
Let The Race To The Finals Begin

With the third day of the Grava Acadamy tournament over every student and teacher returned to the hotel. After everyone gets a good night's rest and fills their stomachs with breakfast, it is finally time for the fourth round of the tournament.

Once everyone has taken their places in the stands, Mr.Brown starts his announcements as usual.

"Welcome back, folks! Can you all believe this is the fourth day of the Grava Acadamy tournament? We have had some amazing battles up until now, so let's see if the fourth day can be just as exhilarating as the last three!"

On the screen, the popularity rankings for the fourth round are listed.

"Woah, look at that! Paul has been dethroned as the most popular contestant! The ranking goes 1.Kage 2.Paul 3. Chika 4. Selena! It seems that the epic battle yesterday between Seth and Kage really boosted Kage's ratings!"

Currently Unknown, Selena, Akira, Dexter, Liz, Aurora, and Kai are sitting together in the teacher stands. Kage arrives at the student's stand with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, that's right! Number one! where I belong!"

Kage sits next to Unknown, who has an annoyed expression on his face.

"You see that shit Unknown! I'm number one on the popularity vote! Making Paul second to me!"

"Is it that important for you to be number one on a popularity vote?"

"Yeah, of course! I'm going to win this tournament, so I might as well be number one in popularity!"

"Ok, dumbass. Well, I guess that battle with Seth didn't do that much damage to you."

"Nah, I was fighting for dear life after the battle! Doc healed me up, but I was tired as hell, and I had to stay overnight to rest, but that doesn't matter; today is a new day!"

"You pulled out everything in that fight yesterday. Are you sure you are fully ready for battle?"

"Dude, I'm fine! I got a full night's rest, so I'm ready to pull out all the stops today as well! I don't care if it's Selena Chika or Paul; I have to fight this round. I'm winning it all!"

After a few minutes, the shuffleboard starts to shuffle the last four students left in the tournament.

"The first match of today will be Chika vs. Kage! Kage is coming in hot off of that win from yesterday; let's see if he can keep the momentum going! There's a lot of pressure on Chika, who has been carrying her class through three rounds now! If she beats Kage, she will cement herself in the finals! Stay tuned to see this interesting match!"

When Kage hears who he's fighting in the first match, he smiles.

"Wait, Chika has wind manipulation, right?"

At the same time, Selena says, "So I'm going to have to fight Paul then," with a smile on her face.

Kage walks to the waiting room. At the same time, Chika and Feltzes are in the waiting room on the other side of the field.

"OK Chika You've been doing great, but you saw the match yesterday. Kage isn't someone to be underestimated."

"Do we have to go over a game plan every match? I'm pretty sure I got this." Chika says while messing with her hair.

"Yes, we do! We want to win that dagger and bring it back home."

"I know! I know!"

"Good, then let's continue. After studying all of Kage's fights so far, he is a fighter who mostly relies on his powers. He has his main energy manipulation, but in his last two fights, he used heat energy and chemical energy. The chemical energy could be trouble if used correctly, but with how he didn't use it in the battle against Seth, we can guess that he doesn't have it fully mastered but still keep it in mind. Now watch out for his drain abi—"

"Ok, that's enough. I think I got it now!"

"Wait but!"

Chika points at Feltzes chest, causing him to look down. When he looks down, Chika quickly lifts her finger and smacks Feltzes in the nose.

"Haha, got you!"

Chika gets up while giggling.

"Hey, Chika, do you know how childish that is? At least act your age!"

"From the right corner, we have Chika!"

After Chika hears her name called by Mr.Brown, she starts walking away.

"Wait Chika!"

Chika turns her head to listen to what Feltzes has to say.

"Go out there and be precise with your victory."

"Hehe, of course!"

Chika walks out of the waiting room. When Chika arrives at the field, she sees Mr.Zane and walks toward him.

At the same time as this, Mr.Mink and Mrs.Iris have a heated conversation.

"So you ready to see your student lose, Mr.Mink?"

"I should be asking you that because once this battle is over, class one will be guaranteed victory."

"Oh yeah, you want to bet money on it!"

"Hmm, I bet six thousand that Kage mops the floor with Chika."

"Nah, don't be modest; bet 10k on it!"

"Hmm, fine by me since he will win!"

"Now, from the left corner, we have Kage!"

The second Kage walks out, the crowd starts chanting his name with excitement on their faces.

"Kage! Kage! Kage!"

"Yeah! So this is how it feels to get the Paul treatment."

Kage also stands in front of Chika.

"So your Chika! No hard feelings, but I gotta beat you and get to the finals."

"Hehe, you're pretty funny, but Feltzes will get mad if I take too long!"


The second the match starts, Chika starts to surround herself with wind. Kage stands his ground with a strong fighting stance.

"I saw your battle yesterday with Seth, but too bad after such a hard battle, you have to face me next."

"What are you talking about? I saw your battle with Blaze; you ain't that tough!"

"Hmm, you're even funnier than I thought."

The wind surrounding Chika starts to circulate around her at great speed. The wind starts to make Chika levitate.

"This should be a fun game!"

Without Kage even noticing, Chika passes by him, and with her now behind him, Kage gets sliced by the gust of wind Chika caused by moving. The wind slices Kage all over his torso, legs and leaves a huge cut on his face.

"Ahh fuck!"

With blood getting in his eyes, Kage crouches, but Chika moves behind him and creates a mini tornado in her hand.

"This is way more fun than the fight with Blaze! His sound attacks affected the entire area, so it was hard for me to avoid getting hit, but with you, I can move around freely."

Chika throws the tornado at Kage, and he instantly gets stuck in the middle of it.


Within the mini-tornado, Kage is getting sliced all across his body.

"Ahh! Fuck! I can't even think before she hits me with another wind attack!"

Outside the tornado, Chika is using wind manipulation to make the tornado spin all across the battlefield.

"Ring around the rosy! Wait how dies rest if the song go? Oh well Hehe!"

Kage releases a burst of energy to force himself out of the tornado, but Chika uses her wind manipulation to quickly move in front of Kage and push Kage into multiple slices of wind, messing up Kage's back.

"Damn it!"

Kage rolls away from Chika and starts blasting multiple beams of energy at Chika.


As the blasts of energy come at her, Chika uses the wind surrounding her to speedily avoid all of them.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

Chika gets in front of Kage and then flies up, causing Kage to fall to the ground.

"Hehe! So much fun!"

"Is she really just playing around with me?"

Kage uses energy jet to fly up to Chika.

"Oh, now you want an air battle! You are fun Kage!"

Chika boosts herself higher into the sky and throws two balls of air at Kage, who's below her.

Kage gets hit by both balls of air, causing him to be thrown off course, but he quickly gets back on his path.

"Shit, I need to get better with sense technique! I can't see the wind attacks coming, but my sense technique isn't strong enough to sense them coming before it's too late! Wait, no, I just have to focus!"

Kage closes his eyes while, at the same time, placing two tiny balls of energy on both sides of his stomach. Kage starts to remember his battle with the Draco in the Snachro zone.

"Just focus it all on your ears."

Chika sends down multiple slices of wind toward Kage.


Kage starts avoiding all the wind attacks coming at him by constantly making hard, sharp turns whenever he sends the wind slice coming.

"Woah, I didn't see that coming!"

Kage uses energy jet to get to Chika and pass by her.

"I have the high ground now!"

With him above Chika Kage starts spinning while still using energy jet. He then flips upside down while still using energy jet and spinning.

"Energy meteor shower!"

Kage starts to rain down massive beams of energy. Chika, who's below him, looks at the huge beams of energy coming at her.

"Wow, that really does look like a meteor shower!"

Chika's eyes start to sparkle brightly.

"So pretty!"

Chika uses her wind manipulation to flow through the sky gracefully and dodge every massive beam of energy.


She then flies above Kage.

"I want to try the spinning thing too!"

Chika starts spinning in mid-air, which causes a twister.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

The twister catches Kage, causing him to be trapped in the middle of it.


"I've got to mo—"

From the top of the twister, Chika comes down and surrounds her fist in wind, cirrculating so fast that it's as sharp as a blade.


Chika punches Kage in the stomach and sends him spiraling back to the field. He hits the ground so hard that his body implants into it. With the massive amounts of damage, Kage has been taking all battle he passes out.

"That's it, folks! Chika is the winner of the first match! Which means she moves on to the finals!"

After hearing Mr.Brown's announcement, Mrs.Iris looks over to Mr.Mink with a smile on her face.

"Cough it up, Mr.Mink!"

"Wait, let's double it and bet on the finals! Wouldn't that be more exciting?"

"Hmm, maybe you're right."

Tota and Arcta, who have been sitting behind the two teachers the whole time, look at them awkwardly.

"Are we sure this is ethical?"


After Kage's loss, he was carried to the resting area, and everyone started preparing for the next battle between Paul and Selena.

On an unknown island in the Snachro zone, Ketsu and Butch are both sitting on rocks.

"Butch! Where the hell is Mary?"

"Would you be patient, Ketsu? Mary likes to take her time to make herself look pretty. Which should be appreciated. She doesn't look as good as my girl, of course. Oh, I love her so much; I wish me and her could be together right now!"

"For fuck's sake, why me!" Ketsu yells.

"Are you two ready?"

Both Ketsu and Butch look to the right and see Exploiter standing with a huge bag in her hands. Ketsu and Butch stand up to stand in front of Exploiter.

"Did you call Mary Butch?"

"Yes, mam, but it seems she's running a bit late."

"That's fine; she's rolling with me anyway."

"You said we have some needed backup coming, right, Exploiter? So where are they?"

Exploiter looks at her watch and sees that the time is 4:59.

"They should be here around right now."

When the clock hits five, a red portal appears in front of the three of them. From the red portal, they start to hear voices.

"Why the hell are we doing this again? It seems like a lot of work for scraps!"

"So sad. Brother Satch explained that we are getting a high reward for this mission. Only if Brother Frax would care enough to listen. So sad."

"Shut the fuck up, Ruth, who asked you!"

"So sad. You just asked a question."

"Wait th—!"

"Would both of you shut up back there? It's not every day we get asked to do a task by a feared legend for billions of dollars. Let's just get in here and do our job and get out!"

"Yeah, you're right, sorry, bro!"

"My apologies, brother Satch!"

As the three of them walk out of the portal, Ketsu says, "Are these really the guys we need?"

Exploiter smiles at hearing Ketsu's question.

"Yes, of course, you know I don't make dumb decisions. For this mission, we will need the aid of the Snachro brothers."

Chapter 132 end

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