
Shadows of Existence Part Two

In the western part of the city, where attack team four is, Seth and Damion are currently walking away with Derrick, who currently looks exactly like Amelia.

"So Amelia how did that guy escape from you, especially with those powers of yours?" Damion asks Derrick, who is pretending to be Amelia.

The second Derrick hears Damion's question, he gives him a quick side-eye.

"So this weird kid is still suspicious of me."

Derrick smiles and looks toward Damion and Seth.

"Well, you see, Damion. I think that guy has some strange power that allowed him to escape from me, which I apologize for dearly."

"Apologize dearly? Amelia has never said something that nice to me," Damion thinks to himself.

Damion then looks over to Seth and sees that his facial expression hasn't changed.

"Does he seriously not find any of her behavior suspicious at all?"

While Damion questions Seth's calmness in his head, Seth is also in deep thought.

"So if that guy escaped from Amelia, should we even go after him? No, we should, because what if he pops up again or, even worse, attacks someone else with whatever power he has?"

Seth looks over to Derrick and Damion.

"Come on, you two, we should hurry up and go look for that guy that escaped Amelia."

"Yes, you're right, as always, Seth! Let's go find that Werid creep!"

"Alright, let's go."

Back in the alleyway, Amelia is slowly disappearing, bit by bit, every second.

"Please, Seth! Please don't forget me again." She screams with tears falling from her eyes.

Amelia looks at her hands, and as they fade, she slams her fist on the ground.

"Please not again!"

Amelia starts to think back to nine years ago, when she was nothing but a child struggling to get by.

Before Amelia ended up in Grava City, she grew up in the mud zone with her two loving grandparents, since her parents reached a high status and decided having a child with them would hold them back.

Despite the selfishness of her parents, her grandparents still took care of her out of the goodness of their hearts.

Since the family was constantly in financial trouble, Amelia has had to work ever since she learned how to walk. She's worked at farms and construction sites, and her final job was as a dishwasher at a local broken-down diner.

On a normal night, Amelia was working at the broken-down diner, trying to make some quick money. With the day coming to an end, Amelia was washing up the last few dishes from the day.

"Damn it, why won't this stain come out?"

At this time, Amelia is seven, with short hair, dirty clothes, and black bruises all across her body. As Amelia washes the dishes, her boss, who is an overweight white middle-aged man, walks into the room and slams money onto the table.

"Thanks for your eighteen-hour shift. Most people wouldn't take a request like that one, but I always know I can count on you to get the job done! So I decided to pay you extra today."

Amelia looks at the money her boss put on the table. The amount of money on the table is 18 dollars and 77 cents.

"I thought you said you paid me extra." Amelia says with a dissatisfied expression.

"What are you talking about? The 77 cents is the extra; if you are ungrateful, I can gladly take it back and kick you out of here like the leech you are!" The boss says with a harsh look.

"No, boss, you're right. Sorry for speaking out of turn," Amelia says with a defeated expression.

"You stupid kids these days always act like you deserve more than you do! You should be ready to work 48 hours if I ask, especially since the only thing anyone can see in your future is selling your body for cash! Lock up when you're finished here!"

"Yes sir!"

About an hour later, Amelia started walking back to her home, which was approximately forty minutes away on foot.

"What the hell is that fat idiot talking about? This isn't enough at all; this won't even pay for a bottle of water out here!"

Amelia looks at the money in her hands with a face of sadness.

"Is my future really destined to be this bleak? I've been working nonstop for the past three weeks; I haven't gotten any type of sleep, and my shoes got stolen again! Those were my last ones as well, which means I'll have to go barefoot everywhere from now on."

Amelia crumbles the money in her hand with anger in her voice.

"Whatever this isn't anything I'm not used to, so I'll keep pushing until I can pull myself out of this shithole zo—!"

Suddenly, Amelia felt a metal object hit her head, and she fell to the ground.

"Hey, hello, are you alive down there?"

While Amelia was knocked out, she started hearing the voice of a boy.

"What is that noise, and why does my head feel like it's spinning?"

"Hey, little girl, are you still breathing?"

Amelia woke up, and the first thing she saw was a younger Seth wearing a small suit standing over her.

"What the hell happened?"

"Well, I was passing by and I saw you knocked out over here, so I was trying to wake you up, but judging from the big bump on your head, I can guess that something hit you really hard."

"Wait a minute, the sky is... No! I'm late for work!" Amelia screams in a panic.

"Wait, you're working at your young age?" Seth asks with a confused expression.

"Wait a minute, now it's all coming back to me! I got knocked out cold by someone behind me, which means!"

Amelia starts looking around her with sweat sliding down her face and tears building up in her eyes.

"No, the money I worked so hard for! It's gone!"

Amelia slams her fist on the ground.

"Why was I so careless?"

"Umm hey?"

"I don't have time for your nonsense right now, kid! Just go away already!"

"Well, now that I have your attention, are you really more worried about your job and money than the fact that you're naked in the middle of the street?"


Amelia looks down and sees that along with her money, all her clothes were also taken."


Amelia quickly covers her breasts and vagina with her arms.

"You knew this whole time and didn't tell me!"

"Well, I was trying to tell you, but you were too busy panicking over trivial things."

"Oh yeah, but those things aren't trivial thin—"

Seth takes off his vest and hands it to Amelia.

"Go ahead and take this; you will catch a cold if you walk around like that. I have a blanket in the car. I'll go ahead and bring that over for you."

"Wait, I can't possibly take those from you! They must have cost a lot of money!"

"No, rest assured that this is nothing. You look like you need it way more than me. Plus, I was just here on a business trip with my father, so after this, I will probably never use these things again." Seth says with a smile.

"Wait but!"

"Be right back!"

Seth runs off to the black limo on the other side of the street.

"Woah, that looks way too expensive to be from these parts," Amelia says with a shocked expression.

Seth returns a few minutes later with the blanket he promised.

"Here you go, make sure to wrap it around yourself well so no one will get a sneak peek like I did!"

"Oh alright."

"And one more thing, because I have to go quickly."

"Wait, please, no, what else could you possibly give me?"

Seth pulls out a bundle of cash and tosses it to Amelia.

"Wait money?"

"That should be enough to pay for some new clothes, I hope. see yea!"

Seth instantly runs back over to the limo, and the person in the driver seat drives off.

"Wait! Uhh, what was that about, and why was that boy so nice to me? I'm just some random stranger on the street."

Amelia unbundles the cash Seth gave her, and instantly her face goes into shock.

"That kid is crazy! All this for some clothes? One, two, three, four, five."

As Amelia stuttered while counting, she realized that the kid she just met wasn't any regular passerby.

"Ten million dollars!"

On this day, Amelia's whole life changed in an instant. She spent the money wisely by first getting out of the Mud Zone, and then, with the help of her grandparents, she made sure her family was set to have a peaceful, carefree life in Grava City for the rest of their lives.

Amelia's mind returns to her current situation, and she notices that she has almost completely disappeared. With Seth, Damion, and Derrick far away from her, Amelia starts slowly losing hope.

"You changed my life forever, Seth, and for that, I will always love you, but I just wish you would just remember who I was. At least remember the little helpless girl you saved," Amelia says with tears in her eyes.

The first words Seth said to Amelia when he saw her again on the first day at Grava Acadamy played in her mind.

"Wait, who are you? Are you a kid of one of my father's friends?"

When that thought runs through Amelia's mind, she slams her head on the ground.

"I will admit that when I heard you say those words to me, I honestly felt hurt. I thought our reunion would be passionate, but no, you forgot all about me, and I could never be mad at you. Especially when I could see in your eyes that you were going through something yourself."

Amelia's body starts to flicker like a broken light.

"You were dealing with so much pain yourself, but you never gave up, and you always stuck to what made you who you are!"

Amelia starts to think about the countless battles between Seth and Kage. As she thinks about those battles, she starts to cry so hard that not even another tear comes out of her eyes.

"You're such a good person, so please don't forget me!" She screams as her entire existence disappears all at once.

Somewhere else in the western part of the city, as the sun slowly sets, Seth, Damion, and Derrick, who is using Amelia's body, are all looking around for their enemy.

"Uh, oh, it looks like that annoying rat has finally vanished from this world," Derrick thinks with a smile.

"Hey, Amelia!"

"Oh yes, dear Seth, did you find something?"

When Derrick looks at Seth, he sees a serious expression.

"Wait, what is that face for?"

"You're not the real Amelia, are you?"

Chapter 148 end

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