

The sight of the terrifying nightmare weapon infused with chaos magic was enough to stir panic in the ranks of the Ice Mephits since they possessed sufficient intelligence to know how dangerous the scythe was in the right hands.

However, being pack hunters meant that Ice Mephits were used to attacking prey much tougher than them, despite the dangers involved. Instead of flying away, the Mephits approached the situation with caution.

The two younglings fell back while the larger adults came forward. Their leader spoke something in a strange incomprehensible language that sounded like a hoarse growling mixed with chittering noises.

Xander locked his eyes on the Ice Mephits closest to him and snapped his fingers to summon a card from his set.

"Play card: Destiny's Child."

Almost immediately, two of the Mephits swooped at him from above, shrieking like wild banshees. Xander waited until they were within reach and then swung his scythe with both hands.

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