
Chapter Three - Sokovia has cute twins

A week had passed since my super discovery, the me of this world had been born the same year as in my other life. Coincidence, don't you think? However, it had been on a different date, it wasn't the same day, it wasn't the same mess... it was just the same year.

Maybe it had something to do with the video game I played when I was a child? No, it wasn't that.

But in the story of this one it said that Dracula would be reborn in 1999 and to think that I'm Dracula sounds cool. I'd have great powers, but I'd probably be hunted down and killed. Even in Hotel Transylvania poor Dracula suffered the death of his wife, humans are stupid... they will never accept what is different and hate themselves, ironic. Not a "united people" at all, but what can you do about it, you cannot change anything.

They will destroy themselves, with their wars for various causes. For their hatred of those who are not like them. For the pleasure of making the world suffer, just for their benefit. In short, the hypotenuse.

Maybe with what I know, I can change the world... no of course not, no one would listen to a child, even though I was a baby now, no matter how hard I tried, talking to them would not do any good after all nothing would come out of my mouth.

The next few days passed in a rather strange way, my parents seemed even more nervous than when we had arrived, they were distracted and left the building every now and then, when they came back they had folders or bags with other things in them. But when they looked at me, their countenance changed completely.

"I know, I am beautiful. No one could resist my charms" I would say to myself. I don't know what face I was showing, but my parents seemed to laugh at times when that crossed my mind.

Every now and then my parents would look out the windows of our "new" home and their faces would turn to ones full of fear. There were lots of noises from outside, protests? fights? shootings? hotel?.... Trivago. I let out a laugh at my stupid thinking in this situation. But well, there wasn't much I could do. The life of a baby was very boring.

The 29th of March arrived according to my calculations, that day Chris arrived very fast and nervous. He looked like he had been in a fight, he had a big wound on his face and a small cut on his eyebrow. I looked at him reproachfully, when Emma saw him she was going to be angry.

My father put his suitcase down very close to me and I saw a completely different outfit from the one he was wearing. Chris, dear, what trouble you've got yourself into.

Underneath his clothes I saw some papers and a thing that looked like a flash drive, they existed at this time? Who knows. The Lord of the Rings must have been released by now, I hadn't seen that movie for a long time I couldn't read the book at this age, but I could always enjoy the movie, couldn't I?

In the next few seconds, I thought of a way to show that I wanted to see the film, but I couldn't do much... what was I going to do, write?

Hopefully, I was three months old, maybe not even three. At what age Matilda wrote her name with the food she threw away, I think she must have been over 5 months old by now. Doing something like that would scare the parents. I stopped thinking about those things and concentrated on my surroundings.

Chris rushed into the kitchen and started talking quietly to Emma. Hey, I want to hear the gossip too, come talk in here. Magically they came over to where I was. They took me in their arms and went to the room where they were sleeping.

- "What do you mean they found you?" - Emma said to Chris.

- "It's just a guess," - She replied hesitantly, - "I took out the papers, but it looked like someone was following me on my way here."

- "If you were being followed we should get out of here" - Wow, Emma got mad at you Chris, the first fight I've ever witnessed from my parents. - "Pack everything, we should leave as soon as possible. In the evening we should leave."

- "We should get tickets or call for them to come and get us" - My dad started calling on his mobile phone.

I would never get used to it being a brick, I wonder if my sister buried me with my mobile phone and my memory disk as I told her before I died.

- "Do it soon" - Emma, the overbearing woman, growing up I should remember not to piss her off.

My parents started tidying everything up, for some reason they seemed used to doing that, getting these people to work.

In an hour they had everything ready, but they were missing something very important... I was hungry and very hungry. At any moment I was going to start crying if they didn't give me the attention I needed.

To my good fortune, Emma saw me and took care of it. As Chris placed a suitcase in front of my beautiful self.

I could see that there were guns, I'm serious! I've been alive for almost three months and I didn't even notice they had guns. Now I wonder what they've gotten themselves into.

He put the suitcase on the table and passed a gun to Emma. Could they be murderers, who knows? I looked at the suitcase with the guns in it and tried to point it and look reproachfully at my parents. They looked at me and took a gun each.

- "This dear Eli," - My mother said to me, - "is for protection only, we are the good guys," - She winked at me, - "I swear."

- "Exactly, we won't let anything happen to you"

Aha, yes of course. That'll put my mind at ease. They are the "good guys" I tried to roll my eyes... but who knows how it came out because they started laughing.

- "Well my dear" - Emma looked at me - "Today you will have a mini introduction on how to prepare a weapon for battle" - Battle What a battle!

I looked at them intently, as Emma told me how to load a gun, how to pick it up, aim it and reload it. Chris was preparing another bag with all my things and I noticed that there was a small hole in it into which he put what appeared to be the flash drive from earlier. Father, you stole information from someone. I looked at him and he just put his hand on his lips as a sign not to tell anyone. I looked at him a little, by Merlin's beard, I can't speak clearly, I can't tell anyone.

I kept looking at Emma, I didn't know if they were on the "good" or the "bad" side, but learning to use a weapon would always help, wouldn't it? If the same thing happened to me as in my other life, I could just point it at the assailants and get it over with quickly.

After the lesson "how to teach your almost three-month-old daughter to use a gun", Emma took me and left a lot of breast milk in my bag, so much would be enough to feed me for a few hours. Chris came to Emma's side and hugged her from behind. A pretty cute and romantic scene, if there weren't guns on the table nearby.

- "They answered my ad" - They started talking.

- "What did they say?" - How straightforward Emma.

- "We're leaving tomorrow morning" - Excellent, I'll be able to sleep for a while.

- "It's too late, can't It before" - How hurried this mother is.

- "I tried... they can't before" - Who can't before, well they won't tell me.

There was a rather sharp knock on the door, it sounded like it was going to be thrown out. My parents turned pale and grabbed their guns.

I looked at them a bit strangely.

- "Looks like they found us earlier," - Chris smiled at her, what a bad time to smile.

- "Yes... It seems," - Emma smiled back, - "Eli, I promise nothing will happen to you."

Both of their eyes started to tear up, but they didn't last long. They gave each other a kiss, which seemed to be a goodbye. I feel like something bad is going to happen.

My father went to the door and told my mother to run, she could only whisper "Goodbye, I love you".

She went straight to the room where we were sleeping and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"Emma dear, if you're in trouble you should have tried to get out of here, not come into the room to hide and hug me..."

This reminds me of the Potters, Voldemort if you kill my parents, I promise I'll come for you. At least Chris was carrying a weapon, stupid James tried to take on the Death Eaters without even his wand, a rather suicidal act if truth be told.

Emma finished her hug, I tried to stroke her cheek, where her tears were falling but I could only put my hand on her face. She quickly kissed my hand and went to the wardrobe, leaving me in it. With my purse and a bottle in my hands, and a dummy.

I looked straight into her eyes and she started talking to me.

- "Eli, I'm sorry I can't spend more time with you... we tried, we tried to make the world better" - She paused - "But we couldn't, I know you're smart. You've proven it since you were born" - A tear ran down her face - "Don't cry, don't make any noise no matter what."

Shots rang out in the house. In any other part of the world that would have called the police, but here such sounds were common.

My mother left me settled in the wardrobe and closed it, walked to the bed, and made as if she was getting ready to flee.

The door was opened and someone spoke to her.

- "Where's what you stole?" - 'What a creepy voice,' I thought, - "We know it must be here somewhere, your husband won't be able to help you anymore," - The guy laughed, - "Maybe you can see him in hell."

Emma turned around but didn't manage to answer anything. A shot rang out and she fell to the ground. Her eyes flicked in my direction for a moment, but they didn't last long. With the last of her strength, she tried to grab a bag of papers on the bed.

- "You can never win," - Another shot entered her body.

The guy started to laugh and went to the bed to take the documents.

A few seconds went by, I was in shock... My parents were dead, and these guys were taking all the documents that were there. I didn't cry, I didn't do anything... I couldn't do anything, I was too small. I could only stay inside the wardrobe with a bag with my belongings and the milk that was there. Only with a dummy in my mouth and little tears on my face. I had just been orphaned.

A guy came into the room, and he spoke to him in another language. Slovakian he seemed to be, at that moment another guy came in with a bottle in his hand.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, no, no, no, no, no" My head started singing that song so often used in memes.

They seemed to be discussing whether there was a baby in the house or not.

- "It doesn't matter" - Said the guy who shot my mother - "If there is a baby or not, it doesn't matter, It will die anyway"

'But what a nice gentleman, I will invite him to my birthday, Stupid.'

- "Let's go," - Replied another, - "We have everything... We'll drop a missile tomorrow and no one will notice that they were killed"

'Oh but what a good plan.'

The guys left, and I was left there, alone, alone, alone. I thought for a few hours about what I could do... But whatever I thought would be of no use, I'm not old enough to accomplish anything on my own. I fell asleep thinking that this was going to be the end of me... Again.

I woke up because I was hungry, and because maybe... just maybe, I needed a nappy change. I figured it was already March 30th, a missile would fall and this was as far as my new life would go.

I tried to get as close as I could to a bottle, I grabbed it, or rather touched it because I didn't have the strength to pick it up. God, I don't even know how to crawl yet. At what age do you learn to crawl? 7 months? 10 months? I could learn in hours to try to get out of here... no, I don't think so.

I gave up and went back to sleep, the worst way for a baby to die. Hungry, alone, and with tears in my eyes.

I don't know how long I slept, but I hoped with all my being that if I lived again I wouldn't die so soon and that Emma and Chris wouldn't meet the same end as this one.

I woke up when something moved the whole floor, the missile, I guess? It was nice to see the world again, goodbye cruel world, and this time Cruel is not good.

The arrival of the missile caused a part of the floor to sink and I fell with some debris to the floor below, how come nothing happened to me, how come I didn't die when I fell? Big question, I guess I'll never know.

My bag came downstairs with me and I started crying from the shock, then something interesting happened. Two kids looked at me with a surprised look on their faces, they looked like they were 10 years old, they must have been the kids my parents were talking about when we arrived. I looked into their eyes, they looked familiar, I must have met them before. I'm not sure I hadn't.

With fright in their eyes, the girl approached me and took me, while the boy took the bag that belonged to me. I felt something strange when they looked at me... They looked so much like...

Another missile hit and the brothers hid under a table with me among them, I wanted to cry... I should cry, I hadn't eaten for so long. But no, I didn't want to cry.

I touched the boy's face, and with the other hand, I tried to make him look at where my milk was. Apparently, the child understood and took the bottle and tried to feed me, they moved very slowly. I guess in fear that the missile would be triggered, this scene seemed familiar to me. I watched the girl while the boy held my food so it wouldn't hit my face.

The girl had a tear in her eye, she had told her brother not to move.

I was looking in one direction and I noticed a television with an old program on it. I saw the missile, it clearly said "Stark Industries", then it hit me, how could I have been so stupid? I looked at the brothers, they were the Maximoff twins.

I looked at Pietro and Wanda, how could they be so cute, how had I not realized where I was, how did I forget that Sokovia was a fictional Marvel location? Please, how could you not notice that the folder with the bird on it was from Shield? How could you not notice that your parents were agents? Well, apparently they were on the right side.

Elizabeth, I thought you'd be smart in your new life for remembering the past, but no, your obsession with the MCU blinded you to reality. For you Sokovia existed, it wasn't made up and now you were here, among the twins.

Another thought crossed my mind, the missile was set to fall on the building, all to cover up the murder of my parents... Or my God, it seemed, in a way it had been my fault that Iryna and Oleg died and the twins were left with their hatred for Stark. Well, Shield's fault.

The hours passed, it must have been April 1st by now. According to the events I already knew, they would have to come to rescue the twins from the rubble and they would have to go on with their lives and then become Hydra volunteers.

If I am in this world... Will I be able to save Pietro from being a sieve? Will I be able to keep him alive? Will this change what has already happened? Will the story I know be different? Well... Pietro's worth it, isn't he?

We were rescued after a few hours, I couldn't stop looking at the twins 'Wanda, how are you so beautiful? Pietro will you marry me... Ah, I'm a baby, of course, he won't marry me.'

The twins, for some reason, wouldn't let go... I know, I'm irresistible.

As they were checking us to see if we were hurt I heard Wanda's voice with her beautiful accent.

- "Stark" - Well it seems that she already started her hatred - "She, is the daughter of the neighbors... Her parents died just like ours" - She took my little hand - "We will take revenge for you, little one"

'You will take revenge, you better be avengers, what do you think? No one will die.'

- "Poor girl" - Pietro spoke, 'What did you just say? Yours just in case...' - "How cute"

'Ah, that I understood it is Slovakian.'

Anyone wouldn't know, but my obsession with trying to figure out what language the twins were speaking led me to learn a few words in various languages, of course, I couldn't really speak them. I only learned the most common ones, father, mother, and love... Pick-up lines, swear words, and what everyone learns when studying a new language.

- "Yes, she's very pretty" - 'Wanda I love you, your accent is perfect' - "Hello" - 'Hello beautiful, will you marry me...?'

I couldn't do much more than laugh when she saw me. Maybe it's a good thing, she would have weirdly looked at me if she knew what I was thinking. It's a good thing you don't have powers yet, you'd be overwhelmed with what's going through my mind.

- "Can we keep her?" - I like it when they try to speak in English, because if I understand them and their accent kills me - "You have beautiful eyes, they are somewhere between blue or lead, with a touch of green"

'Ha, I can't even talk and I'm already in love with you Pietro... prepare the wedding, Wanda you are the godmother.'

- "We could say she's our little sister and leave her with us" - 'No, No, No... I'll stay in the brotherzone. '

I tried to touch the face of the twin that was holding me, but he put his hand and started to play with me, I couldn't think of anything better than trying to grab his finger with my hand and not let it go, he just started to laugh.

- "Looks like you found a girlfriend" - Wanda told him, 'Yes I accept,' I said mentally.

- "What are you talking about?" - What an upset kid... I guess that's normal for a ten-year-old, bah, you're crazy.

While I was playing with the Maximoff someone came to talk to them, they asked if I was from their family. They kept quiet, great. That's as far as we got, they must have made something up, I could have stayed and grown up with you.

- "No... no" - Answered Pietro - "I mean, she is... she is"

- "Our younger sister" - Wanda saving the situation from time immemorial.

- "I know you went through a lot, but she is clearly not from your family" - A lady told them. 'Lie uncovered.'

- "What?" - They replied, how is it possible for 10-year-olds to master two languages? At that age I was lucky to speak Spanish well, it was hard for me to learn the "double R" and I couldn't say it well until I was very old.

- "We will take her away" - 'Goodbye my two loves, I swear I will come back for you.'

The lady took me and separated me from the twins, I tried to continue taking the finger of the twin but it didn't work. They separated me from them and the last thing I tried to do was to say something to them, in my mind, it was a 'Wanda baby, Pietro love, I love you with all my being' what I heard was "buajsn, wasijei" pure nonsense babbling... at least I tried it.

I didn't take my eyes off the two of them until I was so far away that I couldn't even see them. The lady who was giving me a lift was carrying my bag, when did she take it? Who knows.

They separated me from the twins, found out I was English, and sent me back to my home country, to stay with close relatives. I guess my life took a different turn, at least I know what world I'm in... It won't be so boring this time.

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