

"Make sure to use this formula when you notice…."

The teacher's voice continued to go out into the background as Haruto tried his best to focus on the lesson. Writing some things into his notebook, he couldn't help but look at the clock to see when this class would end.

'Just a few more minutes until lunch.'

Seeing the time on the clock, Haruto's thoughts began to wander off from the lesson he was currently in and started to think about what he would do for lunch.

He closed his eyes to think of his options but had to open them up again as he felt continuous stares going in his direction.

'This is way more than what i'm used to.'

Haruto felt his eyebrows twitch thinking about his whole morning where he started to notice people giving him curious and particular looks, that he felt like something weird must be on his face for them to stare that hard.

"Does anyone have any other questions?"


Silence was met as the teacher asked a question towards the class, making Haruto focus his attention back towards the front.

"If not, then that will be all for today's class. If you come up with any questions then meet me at the faculty room and I will answer your questions there."

Noting the response from his class, the teacher quickly sorted up his books and walked out of the classroom. Right as the teacher left, the lunch bell rang and commotion started to erupt from all around the classroom.

"Haruto.. please help me here.."

"Why didn't you ask the teacher before he left?"

"You explain stuff better."

Hinata said his opinion and placed his notebook on Haruto's desk hoping that he will help him. He stared at him pleading and Haruto gave a sigh and quickly taught him what he needed help with.

Kageyama leaned on his desk waiting for the two's mini lesson to finish when he noticed that a group of guys and some girls were attempting to approach their area.

"Why do I feel like you're getting more attention than usual?"

"Don't mind it, I noticed it too."

Writing in Hinata's notebook, Haruto offhandedly brushed off the question and continued to quickly finish up when he heard a voice call out to him.

"Hey, Watanabe!"

Three guys and several other girls in his class approached him with a friendly smile on their faces.

"How did the summer break go for you?"

"It was very eventful. Lot's of trips and don't even get me started with the amount of food I ate."

"You don't look like you got any heavy though."

"Hey it's not nice to talk about a guy's weight."

"Whoops, that was my bad."

Engaging with friendly banter with his classmates, Haruto placed a sociable smile on his face and spoke with the people that came up to him.

The two who were near Haruto, watched him socialize with them and decided to talk amongst themselves, waiting for him to finish so they could eat lunch with him.

Amidst the friendly chatter, one guy in particular was acting a bit fidgety and decided to ask the question that prompted him to start his conversation with Haruto.

"Hey do you mind if I ask you something?"

"If it's something I can answer."

"...Do you really not have something going on between you and Shiina since there were rumors of you guys again attending the Tanabata festival together…"

'So it's this again huh.'

He sighed inwardly as he noticed the noise in the classroom dialed down considerably and it looked like everyone was intently listening.

Deciding that it was better to say it sooner than later, Haruto was about to talk when he heard chatter outside his classroom.


The door opened and Mahiru poked her head inside his classroom, trying to see if Haruto was still inside. Everyone was surprised by the sudden visit by their school's angel and stood still trying to see what would happen.

"Ah there you are, it's lucky that I found you before you left your classroom."

Mahiru's eyes narrowed slightly when she noticed the group of girls and guys surrounding Haruto's desk but decided not to mind.

She briskly walked her way to his desk ignoring the waves of stares headed her way and smiled mischievously when she saw his surprised face.

"Did something happen?"

"Nope, I just wanted to give you your lunchbox since I forgot to tell you I made one. Also I wanted to see if you and your friends wanted to eat lunch with Yachi and I."

Mahiru looked towards Hinata and Kageyama who nodded their heads thinking that it was a good plan.

Haruto silently stared at her innocent expression. But he was able to tell that she didn't actually forget to tell him but wanted to use this opportunity to openly show their relationship to the public.

Giving a small laugh at her actions, Haruto looked back at the person who asked him a question previously and held onto Mahiru's hand.

"If you're asking about our relationship with each other, you can say that we're dating."

Confirming their suspicions, he was able to hear the disgruntled voices of despair the boys were giving out. While the girls gave an envious look towards Mahiru who just smiled kindly towards them.

"Hey, hey, when did it happen!!"

"Yeah, when did you guys decide to make it official?"

Although they were envious, they were hungry for some gossip as this was huge when it came to the two most known first years in their school.

Haruto and Mahiru did their best to answer as many questions as they could before pushing them away with the excuse of wanting to eat lunch.

"Is the news of you guys dating that big of a deal?"

"Not really but people really like to hear about these types of things."

Hinata who witnessed the whole event felt confused by the reaction of his classmates. He remembered how the people on the volleyball team didn't really make a huge fuss like this when they also heard about the news.

"Good thing Kanoka goes to a different school…"

"Eh you guys are dating now?"


"Eh~ really?"

Kageyama kept his mouth shut after hearing his tone and Haruto decided to let him go since he didn't want to push him to tell the details of their certain relationship.

"But you really made a big entrance back there."

"I don't know what you mean."

Mahiru said with a straight face but relented and turned her head away when she noticed the look she was getting from him.

"Well I don't mind since that was a good chance to clear up suspicions and we can now stay together without people always hounding us with questions."

"You're not angry…?"

"Why would I be? I think it's fine since I'm able to openly show my feelings for you now."

Mahiru was slightly anxious with the way she suddenly decided to show up but gave a sigh of relief when she heard his response.

Feeling happy she gave an affectionate smile towards him making Haruto give a fond smile back. Everyone who was secretly paying attention to their conversation, froze in place seeing the looks they were giving each other.

This expression in particular was one they had never seen on Mahiru's face and it finally settled in with them that the two of them were dating.

"Come let's go to the spot where Yachi said she saved for us."

"Sure, let's go. I'm curious what lunch you made for me."

"You just have to wait until you open it."

Mahiru wrapped her arms around Haruto's and they walked out the classroom ignoring their surroundings. Kageyama and Hinata didn't mind their actions as they were used to them and followed slowly behind them.

Hearing the classroom doors close, voices began to erupt and eventually news spread throughout the whole school about the two's relationship with each other.

All this happened with the main focus of the news, was happily eating lunch together with them talking about their upcoming days following the first preliminaries of the Summer Tournament.


I hope you enjoyed it. Peacu

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