alex suddenly realized something, "Hey Alma? What types of weapons do you have available?"

"We have a few swords!"

'We? Looks like she made some friends.' Thinking happily to himself as he hoped that this child would truly become happy with many friends. Of course completely forgetting that she wanted an attack technique to be able to hurt people better.

"Well I can make you a special spear just for you if you choose the piercing technique."

"Really!" Just as the kid she was, she no longer hesitated on what she wanted and quickly picked the spear piercing technique. Alex on the other hand only realized too late that his consideration for the girl instead made it so she had for sure chosen the spear technique.

Despite sighing to himself he could do nothing and simply handed the girl the last two books, "This is the basic normal apple growing techniques, this other one is basic techniques with the energy in the air you can just think of it as magic."

Hearing the word magic the little girl quickly grabbed the magic techniques without any hesitation.

"Haha! You don't have to choose. To truly get the best results you need both knowledge so why don't you start by reading the basic techniques while I start making you your spear." As he spoke the other two books about fighting quickly flew back into the air and onto their shelves.

Alma only reluctantly put down the book with magic and began reading the book with the basic 'normal' techniques on how to grow apple trees. Alex on the other hand quickly formed several metal bricks on the ground and after making a space that could work as a forge he began to forge a spear out of all the metals.

Although Alex had creation magic that allowed for the creation of materials, he could only create basic elements like making pure oxygen and pure hydrogen if he wanted water. From those basic elements he could then use one of the thousands of techniques to make the elements to form what he wanted. That said it was still hard to create things that were too complicated since it would need a hundred steps all to make something like wood.

The tables he made were actually iron but with a destruction technique and a carving technique it looked exactly a wood table after he spent some time dyeing it with several colors completing the look. The only thing he didn't create was the seats that were made of real rabbit leather he was given as a thank you gift by his first visiter James. That said he still did most of the work to make the leather into good leather for sitting.

After three hours of constant work Alex finally finished a pure metal spear with the handle made with a great grip. After that he proceeded to enchant the spear with several enchantments which would keep the spearhead forever sharp along with several other enchantments that let the spear change size to better fit the wielder and even making the spear basically unbreakable.

Walking back into the room he saw a exasperated Alma, "I have been waiting forever! Can I see my spear now?!" Soon the child became very happy as she quickly held out her hands while looking excitedly at the spear Alex brought with him.

Alex only smiled and shook his head while tossing Alma her new spear. The spear quickly changed size and became a suitable size for a child that hasn't even reached 4 ft. or 128 cm. She quickly started swinging it around as she looked like a child with a new favorite toy. Alex could only smile and watch as she got used to it.

"How about you pay me for my troubles."

"Pay? How do I need to pay?"

"Just the same as before. Tell me about your world."

Nodding and calming down Alma quickly began telling Alex of all she learned and even spoke about the 'organization' she has set up that will be helping people.

"It is nice to see you doing so well now. How many orphans are in your organization?"

"Well... It is only 7 adults and two children and no orphans have joined yet. They look very scared, that is why when I get the apple tree to grow I can give them tons of delicious apples!"

"Haha! Yes that is a wonderful idea."

As they were finishing up their conversation a familiar ringing of the bell sounded causing the pair to look to the door where a young man stood at the door. Wearing rags he called out, "Excuse me? I think I am lost. You see I am blind and I lost my way and only now found your door. I am sorry if I am disturbing. I knocked but you both were talking so much you didn't hear me..."

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