
Gathering Crowd

On a road leading to Grava City Stadium, Feltzes, the number two of class two, and Shin, the number five of class two, are leading crowds of citizens toward Grava City Stadium.

"Come on, people, move faster. the longer we stay in this city the worse it could get for us!" Feltzes shouts in a commanding tone.

"Hey, Feltzes have you been sensing all the crazy stuff going around?" Shin asks in a nervous tone.

"Hell yeah, I can sense it! This many OGI surges in just a few hours have to be illegal somewhere!"

Feltzes looks forward and sees that they are getting closer to the stadium.

"Great! I'm glad we can finally get to a safe area. Ever since Hunter showed up, it's been nothing but nonstop action! Also, that surge of OGI just now was huge! I think it was over by Grava City Tower. Not only that, I also felt a different surge of OGI, which seems very similar to that Akira girl, which is impossible; she's not that strong. Then don't get me started on all the grunts that were all over the place hours ago; now they're all gone! What the hell is going on in this city?" Feltzes frantically thinks to himself.

In the middle of the city where Grava City Tower is, Nixion is currently floating above the tower with a serious expression on his face.

At the same time, on the top of a building near the tower, Ketsu and Butch have been watching the tower long before the arrival of Elias or Nixion.

"It seems your strategy of camping Nisugi worked out after all the dagger is now in this area. Maybe if we move quickly I can finally see my lovely—"

"Shut the hell up, Butch!" Ketsu exclaims as he creates five clones.

"I wasn't going to talk for that long," Butch says in a disappointed tone.

"Yeah, and to be honest, I don't care. I just got rid of the clones I spread around the city since we know the dagger is here now," Ketsu says in a serious tone.

"Right, I guess it is time to get serious."

All of Katsu's clones jump from the roof down to the ground and instantly spread out.

"The level dagger that was knocked out of that kid's hand is somewhere below the tower. We need to find it before anyone else, especially L.T.O., and get the hell out of this city. I feel like it's about to get even more hectic," Ketsu says in an ominous tone.

"Hmmm, I don't think it's about to get even more hectic because it seems it already has," Butch remarks as he looks at Grava City Tower.

At the top of Grava City, the hooded man, Nisugi, and Elias are getting stared down by Nixion.

"Wow, I'm so honored for you to grace us with your presence, Nixion. It's taken a lot to get up to this point, so running into such a benevolent world figure is nothing short of a reward," the hooded man remarks with a smirk.

"I've already learned your reason for being here from your subordinates, but what I want to know now is what is your end goal, L.T.O.? Is it really just to find level three? Answer quickly; I am low on patience," Nixion says in a stern tone.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to ask a question with such low substance. Nixion I guess old men like you are as dull as your age depicts," the hooded man states as he shrugs his shoulders.

"I don't have time for games, boy!" Nixioin says with a slightly agitated expression.

Nixion raises his right hand, which has an intense aura emanating from it.

"I'll give you three seconds," Nixion says with a serious tone.

Before Nixion even begins to count, Nisugi begins to pull her gun from her back.

"Don't even think about it, Nisugi. That little pew shooter you have on your waist won't even be acknowledged by someone like him," the hooded man remarks.

"But boss, this might be our only chance to kill him," Nisugi yells.


"We will not kill Nixion today. Take that boy and find the dagger below us. Don't worry yourself about anything else, Nisugi. I already have a plan in place that will be crucial, so just follow those orders for now," the hooded man says in a calm tone.

"Right bo—"


Nixon swipes his hand in the air, and suddenly the entire top half of the Grava City Tower explodes. Out of the smoke, the hooded man flies up, meeting Nixion in the sky.

"Was that a sign of dementia, Nixion? I counted only 2 seconds."

"Only a fool lets their enemy know when they plan to attack," Nixion says in a deep tone.

"What a sentiment to remember," the hooded man remarks.

At the same time, on the side of the now-destroyed Grava Tower, Nisugi, who has her suitcase in her left hand and Elias in her right, is currently falling to the ground.

"What the fuck just happened? It all happened so fast. I don't even know when this woman picked me up. I'm starting to think I'm way out of my league right now," Elias thinks to himself.

"Hey, Elias, right?"

"Yes, that's me," Elias responds.

"We're going to retrieve the level three dagger right away before anyone else gets their hand on it," Nisugi says in a commanding tone.

Nisugi lands on the ground and instantly drops Elias.

"Ouch, drop me any harder, and my bones might fall apart," Elias shouts.

"Stop your bellyaching; you're in the big leagues; now act like it," Nisugi states in a stern tone.

After hearing Nisugi's comment, Elias looks down to the ground in reflection.

"She's right, this is the battlefield where the vengeful destiny must show off the most! For Strout's sake, I will do my part here on this very battlefield in his place!" Elias thinks to himself as he stands up.

"Killer, you can be at ease; he's with us," Nisugi says as she looks around the area.

"Killer?" Elias questions.

Elias looks behind him and instantly flinches as he sees Killer standing behind him with a pistol pointed at the back of his head.

"Is that really feared legend, Killer? I didn't even notice his presence. This is some bullshit; if I had that type of power, Paul would be dead by now." Elias exclaims with a shocked expression.

"Yes, it is, and I'm glad he's here. We need your help in finding the dagger that was thrown down here. Make sure you look well. If we leave this city without that dagger, all of this would be a waste," Nisugi says with a serious tone.

Killer nods his head in agreement.


"Are we just going to skip the fact that he was going to totally splatter my brain all over the ground?" Elias asks himself.

"Hey, maybe I can be of help in finding this dagger."

The second the group hears the unknown voice behind them Killer and Nisugi instantly pointed their pistols to where they heard the voice. All three of them see nothing.

"Oops, sorry, I'm actually over here. I changed positions. I thought you people were a little too trigger-happy."

Killer and Nisugi once again pointed their guns to where they heard the voice, which happened to be behind Elias.

"Wait! Wait! I didn't say shit!" Elias yells as he waves his hands.

From behind Elias, Ego walks out with a smirk on his face.

"Damn, that's too bad I thought you would shoot him dead on accident well maybe next time," Ego whispers.

"I heard that little shit!" Elias shouts in an angered tone.

"Speak before I shoot you. I don't care if you're just a kid," Nisugi says with a cold tone.

"Chill out, Nisugi," Ego exclaims.

"You know my name?"

"The name's Ego; I'm on your side, remember?"

"Hmph, you're one of the special recruits hand-picked by the boss himself," Nisugi says as she puts up her gun.

Killer lets down his guard as well.

"Yep, that's me, Ego in the flesh!"

As the L.T.O. members converse, Mr.Mink is a few feet away, standing on top of a broken building.

"So this is where Ego went. I thought it was weird when he suddenly cut our battle short.

As Mr.Mink listens in as the L.T.O. Members gather, he looks up to the sky. When he looks up, he sees Nixion and the hooded man standing off.

"I'm guessing that hooded man is the leader; well, I hope he is. If there's someone stronger than him, we might be in more trouble than we think."

Mr.Mink looks back down to the Nisugi, Killer, Elias, and Ego.

"Elias switched sides? Well, he won't be a problem, but the other three are where it gets tricky." Mr.Mink thinks to himself.

At the same time, a few miles away, Kage, Seth, and Unknown are rushing down the road leading to Grava City Tower.

"I can't believe we lost both Killer and Elias along with the dagger," Unknown says in a disappointed tone.

"Yeah, and it's all Seth's dumbass fault for being so damn slow!" Kage yells aggressively.

"Oh, you better shut it! You're an upper-class fake for a reason! If anyone was running too slowly, it was you!" Seth shouts.

"Oh, that's what you think! If our last battle says anything, it says that I'm way faster than you!" Kage states.

"Oh yeah, let's find out right now you fake!" Seth screams as he gets into a fighting stance.

"Ok, bet we will find out!" Kage exclaims as he gets into a fighting stance.

"We don't have time for these guys! Level three dagger is still on the loose!" Unknown exclaims with a worried expression.

"Hmph, you got lucky you fake!"

"Yeah, alright, we'll see," Kage remarks.

The three boys continue running toward the tower at full speed.

"I thought they settled their differences after their battle during the tournament, but I guess some things never change. Well, at least they don't hate each other anymore. well at least I think," Unknown thinks to himself.

Unknown looks up after sensing something. When he looks up, he sees a beam of light with a person inside heading to Grava City.

"Hey, isn't that Jason?" Unknown asks.

Everyone looks up and sees Jason in the same Geogalatic form he took against Miguel.

"Hey, Jason, get your nice talking ass down here! I knew I sensed some weird energy!" Kage yells.

After hearing Kage from down below.

"Oh well, if it isn't Kage his bestie and Seth, I think," Jason says with a smirk.

Jason flies down and lands next to the group and begins running with them.

"Hey Jason, what are you doing here?" Unknown asks.

"I'm heading over to wherever that crazy amount of clashing OGI is coming from," Jason answers.

"Yeah, we're heading towards that too; we were following Killer," Seth states.

"The feared legend? Damn, what have we gotten ourselves into?" Jason says with a smile.

"We've gotten ourselves into a battle for a level three dagger," Kage yells with an excited tone.

"And there's even a level three dagger where we are going. What have I been missing?" Jason asks.

"A lot, bro! A lot," Unknown says in a tired tone.

After running a few miles, the group reaches Grava City Tower. The first thing they say when they arrive is Mr.Mink standing on top of a broken building.

"Mr.Mink!" Kage and Unknown exclaim in an excited tone.

Before anyone can speak any further, Mr.Mink immediately turns around and puts his index finger on his lips to get all of them quiet down.

When Mr.Mink sees Kage, Unknown, Seth, and Jason running towards him, he begins to think to himself.

"Now this is a much better situation we have here."

Chapter 187 end

Many forces are gathering and it is all for one thing. The level three dagger! Who's hand will grab it first?

THE_GOAT_HIMSELFcreators' thoughts
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