
Chapter 142 Visiting team locker room

Chapter 142 Visiting team locker room

It is the first time for Degan and his teammates to play at the Emirates Stadium. Compared with Arsenal's previous home stadium, Highbury, this place is obviously much bigger, and various infrastructures are also more complete. Although Highbury It is one of the most famous stadiums in the world, but Arsenal still realize that to compete with those elite clubs in Europe, they still need a bigger and better stadium.

It was their head coach Wenger who first proposed to build a new stadium: "I don't quite remember when I put forward the proposal to build a stadium to the board of directors. It may be after we won the "Double Crown" in 1998, although I I am actively involved in this matter, but I am not a director, so I am only involved as a consultant. I am only the head coach of the team. I have the responsibility to contribute to the growth of the club, and it is very important for the club to have a long-term plan. "

Due to a lack of funds for a time, the club announced that the construction of the new stadium was postponed from 2005 to 2006, which caused a lot of speculation from the outside world, and there were even rumors that the team would use Highbury Stadium to share a stadium with Tottenham Hotspur.

Wenger refuted this claim, saying: "We will consider different proposals, but from the beginning to the end, we are focused on the new construction plan."

For the new stadium, Arsenal and Emirates signed a sponsorship contract worth 100 million pounds. The new stadium will be named the Emirates Stadium after the 2006 season. The contract period for naming rights is 15 years. , Emirates replaced o2 as Arsenal's main jersey sponsor for a period of 8 years.

The huge impact of the Emirates Stadium is obvious. Arsenal's matchday income is now almost £1 million more per game than before, and this does not include other commercial income.

In the early morning of July 23, 2006, Arsenal held a friendly match with Ajax. This was Arsenal's first match at the Emirates Stadium and it was also a farewell match for Dutch veteran Bergkamp.

The Emirates Stadium is undoubtedly one of the most luxurious stadiums in the Premier League. Both the fans and the home team, Arsenal, can enjoy top treatment in this stadium. However, those teams that are visiting here are not so lucky.

The visiting team here not only needs to fight against the Gunners on the football field, but also fights against some objective factors off the field. Just like the wonderful scenery on the court, there is also a very unique behind-the-scenes story in the dressing room of Arsenal's Emirates Stadium.

Arsene Wenger, Arsenal's head coach, paid great attention to details, and the construction and construction of the Emirates Stadium were carried out under his attention and supervision. In order to create a more comfortable working environment, Wenger's humanistic care for his disciples is reflected in every corner of the Emirates Stadium. Turf, lights, sideline cushions and home team dressing room.

In the home team dressing room at the Emirates Stadium, all the modern living facilities are available, the room is very bright and very airy.

The home team's dressing room is staggeringly large and clearly influenced by Wenger's Feng Shui philosophy, which he brought back from Japan. For the sake of auspiciousness, the room was designed in the shape of a horseshoe, without a single corner or sharp edge. The ceiling is built according to the principle of acoustics, so that Wenger no longer has to shout at the top of his voice, just say something casually for everyone to hear.

All players are placed in a certain order, goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, forward, and then substitute players, arranged in a clockwise direction, but this is not Wenger's originality, it is Arsenal's own tradition.

This means that when Wenger gave a lecture during the game, all the players saw the front of the professor, not the back. Whether it was Gallas or Cesc Fabregas, or those substitutes, they could It is very important to see Wenger's facial expressions and emotional reactions very intuitively, which is very important for players and coaches.

The details in the locker room of the home team are not limited to this. The walls here are uniformly white, a color without pollution, which can make people quieter. To maintain body temperature and blood circulation in the legs for 15 minutes, the players' jerseys hang in their compartments, which have a lamp and are made of brown pine wood.

Under the players' seats, the staff responsible for the players' game equipment will put their boots neatly. In addition, there is a single room in the home team's locker room, which is used by the physical therapist to treat the injured. In the middle, there is also a dining table, where a lot of fruits, water and high-energy drinks are placed. Players can replenish energy in time through these foods and water. The temperature in the locker room will be adjusted according to the outdoor temperature every match day. When Arsenal players come in at halftime, they will not immediately enter a relatively cold environment.

Since Professor Wenger puts great emphasis on details, the visiting team's locker room will definitely be the object of his "care". Compared with the home team's locker room, the visiting team's locker room is a different situation.

There is also a dining table in the middle of the visiting team locker room, but the height of the table is very particular. When the visiting team players and the coach sit together, this table will block the sight of each other, and when the food and drinks are placed on it The coach's head is out of the player's field of view when facing the ball.

The visiting team's seats cannot be heated, and the temperature of the locker room will not be controlled. The floor tiles are also more slippery than the home team's locker room, and the storage compartments under the visiting team's seats are locked. To place things, they have to bend down or squat down.

From this point of view, in order to ensure the advantage of the home team before the game, Wenger really worked hard in many details. But then again, in any stadium in the Premier League, which team's away dressing room can be compared with the home team?

And the embodiment of these details is originally part of the British football culture.

This once again proves that Wenger is a head coach who is everywhere for the club, and he is not even opposed to some traditional tricks, using the stadium facilities to deal with visitors.

In the dressing room of the visiting team, the Fiorentina players were making their final preparations before the start of the battle. It seemed that everyone was very relaxed. Pacini and Montolivo were still chatting.

"I think we should make a suggestion to the club. Compared with this place, the dressing room at the Flackey Stadium is simply terrible!" Pacini has always been a guy who likes to complain, there is no way, this is his character.

Of course, this is no wonder to him. Compared with the Emirates Stadium, the infrastructure of Frachi Stadium is indeed a few streets worse, but there is no way to do it. In Italy, clubs cannot own the stadium, and the ownership of the stadium belongs to local council. Della Valle naturally would not spend his own money to increase the fixed assets of the Florence Municipal Council.

Montolivo ignored Paccini's complaints, looked at the dressing room environment, and just said: "It seems that Stamford Bridge is not as good as here!"

"Compared with this place, the dressing room at the Flacchi Stadium is simply hell!" Pacini's tone was a little jealous.

It made the other teammates laugh.

"If you go to see their home team locker room, it's hell!" Degan pushed the door open and walked in. "Okay! Guys! I'm back! Do you know where I was just now?"

Everyone looked at him.

Degan laughed and said: "I have to say that this place is really too big, so I was very unlucky and went to the wrong dressing room, which made me discover a very interesting phenomenon. Mr. Wenger seems to want to win, really what? I don't even care about it!"

Degan had heard about the locker room of the visiting team at the Emirates Stadium in his previous life, and today because of an "accident", he just confirmed it by the way.

After Digan introduced what he saw to everyone, Pacini couldn't help but screamed: "God! Is Arsenal planning to build their dressing room into a five-star hotel?"

Digan walked over, patted Paccini on the shoulder, and told him to sit down: "I don't know how they plan, what I want to tell you is that if you want to take a bath, you'd better be careful on the ground, I can't I don't want anyone to have an accident before the game because of hygiene!"

Hearing what Degan said, the teammates noticed that the floor tiles in the visiting team's locker room at the Emirates Stadium were indeed so slippery that they could skate on ice.

"This is how Londoners treat guests!?" Cavinaghi said.

Digan shrugged his shoulders noncommittally: "Fernando! Unfortunately, I can't answer you, but just like what I saw just now, Arsenal is making trouble for us from various aspects, so what do you think we should do instead? ?"

Paccini shouted: "Get rid of them and let Arsenal know that any tricks are of no use to us!"

Degan smiled and said: "Very good! That's exactly what I want to say. They are trying their best to set up obstacles for us. What we have to do now is to tell them that the only way to beat Fiorentina is on the field. Skills, off the court, we have nothing to fear!"

"Even on the court, we don't care about their bastards who only play tricks!"

The players were all angry because of this obvious differential treatment, and they started yelling.

Seeing that the heat was almost ready, Digan took the initiative to step aside.

Prandelli saw Degan's performance just now, saw Degan walking beside him, and asked with a smile, "Did you really go wrong!?"

Deegan smiled and said, "Of course, coach! You know, my luck outside the court has never been very good!"

Prandelli smiled: "May your bad luck off the court not be brought on the court!"

Degan looked at the excited teammates: "Of course! On the court, the goddess of luck has always been very kind to me."

"It's really wrong!" Prandelli felt that Deagan must be playing some kind of conspiracy, and he was a very curious person.

Digan looked helplessly at the gossip coach: "Coach! That doesn't seem to be important now!"

When it was time to play, players from the two teams stood in two rows at the exit of the player tunnel.

"Welcome to the Emirates Stadium!"

Degan turned his head and glanced at Fabregas: "Thank you! We have already felt your enthusiasm in the locker room just now!"

Fabregas gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly, "We should have treated you as a spy just now and beat you up!"

Degan didn't take this small threat from Fabregas at all: "Really? But if that's the case, I think your losses will be even greater!"

As Deegan spoke, he looked back at the other Arsenal players, his eyes were full of provocation, all of them were stupid, black and thick, not enough for the young master to punch.

"You don't want to leave here smiling today!" Cesc Fabregas didn't know what happened. From just now, he felt that the blood in his whole body was about to burn. This was the first time he felt it, and he couldn't help He still wanted to challenge Digan.

This is the first time Cesc Fabregas appeared in front of Arsenal fans as the captain on the field. If he wants to do well, he must do well. The condition for doing well is to kill Fiorentina and lead Arsenal to the Champions League final.

But in terms of verbal disputes, how is Fabregas, a young bud, an opponent of Degan: "Of course, we will shed tears of excitement, and at the same time leave here with nostalgia for this super stadium! Alright! Little genius from Spain, I don't want to argue with you anymore, if you are really as good as you say, come to the court and beat me, otherwise, just shut up obediently, go back to your mother's arms and cry!"

Cesc Fabregas was stunned by Degan's sudden reprimand, and was about to fight back, but saw the referee turned his head and was staring at the two of them.

"Be quiet! If you don't want this game to become ten vs. ten, all shut up now!"

Digan has already had a good time, so he naturally has no objection: "Of course, I am happy to help you!"

Cesc Fabregas hadn't had a good time yet, and now he was feeling a bit suffocated. Gallas, who was standing behind him, persuaded him, "Don't pay attention to him, that guy only has one mouth!"

Although Gallas was dissatisfied with being deprived of his captaincy, it was not Cesc Fabregas' fault.

Digan gave a strange laugh: "I can't compare to you, your stinky mouth has lost the captain's armband!"

When Galla heard this, he was so angry that his hair almost grew out. He was about to speak when he heard the referee yell out: "One last warning, shut up!"

After hearing this, Digan immediately spread his hands, proving his innocence.

Fabregas hated his teeth itching: "I will beat you on the court!"

Digan smiled: "Wait and see!"

The referee is really going crazy right now, but at this moment, it's time for them to enter the field.

Walking out of the player tunnel, feeling the cheers from the surrounding Arsenal fans for the home team, and of course the curses given to him, Degan actually laughed, looked around, and whispered: "It's really good!"

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