
True Self... Becoming Perfect

To say it was a bit awkward, would be an underestimate. Kushina and Naruto met, and all Kushina could do was cry while looking at her son. How much she wished she could have been there to be with him growing up, how much she wished that she could have been a mother. yet all of that was taken away,

Naruto on the other hand was just happy to see his mother, he hugged her not caring at all about anything else at that moment. Of course, I simply stood aside, This was my son and that was his mother It lovely scene.

I left the two alone to catch up, meanwhile, I went to a waterfall known as the Fall of Truth. The waterfall itself is peculiar in that by sitting on the platform at its base and concentrating, the person is transported into their mind. Once there, the waterfall becomes a mirror that reflects one's true self.

I appeared on the island and went on to sit on the platform, and went on to meditate. after some time, I hear someone walking out of the waterfall. the 9 tails knew of this place, and the 8 tails knew of this place. although hard to remember, I believe that the anime might have shown this

"So you have come." A calm voice sounded, leading me to open my voice to see a mirror of myself stepping out of the waterfall. but he seemed... brighter and gentler.

"Shocking right? I'm the good 9 tails, you're the evil one." He said stunning me, but I shook my head. I was not evil, I just hated the humans.

"Hard to believe? Let's for a moment just look at Mito, You killed everyone she had, she forced her to stay away from her grandchild. You made her die alone and with a heart filled with regret, you couldn't even let her die as you had to get the last laugh," He said while walking up to me, leaving me stunned and speechless

"Kushina, she saw you are more than a best friend. you were her everything, if she were to cheat who would she do it with other than you? if you were to simply say no, everything would have stopped. yet you the virgin couldn't pass up the chance to have fun. hiding it all behind a mask of disgust. perfect lifeform? seems like to me, you're the biggest scumbag." Good me said with a shake of his head

"Poor Minato... that smug smile you tried to hide, did you honestly think that it's only because you hate humans that you do all of these messed up things or what?" He asked making me go quiet for some time,

Why was I like this you asked? how could anyone hate humans so much? well, it looks like we are in for a flashback. but let's make it short.

My hatred towards humans started when my parents adopted my step-sister. they were close friends of their parents, and they took her in and treated her as their own. this ended up in them ignoring me, but I didn't care as I was already 18 and she was just 12 years old. She needed all of the attention,

Anyway, I moved out to go to college, I was going to try and become a doctor. something that needed all of my attention, I would come back to visit them from time to time, and by the time my finals came around, I came to visit.

But it was on this visit my world flipped upside down. it turned out my step-sister made claims that I had been touching her in the wrong ways for a few years now. To say the least, my parents were disgusted with me, they didn't even bother to listen to me who was caught off guard with all of this.

as they yelled at me, plates and anything they could get their hands on were thrown at me. the next thing I knew was waking up in the hospital, wrapped in bandages, I suffered many injuries, among which was a broken skull and jar.

the nurses and the rest of the hospital staff all heard the story, making them treat me badly, and refusing to give me pain meds. it was hell, but a week later, my parents came to the hospital asking for my apologies, It turned out that she didn't know her words would do something like this, and couldn't take the guilt.

but the damage was done, They had called everyone I knew, and they had made sure everyone knew what I did. I was all alone, without any friends. collage? I was kicked out after such news began to spread, I had become a hot topic for some time.

Humans... they disgusted me. my hard work, everything I have done to make a future for myself, everything I destroyed by the world of a little girl. never once was I ever given the chance to speak out, yet they so easily believed this little girl's words and left me a cripple,

those so-called friends, even those I grew up with. those I knew all my friends, they would so easily believe the word of another? They would all betray me like this? would a simple I'm sorry fix anything? You want to know what's funny? They had the nerve of acting like they were in the wrong, crying out as if it was wrong for me to just ignore them.

I left the hospital as a man without any friends or family, I went on to work at an office job which would soon work me to death. it was only in college where anime was my enjoyment, but after that, I just... worked. using work to escape from my shitty life.

In this new life... I easily cast away my humanity, I wanted to get away from my past. Mito? Kushina? In a way, the pain I inflicted on them was just me getting revenge... and I enjoyed it, Am I a villain? of course I wasn't.

"I'm not evil... at a time they were my enemy, why the fuck would I be soft on my enemy? going easy on my enemy is just making your future hell. I'm free now... but you did help me realize something. the body I'm within, it doesn't make me perfect. instead, it's the mind." I said calmly while standing up.

"It's hard looking at the part of me who willingly let go of all my hatred, I have to accept you. honestly, I can't do that. those who wrong me in any shape or form should burn, live every minute of every second in asbouto regret. I'm not evil, it's the justice owned to me." I said with a chilling smile, which made my good self frown while looking at my evil smile

"Y-you... what? What are you doing?" My good half pupils shrank as he began to disappear, he looked at me in shock as I somehow managed to erase her. it being me of course knew how I did this. I simply erased that part of me that was so soft,

"Now I'm perfect, body and mind." I laughed with joy, but my cheerful laugh may come off as evil in the ears of others...

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