
The Malicious Hunter Part Thirteen

A few minutes before Hunter and Wayne came face to face, Wayne was limping his way to the battlefield.

"Lex, you're doing this for me! Please don't die for my sake; you're all I have left," Wayne yells to himself as memories of everything Hunter has done to him run through his head.

"You know fighting that madman alone in your state will only end poorly. You know that, right?"

Wayne looks to where he heard the voice come from and sees Aurora.

"Oh, it's just you, Aurora," Wayne says with an empty look in his eyes.

"Yeah, it is, but are you really planning to go fight that monster in your state? Where's your weapon?" Aurora asks as she deconstructs two boulders with her right hand.

"I lost my weapons fighting Hunter before; I have no idea where they're now."

As Wayne speaks, he continues walking.

"But I can't just sit here while my best friend! My brother! Fights for my ambition! I have to go out there and stand my ground!" Wayne exclaims as he continues limping forward, ignoring all his injuries.

"Well, what was your plan to fight a heartless, feared legend with just your hands? Don't forget the facts, Wayne, you're a level zero. A fight with someone that powerful will never end well for you," Aurora says as she begins to create something with her left hand.

"I don't care about the consequences; I just want to save my friend and make that bastard Hunter feel my rage!" Wayne mutters as the muscles in his arms bulge out.

"Well, from watching your fights, I've noticed that most of your weapons are handmade. Where did you learn to craft such sturdy anti-OGI weapons from?" Aurora asks with a curious expression.

"I learned from my teacher and friend George," Wayne answers.

"Well, he must be a good teacher, but let's see how good you do with the latest anti-OGI technology."

Suddenly Wayne hears a loud slam on the ground. Wayne turns around and sees a huge blade with rockets installed on the back. He also sees a metal jetpack in Aurora's hand.

"What is that?" Wayne questions.

"Your adaptability with weapons can't be overlooked, so I'm sure you'll be able to put these to use," Aurora remarks.

Wayne grabs the giant blade off the ground.

"Dang, this is heavy!" Wayne says as he swings the sword with one hand.

"Yeah, it is heavy—about 300 pounds of metal—and you're swinging it around like it's nothing. In that case, I'll give you this as well," Aurora says as her left hand glows.

After remembering this conversation with Aurora Wayne's mind drifts back to the battle at hand.

With Hunter floating above him, Wayne grips the giant sword in his left hand.

"This is the Excalbior Mark 1. It's supposed to be a two-handed weapon, but it looks like you can make it work with just one hand. This weapon is meant for fast and powerful swings. There is a tiny button on the handle for you to press; if you want to activate the rockets, make sure your thumb is on it at all times," Aurora repeats in Wayne's head.

Wayne looks over to the shotgun in his hand, which has a long muzzle.

"This is a variation of an anti-OGI shotgun. It has not only the longest range of all shotguns, but it is also very powerful. The power of each shot has a strong kickback, so make sure you have a sturdy grip on it at all times. Also, remember it only has eight shots and will take longer to reload," Aurora repeats in Wayne's head.

"Thank you, Aurora. I will use these weapons with my ambition fueling every attack!" Wayne shouts as metal wings expand out of the jetpack attached to his back.

"Lastly, this is a high-powered jetpack made for the purpose of keeping up with the speed of average OGI users, but you will probably have to push it to its limit to keep up with Hunter, so keep in mind that it will run out of gas quickly. Also, the jet pack will stabilize your messed-up back so you have an easier time fighting," Wayme hears Aurora say in his head.

"Hahaha! What is this? You got some new toys, and now you think you can fight me!" Hunter exclaims as he floats in the air with lightning.

Wayne looks at the lightning circulating Hunter's body and grits his teeth.

"How dare you sit there and use Pop's lightning for your own gain? When you killed him!" Wayne shouts angrily.

"Hmm? Listen to your own words: Brat the Beast King is dead! This is my lightning now; all that whining won't change that," Hunter says unemphatically.

The very second Wayne hears these words, something snaps within him.

With an infuriated look all over his face, Wayne boosts into the sky with the jetpack and clicks the button on the handle of the Excalibur Mark 1.

"I'll kill you!" Wayne screams as the rockets installed on his sword start up and blast the sword through Hunter's neck.

"Haha wow, you're way faster now!" Hunter says as his head goes flying off his shoulders.

The sword rockets cause Wayne to spin twice in the air, and then when he stops spinning, he points the shotgun at Hunter's chest.


Wayne sends one powerful shot through Hunter's heart while also receiving recoil from the kickback of the shotgun.

The very second Hunter's body hits the ground, Wayne instantly uses the jetpack to speed downward.


Wayne speeds down even faster toward Hunter's body.

"He won't die until his OGI tank goes empty! Wait, but will I even—no! That type of thinking is what got Pop's killed! It's what got Lex hurt!" Wayne thinks to himself as he slams his sword into the rest of Hunter's body.

"I'll just keep killing you! Again! Again! And again until I feel you take your last breath!" Wayne shouts with a crazed look in his eyes.

Hunter floats down from the sky and lands directly behind Wayne.

"Hahaha, did you forget that I can regenerate from any part of my body? I regenerated from my severed head dumba—"

The very second Wayne notices Hunter behind him, he uses his jetpack and launches himself at him.

"Hunter!" Wayne screams as he slams his sword through Hunter's stomach.

"Hahaha, you realize no matter how many times you land a fatal blow, I'll never die, right? I have the combined regeneration of the entire beast kingdom after all. You should adopt a new strategy," Hunter remarks.

"Shut the hell up!" Wayne shouts as he cuts Hunter in half by using the rockets of his sword to drive it upward.

Hunter quickly puts himself back together and, with a smile, kicks Wayne in the stomach, sending him flying back.

"Hahaha! It's taking all my power just to hold back enough to not kill you instantly, brat!" Hunter says as he grabs Wayne by the hair.

Hunter punches Wayne six times in the face, blooding him up.

"I'm glad you and the beast king aren't actually related, or I would have to keep getting disappointed," Hunter remarks with a menacing demeanor.

"Keep Pop's name out of your fucking mouth!" Wayne screams in an aggravated tone.

Wayne points the shotgun to Hunter's head and pulls the trigger. The shotgun blows half of Hunter's face off, and then Wayne instantly jumps back.

"I'm tired of hearing your voice!" Wayne shouts as he rushes forward with the jetpack.

"Aren't you tired of going through this over and over again?" Hunter asks as his head regenerates.

Hunter hardens both his arms and blocks a shotgun shot from Wayne.

"It's the same every time you land a fatal blow, and I just regenerate from it. When will you stop wasting both of our time? Your not worth hunting!" Hunter remarks in a cocky tone.

Wayne activates the rockets in his sword and swings it full force at Hunter's legs.

Hunter quickly flips over the attack and slams the back of his foot on the back of Wayne's foot.

"Ahhh!" Wayne screams as he feels his left foot crack.

Wayne stumbles to the ground while grabbing his foot in pain after dropping his sword.

"Shit, that hurts! It's not broken, is it?" Wayne asks himself.

"You see, it's just the same thing with you. Yours just a human; nothing you do will work," Hunter says as he raises his right hand in the sky.

Suddenly a lightning bolt comes down from the clouds and strikes Wayne's stomach.

"Argghh!" Wayne exclaims as his blood leaks from his stomach and his body twitches.

"You see, you're so normal. When are your more interesting friends going to arrive to save you? Holding back is so hard."

Hunter creates a lightning whip and smacks Wayne in the chest with it.

As Wayne is overcome with pain, he begins to think to himself.

"Ah! Everything hurts so bad! Are you saying even with this new technology I'm still no match for him?"

"No! You're just not fighting at your fullest," a voice in Wayne's head says.

Inside Wayne's head he sees Kirata, the one and only beast king, and also his father.

"Pop's? What are you doing here?" Wayne asks in a disheartened tone.

"I'm here to slap some sense into you like I always do you foolish child!" Kirata says in a stern tone.

"I don't know what to do, Pop's. Every time I fight this guy, he always has a counter for every strategy. Even when I fight with no plan and fight with a blind rage, I lose! You, Geroge, and even Lex! I have nothing!" Wayne says as he breathes heavily.

"I see. Wayne, I can't tell you how to beat such a monster when I couldn't beat him. Now what I can tell you is that you having nothing isn't true. You actually have everything you need; it's what you've used in every fight up until this point. All you need to do is continue adding fuel to your fire," Kirata says in a calm tone.

Wayne returns to reality with the words of Pop's running through his mind. Wayne grabs the Excalibur Mark 1 and begins to use it to stand back up.

"Thank you, Pop's; you're right, that's the only thing in my arsenal that will increase my power like an OGI user.

Wayne looks back over to Hunter, who is looking at him with an uninterested expression.

"Oh, I recognize that look in your eyes; it's the same look you gave me before I beat the dog shit out of you in the Moro zone before your so-called father saved you," Hunter says as he looks into Wayne's cold, dead eyes.

"Hunter, you said I'm just human, but you forget that you're human too," Wayne says as his body trembles.

"I put a lightning bolt through your damn stomach. If I'm just human, then you're a fucking insect," Hunter says in a malicious tone.

Wayne stands tall despite all his injuries and ignores his unnatural breathing.

"Hunter! You can have all the powers you want, but you will never have ambition! My ambition to see you six feet under!" Wayne shouts as he grips his weapons with an empty look in his eyes.

"Hahaha! When I saw that look in your eyes back at Kirata village, I thought maybe you weren't what you seemed! But now I see you're still nothing!" Hunter says with a huge smirk on his face.

"I don't give a damn what you think about my identity! All I care about is your demise!"

Chapter 185 end

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