

Emir and Lyra headed to where she parked their cruiser.

[Do you think it would be a good idea in the long run?]

[The metaphorical bomb you mean?]

[Yeah, I had my mind set on it after I saw his reaction.]

Lyra giggled.

[I told you, you were amazing. Now we know that they know about the runes, and we also used that information already.] 

[Doubt would spread among them, give it time and we could turn that bomb into a nuke.] 

[True that… but Lyra, he KNOWS.]

[Of course, he does… All four of them do.]

Emir let out a sigh as he threw Jake to the ground, causing clouds of sand to form, while Lyra sat Emma down gently.

[…Though, thankfully, he doesn't know about my oath cheat.]

[Right, he would've called us out on it if he did… So we can proceed with the plan with no worries.]

Emir nodded and gestured for his partner to help with waking them up.

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