
College problems.

I throw a hoodie on then start to think about something.



"Fuck." *Sigh*

"What's wrong?" Corrina asks.

"Haley called me, meaning my mom and dad, have no clue." I say grabbing my phone.

"You're gonna call them?" Corrina asks.

"I mean I wouldn't snitch normally but she is in college this is a little more serious than normal." I say as I hear the phone start to ring.

Meanwhile Claire's POV.

*loud telephone ringing sound.*

Phil and I both Jolt up still half asleep.

"Night! No! Middle of the Phone!" Phil says making no sense.

Phil pulls his arm out from under me and reaches for the phone but falls off the bed.

"Ahhh! My arms asleep! My Arms Asleep!" Phil says.

"Phil, get the phone" I say crawling toward his side of the bed and grabbing the phone.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Mom." I hear Logan talk and my heart start to speed up thinking something may have happened.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" I ask.

"Who is it?" Phil asks.

"Logan." I answer quickly.

"I'm guessing Haley didn't call you?" he asks.

"No?" I question.

I hear him sigh.

"She got arrested, she called me and asked me to come get her, I was going to then remembered she is in college so they may have some sort of repercussions." I here Logan say and my blood starts to boil.

I know they are really close but she called her brother Instead of her mother and father.

"Thank you Logan, where exactly is she?" I ask.

"What is happening?" Phil questions finally raising himself up from the ground.

"Haley got arrested," I say.

"What?" he asked shocked.

"She's at X jail," Logan says.

"Alright I'll see you there." I say as I hang up.

I call Mitchell as soon as I hang up.


Mitchell POV.


"Phone! Phone!" Cam jolts awake.

"I bet that's momma I was just dreaming about raining chickens. Mitchell Answer the phone!" Cam says slapping my leg multiple times.

"Look what I'm doing." I say answering the phone.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey Mitchell sorry to wake you up, bug Haley got arrested." I hear Claire say.

"Oh God Haley got arrested." I repeat.

"That explains the chickens," Cam says.

"It does, it adds up" I retort.

"What did she do?" I ask.

"We don't know she called Logan first then he called us." Claire says.

"Look can you drive to the college with us, I think we will need a lawyer?" Claire asks.

"Yes of course, and Cam and lily will head over to spend some time with luke and Alex.

"I'll guard them with my life." Cam says while getting up.


Claire POV.

"What is taking so long?" Phil asks the same question the hundredth time.

"In my experience these things can take time, so settle in this could take a while." Mitch says showing off.

"There she is." Phil says making me stand up quickly.

"Damn it." Mitch says.

I watch as Haley's face goes from a smile to a nervous look.

I'm guessing it's over the fact that we are here and Logan is not, he called us not to long ago and said they were close but in traffic.

'Though I am confused about why he said they. But that can wait.'

"Are you okay?" I ask while giving her a hug.

"I'm fine Mom," she responds.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I ask.

"What happened?" Phil asked after me.

"Look it's not a big deal, there was a party and people were drinking. So the police showed up and everybody ran so I did too. So I started climbing down this fire escape, then I heard a cop yell to put your hands up so I did and I fell... On top of him." Haley says trying to defend herself.

"You could have been killed, Haley your supposed to be an adult. How could you do something so childish?" I ask frustrated.

"And on top of that you call your brother instead of me." I say tearing up as my emotions start to hit me all at once.

"I'm your mother Haley no matter what you did I will still love you, so don't ever go behind my back like that again I get you to trust your brother, but I'm glad he had the brains to at least understand the gravity of this situation," I say As she rolls her eyes.

"Okay okay, we're all a little tired here, let's calm down the best thing we can do is get out of here and go get some waffles-." Phil was saying but I cut him off.

"I don't want waffles, Phil." I blurt out.

"I'm upset and I wanna deal with this," I say pointing at Haley.

"All right, I got some bad news here um this afternoon Haley has to appear in front of a disciplinary board to decide if she will get kicked out of school," Mitchell says making my heart race again.

"What?" Phil says.


Logan POV.

I park in a parking space in front of Haley's dorm, Mom and dad Bailed her out earlier but now there in her room.

I hear Corrina giggle so I look over and see her texting someone.

"What's so funny?" I ask, but she quickly turns her phone off and flips it over.

Corrina looks up and says.

"Oh are we here?" she says opening her door and getting out.


I get out of the car and flip my hood over my head, recently people have been noticing me, you see I'm not against the attention I just don't wanna bring attention to Haley.

I reach out and Corrina takes my hand.

We start walking toward Haley's dorm.


I thought I was lost but I heard Uncle Mitches voice.

"Oh. Oh. Oh No!" I hear him say as I turn into the room I completely understand why he said that.

"Who lives like this? When I had a dorm room it was Spotless." Mitch says while turning toward us when he saw me he cut himself off.

"Oh!" he says looking toward us, mom and dad look my way.

Mom looks at me then she looks at Corrina and I swear she went from being previously angry to having a huge smile.

"Well who is this?" she asks, I see Dad try to secretly give me a thumbs up.

"Mom, Dad, Mitch meet Corrina my girlfriend-" I wasn't able to finish because Haley walked in and Mom and dad were back to angry parent mode.

"What are you wearing?" Mom blurts out.

"What? What's wrong with it?" Haley asks, wearing clothes that someone would normally wear to a club.

"Honey, you are fighting for your future in front of a disciplinary committee. Not entertaining the secret service." Mom says but Haley is quick to retort.

"In " Legally Blonde." Elle won her case because she was true to herself and dressed cutely," Haley says.

"Haley. This is real life, not an excellent movie." Dad says.

"Honey, just put on something else and take down the make up," Mom says.

"Why are you guys acting like this is my fault, everybody was drinking, everybody ran. I just got caught. If anything I'm the victim here." Haley says.

"Oh boy," I say under my breath.

"What?! Just stop talking Haley, you're not the victim Here you're the one who screwed up. You made one bad decision after another and now you are about to blow everything, your mother and I worked so hard to give you and the worst thing is you don't seem to care, we all got up at 3a this morning to bail you out of jail! We haven't eaten a thing and you know what I haven't heard from you yet? "I'm sorry Mom. I screwed up dad Please forgive me. Now put on some real clothes, we'll see you at the hearing. Do not be late!" dad says.

"Come on." dad says while walking buy us.

"Where are you going?" Haley asks.

"To get that man a waffle."


We all went to eat and it was great but somthing was different I just couldn't place my finger on it we ended up going to Granpa Jays place after and having a big meal together though at was fun.

But little did I know that after that everything would change.


1 week later.

"Logan, your to good for her anyways." Natalie says.

"But that's what I don't understand is it something I did and why she would do that, why hurt me like that." I say laying back into the couch running my finger over my bruised knuckles. I came home yesterday and I saw Corrina with another guy I won't lie I froze, but after he left I followed him to the street and handled business.

*Knock Knock Knock*

I hear knocks at the door breaking me from my thoughts.

Nat walks to the door and answers it.

"Hello?" she says just from the way she sounded I could tell she was nervous. I stood up and started to walk toward the door.

"Hello ma'am is Logan Dunphy here?" I hear a man ask.

I walk toward the door and open it wider the moment I do I am tackled to the ground I saw men in police gear before I was.

"Logan Dunphy you are being arrested for r**e and Sexual assault."

And just like that everything changed.

To be continued.


Once we get to the main plot of the fic there won't be as many time skips.

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