
Chapter 4: And So The Walls Begin To Crumble Part 3

Loki's first month in the settlement was quite exhausting. He was in and out of meetings, traveling throughout the settlement to meet and greet various people of importance that lived there and establishing himself as Drotta to them all -hosting luncheons, dinners, brunches, and other get-togethers.

He was relieved that he and Thor's home was almost finished, as he was growing tired of living in such a small home. He was also beginning to feel quite sick lately and suspected that he was pregnant. Of course, he didn't want to tell Thor until he was sure, so a month and a half after marrying Thor, Loki went to a healer in the town, wanting to confirm his pregnancy with seidr.

The best healers were the ones that knew seidr, so Loki ended up having to travel across town to see this particular healer. Through his research, it seemed that there was a lack of healers in this large settlement, so Loki knew that this needed to change. If their settlement grew, their need for medical professionals would too, as a growing population with no doctors would quickly fall in on itself and crumble.

The healer he was heading to was an elderly elf, and Loki greeted him politely when he entered his clinic, thankful that he was able to be seen today. "Hello, healer. Thank you for seeing me on such a short notice."

"Nonsense, Drotta. If something ails you, it's my job to make sure you're okay." The healer gestured for Loki to follow him into an exam room and then closed the door behind them. "Now what seems to be the problem?"

"I-I think I'm pregnant. But I know nothing about the healing aspect of seidr, so I cannot confirm a pregnancy myself."

The healer hummed softly, gently patting Loki's shoulder. "Please lie back on the examination table, Drotta."

Loki did as he asked and relaxed, watching green energy pour out of the healer's hands. The healing aspect of seidr always amazed him, and he had the sudden realization that learning healing seidr would bolster his relations with the people of this settlement and also allow him to grow stronger. If he proved that he was even more valuable to these people, then that would solidify his place with them.

"I sense multiple life energies within you, Drotta. They're quite strong."

The healer's voice pulled Loki from his thoughts and he looked down at the small rise in his stomach, a wary hand coming to stroke it. "How many?"

"Two. Very strong life energies; these will be very healthy children."

Hearing that he was pregnant with twins worried Loki a bit, but he felt indifferent about being pregnant. Just like marriage, it was something that he knew would happen someday and didn't feel too overjoyed or attached to the thought. "That's relieving to hear."

"You will give birth the first week of spring, Drotta."

Loki didn't know that the healer could tell all of this using seidr and sat up, wanting to know more. "Healer? Would it be possible for you to take me on as an apprentice? I want to learn more about the healing aspect of seidr; our settlement needs more healers, and if I learn and teach others, that will only help our settlement."

The healer nodded slowly, a pleased smile on his face. "I would be delighted to teach you, Drotta. Stop by tomorrow morning at 6 am. We will begin, then. You're a niouvi, so I expect that you'll learn quickly."

Stepping down from the examination table, Loki nodded, feeling quite excited. One thing that made him happier than anything else was the pursuit of knowledge, and he found that he couldn't keep a smile off of his face as he rode home, nodding politely as he passed by various settlers in their town.

Thor was mostly gone throughout the day - being Drott over the largest guild in the realm was not an easy feat - so Loki decided that he would relax at home, feeling as if he deserved a day off.

Upon entering his home, he changed into a comfortable nightshirt and grabbed a blanket, cuddling up on the couch and beginning to flip through a book on pregnancy he'd bought at the market and was quite excited to learn more about it.

It was here that Thor found him when he came home, and he closed the door to their home gently, not wanting to jar Loki from his book. Instead, he walked over to the niouvi and sat down next to him, reaching over to kiss his cheek. "How was your day?"

It always amazed Loki to see and hear Thor say such intimate, caring things, and even after being married for almost two months, he still wasn't used to it. He was used to Thor's physical affection though, and he actually enjoyed the Aesir's touch. It calmed him and because he enjoyed it, he reminded himself once again that this wasn't him falling for Thor. He was just taking advantage of his current situation. "Quite well, I suppose."

Thor looked down to see what Loki was reading, noticing that there was a painting of a baby in utero on the page. "What are you reading?"

Loki knew that this news would excite Thor, so he reached out, pulling him in for a kiss. "I'm pregnant."

Thor inhaled sharply, his eyes snapping open. "What?!"

"I'm pregnant, and we're having twins. I went to the healer today and was told that our children were very healthy." Loki widened his eyes in shock when Thor teared up, and he panicked, reaching out. "Thor?! A-Are you upset? I-I thought this was something we agreed to do, I-I-"

Shaking his head quickly, Thor took Loki's hands, not wanting him to think this. "I'm not upset." He wiped at his eyes with a shaking hand then, a wistful smile on his face. "I'm just happy."

Loki's mouth gaped open at the confession. Thor was crying because he was happy? "... I don't understand your tears, husband."

Beginning to laugh, Thor pulled Loki closer, kissing him again and again. "I'm just really happy, Loki. I never thought I would have children of my own. I've always wanted to be a father."

The niouvi was still utterly perplexed and looked down at Thor's crotch. "... Were you previously impotent?"

"No," Murmured Thor, laughing softly. "But… the life that I've lived up until now was not a life that I enjoyed. Children were always something I wanted but believed I would never have, and to hear that you're carrying our children makes me happier than I've ever been." He brought Loki's hands to his lips and then kissed his knuckles. "Thank you, Loki."

Loki nodded slowly, still trying to understand Thor's emotion. "Of course…"

Thor just couldn't stop smiling and kissed Loki's knuckles again, wanting to know everything. "When are you due?"

"The first week of Spring," Answered Loki, shifting to step out of his blanket. "I believe I'm already showing." It amazed him to see the genuine wonder on Thor's face, and it admittedly put a small smile on his face as he stood up and smoothed his nightshirt over his abdomen, showing his small yet pronounced bump. "See?"

Thor's heart skipped a beat and he reached out a nervous hand, his large palm resting over the small swell of Loki's stomach. "Norns…" He pulled Loki closer with his other hand and held onto Loki's hip, kissing the small swell reverently. "Thank you."

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